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Keywords: Apache Camel | Kafka Consumer Component | Spring-Boot | Kafka Testcontainer | test message | Kafka component | Camel route


user: I am using the Kafka Consumer Component with Apache Camel 4.1.0 and Spring-Boot 3.1.5. To test message processing, I use a Kafka Testcontainer (one broker, one partition) and publish one test message per test-case to be processed. Surprisingly, the Camel Kafka consumer always picks up the test message twice, except for the very first test case in a test suite; here is a Camel trace log snippet: To my understanding the Kafka component should automatically commit received messages, so duplicates should be an exception instead of the norm (the above happens reproducibly on every test case except the first one) and a Camel route should run to completion before a new message is polled from Kafka. What am I missing here? What could be an explanation for the observed behavior? Is it possible that the Kafka Consumer component has been started multiple times?


Keywords: Camel | Kinesis | ResumeAdapter | KinesisDefaultResumeAdapter


user: A customer has a use case where they want the Camel's route to continue consuming from Kinesis at the last consumed message after restarting the POD. To achieve this, Kinesis has a "checkpoint" feature. Unfortunately, Camel Kinesis component lacks the checkpoint support. However, it supports Resume API (I had to glean this information from GitHub because there is hardly any documentation, testing or examples available neither upstream). Then I would suggest implementing a ResumeAdapter that supports checkpoint starting from KinesisDefaultResumeAdapter. But I don't know where to start from.  Any Advice?

assistant: It looks like there isn't specific documentation available for Camel Kinesis component with respect to the Resume API or implementing a ResumeAdapter. However, based on the information you provided, it seems like you want to implement a custom ResumeAdapter for the Camel Kinesis component that supp

Keywords: MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option | Camel consumer | IBM MQ queue | Spring Boot application | Camel configuration | MQQueueConnectionFactory |


user: I am trying to setup spring boot application that needs to consume messages from an IBM MQ queue while ensuring that only one instance of the application receives all messages to maintain message ordering. To achieve this, I need to configure the Camel consumer to open a connection with the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option enabled. I have already set up the JmsComponent, MQQueueConnectionFactory and RouteBuilder in my application, but I couldn't find the property key and value to enable the MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE option for the connection via MQQueueConnectionFactory. Tried this approach by changing the Default input open option in the queue setting and it works, but is there a way to achieve this by passing this property while opening connection? I have tried searching online for information on how to set this option, but I haven't been able to

Keywords: Apache Camel | byte array | serialization | deserialization


user: In my case my client is requesting the java object as byte array. same way im converting my java object into byte array and sending it but client not able to de serialize the object even if we are using the same serial version id. any properties need to set in the camel route? from("direct:xxx") .log("REQUEST: ${body}") .to("jms:queue:INPUTQUEUE?connectionFactory=#connectionFactoryAdapter&replyTo=RECEIVE.QUEUE&requestTimeout=2000&includeSentJMSMessageID=true&useMessageIDAsCorrelationID=true") .log("RESPONSE: ${body}"); Need to send java object as byte array in Apache camel message body.

assistant: The serialization and deserialization of Java objects can be a delicate process, especially when dealing with byte arrays. In the context of Apache Camel, you can use the Java Object Serialization data format to convert Java objects to and from binary blobs.

To ensure that the serialization and deserialization pro

heiko-braun / 1.txt
Created December 4, 2023 10:20
New Thread: thread_hkzm8lmDkW5yOKUq9YtsR2Yo
Thinking ... in_progress
Thinking ... in_progress
Thinking ... in_progress
Thinking ... requires_action
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Keywords: Kafka Consumer | Apache Camel | Spring-Boot | Kafka Testcontainer | Test Case | Camel Kafka consumer | Kafka component | Camel route | Kafka Consumer component
Embedding ms: 0.7502918243408203
Reranked matches (fuse_camel_development):
219 (Score: 0.994)

Keywords: Camel | Kinesis | ResumeAdapter | KinesisDefaultResumeAdapter


user: A customer has a use case where they want the Camel's route to continue consuming from Kinesis at the last consumed message after restarting the POD. To achieve this, Kinesis has a "checkpoint" feature. Unfortunately, Camel Kinesis component lacks the checkpoint support. However, it supports Resume API (I had to glean this information from GitHub because there is hardly any documentation, testing or examples available neither upstream). Then I would suggest implementing a ResumeAdapter that supports checkpoint starting from KinesisDefaultResumeAdapter. But I don't know where to start from.  Any Advice?


Apache Camel Resume API

The Apache Camel Resume API allows the route to continue consuming from the last consumed message when restarted. This feature ensures that the route does not start consuming from the beginning after a restart, providing a seamless continuation from the last processed

Keywords: Kinesis | Resume API | Camel Kinesis component | KinesisDefaultResumeAdapter


user: A customer has a use case where they want the Camel's route to continue consuming from Kinesis at the last consumed message after restarting the POD. To achieve this, Kinesis has a "checkpoint" feature. Unfortunately, Camel Kinesis component lacks the checkpoint support. However, it supports Resume API (I had to glean this information from GitHub because there is hardly any documentation, testing or examples available neither upstream). Then I would suggest implementing a ResumeAdapter that supports checkpoint starting from KinesisDefaultResumeAdapter. But I don't know where to start from.  Any Advice?

assistant: The information obtained about the Apache Camel Kinesis component indicates that it provides basic support for consuming and producing messages to Amazon Kinesis streams. However, as you mentioned, there is no built-in support for Kinesis checkpoints in Camel's Kinesis component tha


user: I want to read a local file, create equal chunks and store in AWS S3. Can you show me how to do that?

assistant: To read a local file, split it into equal chunks, and store the chunks in AWS S3, you can use Apache Camel in conjunction with the AWS S3 component for interacting with AWS S3 and the Splitter EIP pattern for splitting the file into equal chunks.

Here is an example of how you can achieve this using Apache Camel and the AWS S3 component:

    .split(body().tokenize("\n")) // Split the file into equal chunks


user: I am using the Kafka Consumer Component with Apache Camel 4.1.0 and Spring-Boot 3.1.5. To test message processing, I use a Kafka Testcontainer (one broker, one partition) and publish one test message per test-case to be processed. Surprisingly, the Camel Kafka consumer always picks up the test message twice, except for the very first test case in a test suite; here is a Camel trace log snippet: To my understanding the Kafka component should automatically commit received messages, so duplicates should be an exception instead of the norm (the above happens reproducibly on every test case except the first one) and a Camel route should run to completion before a new message is polled from Kafka. What am I missing here? What could be an explanation for the observed behavior? Is it possible that the Kafka Consumer component has been started multiple times?

assistant: I found information related to the Event Driven Consumer in Apache Camel, which could be relevant to your issue. The Event Dr

heiko-braun /
Created November 21, 2023 08:54
Semantic search RAG


Prompt: examples/5.txt

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