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Created February 8, 2022 16:52
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additional card mechanics for Hearthstone.
Additional card mechanic idea which is that there are two characters per card. One for defense and one for offense. The card is removed only when the defensive and offensive sides have been destroyed.
Cards start with base attributes and abilities, which can be modified by a variety of triggers.
What if?
- some cards took up more than one slot in the hand
- Some cards could be combined while still in the (deck, discard pile, hand)
- Actions happened based on winning or losing streaks
Game Components
- Game Master
- Arena
- Card
- Hand
- Deck
- Discard Pile
- Hero
- Mana Meter
Arena Attributes:
- minion slots:integer
- Player side:integer
Game Master Attributes:
- ActivePlayer:integer
- Round Time limit:integer
- Round Time Remaining:integer
- Current Round:integer
- Round Limit:integer
Deck Attributes:
- cards:Array
Discard Pile Attributes:
- cards:array
Hand Attributes:
- cards:array
- card size limit: integer
Mana Meter:
- active slots:integer
- Total Slots:integer
Hero Attribute:
- health:integer
- Armor:integer
- Attack:integer
- Class:String
- Hero Power(s)
Card Entity Types:
- minion (played to the arena until removed)
- Weapon (allows hero to attack the minions active in the arena or opponent)
- Spell (effects the arena minions or hero or both)
- Hero
Card Attributes:
- Attack:integer
- Health:integer
- Shield Amount:integer
- Taunt:Boolean
Card Abilities:
- Spell / Weapon attribute modifier (add /remove)
- boost entity ability (temp/perm)
- charge
- multiple attacks
- stealth self or others (temp/ perm)
- remove abilities from self others
- attack others
- draw a card (random, or by attribute)
- deal damage
- heal player
- heal entity
- destroy an entity
- create new entities
- immunity (temp / perm)
- send minion back to players hand
- take a minion from another player
- Add card(s) to players hand
- Remove card(s) from players hand
- Add card(s) to players deck
- Remove card(s) from players deck
- add mana to player / opponent
- remove mana from player / opponent
- Change round timer duration
- Change mana meter available slots
Action Modifiers
- when attacking
- When defending
- When entering the arena
- When leaving the arena
- When following another action (combo cards)
Passive Modifiers
- at the start of the game
- At the start of the round
- At the end of the round
- While in hand
- While in deck
- While in the arena
- While in spent pile
Abilities can be triggered each round (start/end/both)
Abilities can be triggered by player or card actions.
Abilities application modifiers:
- applied permanently or temporally
- Applied instantly or after some condition is met
Abilities can be applied to players and or cards
The cost to play the minion should be proportionate to the number of abilities applied. Cost modifiers are applied if the abilities are applied directly or randomly to players or minions. Cost modifiers are not applied if the abilities are applied to both armies.
Cards need at least one health to be playable.
Cards are removed from the arena if their health drops below 1
Mana is a stepping system to ensure minions are played against other minions of similar ability in the beginning of the game.
Total number of cards limits the duration of the game. When a player runs out of cards they take fatigue damage
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