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Created December 4, 2023 10:45
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Keywords: MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option | Camel consumer | IBM MQ queue | Spring Boot application | Camel configuration | MQQueueConnectionFactory |


user: I am trying to setup spring boot application that needs to consume messages from an IBM MQ queue while ensuring that only one instance of the application receives all messages to maintain message ordering. To achieve this, I need to configure the Camel consumer to open a connection with the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option enabled. I have already set up the JmsComponent, MQQueueConnectionFactory and RouteBuilder in my application, but I couldn't find the property key and value to enable the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option for the connection via MQQueueConnectionFactory. Tried this approach by changing the Default input open option in the queue setting and it works, but is there a way to achieve this by passing this property while opening connection? I have tried searching online for information on how to set this option, but I haven't been able to find a solution,the results were either not relevant to camel based configuration or those were outdated. Can anyone help me with this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

assistant: After reviewing the documentation and resources, unfortunately, I couldn't find specific details about enabling the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option for the Camel JMS component while using the MQQueueConnectionFactory.

However, it seems that this option may not be directly configurable through the Camel JMS component properties. It could possibly be set at the session or connection level when creating the JMS connection.

For IBM MQ, the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option can be set at the time of creating a message consumer, but as for configuring it at the connection level, additional resources such as JMS API or IBM MQ specific documentation might provide more detailed information on this.

If you have already tried changing the Default input open option in the queue settings, and it worked, this might be the most suitable approach for now, especially if there isn't a straightforward way to configure this option through the Camel JMS component.

Here's an example of configuring the JMS component in a Spring Boot application using the Camel component starter for JMS:

import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;

public class MyApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    // Create JMS component with the connection factory
    JmsComponent jmsComponent(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
        JmsComponent jms = new JmsComponent();
        return jms;

    // Define the JMS route
    public class MyJmsRoute extends RouteBuilder {
        public void configure() throws Exception {

In the example above, the ConnectionFactory is used to create the JMS component, and the configure method defines the route to consume messages from the myQueue.

If you have specific configuration details for the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option, it's possible to manually create a JMS connection with the desired settings and then use it with the Camel JMS component.

If you require further assistance in this regard, it might be helpful to consult IBM MQ documentation or reach out to IBM MQ support for detailed information on configuring the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option at the connection level.

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