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Last active February 12, 2018 13:22
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Et forsøk på litt fargehysteri
// ==UserScript==
// @name Fixrbkweb
// @version 1.0
// @description Legg til ukedager i sin kampoversikt
// @author Sinna mann
// @match*.php
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Your code here...
var weekdays= ["Søn", "Man", "Tir", "Ons", "Tor", "Fre", "Lør"];
// Endre for å matche dine preferanser her
const colorResults = true,
colorNextMatch = true,
nextMatchColor = 'lightgreen',
winColor = '#AAFFAA',
drawColor = '#FFFFAA',
lossColor = '#FFAAAA';
// Sannsynligvis ikke behov for å tukle med noe under denne linja
// Tegn vi vil bytte ut for å slippe å introdusere kjipe linjeskift
var replacements = {
' ': ' ',
'-': '‑'
var year = document.URL.match(/rbkweb\.no\/kamper(\d\d\d\d)\.php/)[1];
var now = new Date();
var foundNext = false;
$("center > table > tbody > tr").has("td.kamp").each(function() {
var match = $(this).children("td:first-child").html().match(/(\d*)\/(\d*)/);
var myDateString = year + "-" + match[2] + "-" + match[1];
var date = new Date(myDateString);
var myday = date.getDay();
$(this).children("td:first-child").html(weekdays[myday] +" "+match[1]+"/"+match[2]);
var timeString = $(this).children("td").eq(3).text().match(/(\d\d):(\d\d)/);
if(colorNextMatch && timeString) {
var kampStart = new Date(myDateString + " " + timeString[1]+":"+timeString[2]);
var kampSlutt = new Date(kampStart);
kampSlutt.setMinutes(kampStart.getMinutes() + 105);
if(!foundNext && kampSlutt >= now) {
foundNext = true;
$(this).children("td").css('background-color', nextMatchColor);
} else if(colorResults) {
// Fargelegg resultater
var resultColor = "grey";
var homeMatch = $(this).children("td").eq(1).text().startsWith("Rosenborg");
var goals = $(this).children("td").eq(3).text().match(/(\d+)-(\d*)/);
if(goals) {
resultColor = drawColor;
if(goals[1]>goals[2]) {
resultColor = homeMatch ? winColor : lossColor;
if(goals[1]<goals[2]) {
resultColor = homeMatch ? lossColor : winColor;
$(this).children("td").eq(3).css('background-color', resultColor);
// Fiks så ingen tabell-celler går over mer enn én linje.
var element = $(this);
if(element.children("a").length > 0)
element = element.children("a");
var content = element.html();
for(var rep in replacements) {
content = content.replace(new RegExp(rep, "g"), replacements[rep]);
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larsjaas commented Feb 9, 2018

Avoid breaks in the match column like this:

var myday = date.getDay();
docs[i].innerHTML = weekdays[myday] +" "+ mynode;
$(docs[i]).siblings().eq(0).html($(docs[i]).siblings().eq(0).html().replace(/ /g, " "));
$(docs[i]).siblings().eq(0).html($(docs[i]).siblings().eq(0).html().replace(/-/g, "‑"));

The last dash is "&# 8209;" without the space.

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Did your replacing lines on eq(1) as well (the Kamptype column) and finally all table rows seem to be content with only being one single line... at least on my machine, in Chrome etc. :)

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...and did it to the TV column as well, had some issues on the 2017 page at least.

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Ok, there is something going wrong here, seeing how we're replacing with html() more stuff than intended is getting overwritten. Destroying links in the TV column. Will have another look once the weekend brain kicks in.

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jQueryfied quite a bit more, now doing updates for all table cells in a loop, and using object properties to define the replacement characters. Such clever.

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