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Created August 1, 2012 13:20
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jQuery AJAX form submit with Twitter Bootstrap modal
jQuery(function($) {
$('form[data-async]').live('submit', function(event) {
var $form = $(this);
var $target = $($form.attr('data-target'));
type: $form.attr('method'),
url: $form.attr('action'),
data: $form.serialize(),
success: function(data, status) {
<!-- Bootstrap trigger to open modal -->
<a data-toggle="modal" href="#rating-modal">Write a Review</a>
<div class="hide fade modal" id="rating-modal">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
<h2>Your Review</h2>
<div class="modal-body">
<!-- The async form to send and replace the modals content with its response -->
<form class="form-horizontal well" data-async data-target="#rating-modal" action="/some-endpoint" method="POST">
<!-- form content -->
<div class="modal-footer">
<a href="#" class="btn" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</a>
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There are 2 problems with this code

  1. it wont submit the submit-button value
  2. if you replace live with on, the JS wont trigger if the modal is a remote-Modal

I fixed this issues with the following code:

jQuery(function($) {
    $(document).on('submit', 'form[data-async]', function(event) {
        var $form = $(this);
        var $target = $($form.attr('data-target'));
        var submitButton = $("input[type='submit'][clicked=true], button[type='submit'][clicked=true]", $form);

        var formData = $form.serializeArray();
        if (submitButton.size() === 1) {
            formData.push({ name: $(submitButton[0]).attr("name"), value: "1" });
        else if(submitButton.size() !== 0) {
            console.log("Multiple submit-buttons pressed. This should not happen!");

            type: $form.attr('method'),
            url: $form.attr('action'),
            data: formData,

            success: function(data, status) {


    $(document).on("click", 'input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]', function() {
        $('form[data-async] input[type=submit], form[data-async] button[type=submit]', $(this).parents("form")).removeAttr("clicked");
        $(this).attr("clicked", "true");

Please let me know if someone knows a better way to determinate the pressed submit button!

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<form data-async data-target="event|close|#alert-settings" action="/alerts/settings/save" method="POST">
$('.modal').on('submit','form[data-async]', function(event) {
        var $form = $(this);
        var target = $form.attr('data-target');

            type: $form.attr('method'),
            url: $form.attr('action'),
            data: $form.serialize(),

            success: function(data, status) {
                    if(val == "close"){
                    }else if(val == "event"){


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webIMT commented Mar 5, 2014


the code from @BurnedToast is OK but only at the first click on submit button cause, at the second click, two posts are sent, at the third, three, etc...

Is there any solution ?

My code :

   $('.modal').on('submit', 'form[data-async]', function(e) {
        var $form = $(this);
        var enctype = $form.attr('id')

        if(enctype == 'multipart') {
            var formData = new FormData(this);

                type: $form.attr('method'),
                url: $form.attr('action'),
                data: formData,
                mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
                contentType: false,
                cache: false,
                processData: false,

                success: function(data, status) {
                    $('#remoteModal .modal-content').html(data);
        else {
            var submitButton = $("input[type='submit'][clicked=true], button[type='submit'][clicked=true]", $form);
            var formData = $form.serializeArray();

            if(submitButton.size() === 1) {
                formData.push({ name: $(submitButton[0]).attr("name"), value: "1" });
            else if(submitButton.size() !== 0) {
                console.log("Weird, multiple submit-buttons pressed!");

                type: $form.attr('method'),
                url: $form.attr('action'),
                data: formData,
                cache: false,

                success: function(data, status) {
                    $('#remoteModal .modal-content').html(data);


    $('.modal').on("click", 'input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]', function() {
        $('form[data-async] input[type=submit], form[data-async] button[type=submit]', $(this).parents("form")).removeAttr("clicked");
        $(this).attr("clicked", "true");

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brojask commented Mar 21, 2014

Thank you so much!

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I am trying to get this working with Bootstrap 3 and a form which is using jQuery Unobtrusive validation (in case that makes a difference). For some reason the form is performing a full page submit. I've added alerts to the script in multiple places but none are ever triggered.

Here is my code if anyone can see anything wrong?

jQuery(function ($) {
    $('form[data-async]').on('submit', function (event) {

        alert("async form");

        var $form = $(this);
        var $target = $($form.attr('data-target'));

            type: $form.attr('method'),
            url: $form.attr('action'),
            data: $form.serialize(),
            success: function (data, status) {
            error: function (result) {

I am using jquery-1.9.0.js. I notice just before the page submits that an error gets generated in the console as follows:

"Unexpected token u" and seems to break on the following line in the jQuery source:

return window.JSON.parse( data );

The value of data at this point is true but not sure where the value has come from.

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nobutsta commented Feb 2, 2016

@BurnedToast is working but @riterrani can close the modal after a submit is clicked!

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drunkSh commented Jul 25, 2016

simply awesome man!!!

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huabin commented Jul 30, 2016

@BurnedToast I try your code, but there is an issue here

$(document).on('submit', 'form[data-async]', function(event) {

if I change it to

$(document).on('submit', function(event) {


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Hi, how to add loading indicator while saving?

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@frozenade Put a div with id name of your choice and first line of the function add. In my example below I named the div id="processing"


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