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Building WikiTraccs - Confluence to SharePoint migrations

Heinrich Ulbricht heinrich-ulbricht

Building WikiTraccs - Confluence to SharePoint migrations
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heinrich-ulbricht /
Created February 23, 2020 20:29 — forked from EsEnZeT/
Install Docker In Debian 9 (Stretch)
# -----------------------
# This is a script that installs docker-ce (Docker Community Edition) on Debian 9
# Inspired by
# -----------------------
# Pre-requesite
heinrich-ulbricht / Manage-AzureADPSAppRoleAssignments.ps1
Created July 16, 2019 07:25 — forked from psignoret/Manage-AzureADPSAppRoleAssignments.ps1
Add or remove application permissions to a client application.
Grants (or removes) application permissions (app role assignments) to a client application.
The AppId or one of the ServicePrincipalNames of the client service principal.
.PARAMETER Permissions
A hashtable where the key is an identifier for the resource (either the AppId or one of the
ServicePrincipalNames) and the value is the space-separated list of app roles desired.