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David Daniel haveanicedavid

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I’m not sure this is the answer you’re looking for, my ‘area of expertise’ is completely unrelated to my current profession.
In college, I studied Psychology because I’ve always had an interest in the ‘Hard-Problem of Consciousness’, as David Chalmers puts it. How and why are ‘we’ conscious, and what are ‘we’ really?
While modern Psychology has come a long way in understanding, diagnosing, and treating different aspects of the human personality, it doesn’t that fundamental concept of *causality*.
For that I began to study different religions and schools of philosophy, eventually getting hooked on some of the concepts associated with eastern thought.
The core practice for cultivating greater self-awareness in most world religions is that of meditation. Now, the word ‘meditation’ is a bit like the word ‘sports’, with more versions and variations than I can write about within the 500 word limit, but here in the West the most well-known and practiced flavor is what’s known as ‘mindfulness’.
haveanicedavid / lightning_talk
Created April 14, 2015 21:30
David D What I learned as a Recruiter
What I Learned From Staffing
* Overview of what the Staffing Industry is
-- Multi-billion $$ industry
-- Why it exists
-- Contract vs Direct Placent
* "Good" vs "bad" companies
-- Quotas
-- 'Passive' recruiting
class WFString
REFLECTION = { "{" => "}", "(" => ")", "[" => "]"}
def self.check(string)
first_in = []
surround_string = string.gsub(/[^\[\]\{\}\(\)]/, "")
return false if surround_string.length % 2 != 0
surround_string.chars.each do |symbol|
if REFLECTION[symbol]
first_in << symbol
haveanicedavid / june_lightning_talk
Created June 23, 2015 21:17
The Editor War, and Why It's Silly
# The Editor War
## Overview of common editors
- Basic: Sublime, Atom, Textmate
- The Modal Editor
## History of the Editor War
- Emacs vs Vi
- Strengths v Weaknesses
- Why modal is great
- Manipulating text vs writing
- 'Emacs Pinky"
haveanicedavid / student session
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Student Session
* Dave Daniel - Getting Plugged in: Shortcuts for productivity
1. Go over possibilities, then workshop style
** Overview:
PREFACE: Use whatever works for you
1. Choose a Topic:
** Editor Plugins
- My favorites
- How to set them up
- How to search for your own
// Pane Navigation
// command + jkhl moves cursor in insert mode
{ "keys": ["ctrl+h"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "characters", "forward": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+l"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "characters", "forward": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+b"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+w"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+j"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+k"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": false} },
"auto_complete": true,
"auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true,
"auto_complete_selector": "source, text",
"auto_complete_with_fields": true,
"bold_folder_labels": false,
"caret_extra_bottom": 0,
"caret_extra_top": 0,
"caret_extra_width": 0,
"caret_style": "phase",
* Push an event to a specific variant
* params:
* variantId - the id of the variant to which we are adding a product event
* eventDoc - An object containing the information for the event
createProductEvent: function(variantId, eventDoc) {
var Products, product;
check(variantId, String);