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Last active February 25, 2020 21:00
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# Outreach & Networking Plan
As we've discussed, meeting people, forming relationships, and having conversations are the key pieces to getting your foot in the door at any company. It's important to be proactive in your approach to outreach and networking, so it's necessary to make a plan for what you'll try to further your networking.
Identify a contact you will reach out to by the end of this module. This could be a mentor, alum, or anyone from your current network. Describe:
1. Who your contact is, why you want to connect with them, and what you want to talk about
* The contact I would like to reach out to, is someone I do not know. However, they work for a company that i've had my eye for a few years and would love to apply to. The contact is [Margaret Williford]( and the company she works for is called [Viget]( Also my current mentor is friends with her on Linkedin, so I'm wondering if it would be better to reach out to my mentor about it first?
2. When you will contact them by and how you plan to meet
* Based on the feedback I recieve, I would like to reach out to her by the end of this mod. I'd like to get her input on the company, the type of skills that I can/should focus on for the remainder of my time at Turing. I may reach out to see if she wants to grab coffee to chat more about her role and the company.
3. What your follow-up will look like once you've met with them
* After meeting I would reach out to thank her for her time, and show my appreciation for her input.
4. What other steps will you take to start building a stronger network in the tech community?
* Other steps I think about taking are attending meetups, reaching out to companies that i'm interested in and explaining why i'm interested, my desire to connect with someone, and what type of skills they are looking for. By doing this I can show them that I can focus on the things they think are important to help grow my skills to a more qualified place for the position.
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