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Created May 1, 2017 12:23
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DEF CON 2017 Quals - Godzilla (Reverse/Crypto)
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
DEF CON 2017 Quals - Godzilla (Reverse)
Timing attack on RSA decryption.
Based on
Another solutions: by b2xiao by riatre
(We didn't solve the challenge during the CTF, upsolved later).
- The challenge binary leaks number of modular subtractions in Montgomery reductions.
- By guessing the secret exponent bit-by-bit, we can predict for any message whether a particular subtraction was made.
- As in the paper, attacking squaring reduction is more preferable.
- For correct bit guess our prediction results in observable difference in distributions.
- For incorrect guess, the difference should be smaller.
A pool of ~200k signatures with timings is enough (at least for specified local N,d).
Possibly we can use less signatures with error correction but is a bit tedious to implement.
For local testing:
modulus: 621765037979243120244866560860969322461463809129505955186452584191781197841649371514421546962009613592757586308279377033451677755878455977108757795291066809685046961038952999040910695459046816930080946215577583202802372206660787951
privateExponent: 13073412306565711272982073040670395751283963699596551661609955613108236425619006575627094491869466828369012221078305566175300329355043186187545693870963542712368839629270596359194127129928012640315145165189316557655977123753630961
After collecting 200k signatures:
$ time pypy
Pool: pool_local
Loaded 200000 items
Current minimum delta delta: 8.77617921084 avg 160.586027156
Full d recovered!
real 11m47.278s
user 11m45.860s
sys 0m2.996s
(minimum delta is quite low, seems we need more signatures to be sure)
from sock import Sock
from libnum import invmod
from struct import pack, unpack
if 1:
pool_fname = "pool_local"
addr = ""
# p = 0x8955632da8661739b0d729001befe603cca087282fadea8fc899f6ce49061acd9347b387d54ea007ec57d0698c8d978d
# q = 0xbf1d3b6a1dccf82a333dec6285ab7bc6839194e6184c15d5dbe3e44098879040d2a2816b27078f1434f422127cf7236b
# n = 0x6686638ae80377047e22f72267e705c9fa726016b08ad44278c6a006fb8dfcdd01e2b6cd8df5dab59a9af240fee86f4c598d2ffc7e4e55dcbb227df17bd9b220de2f7ea20f4506143388387b7827716de995f4f135718a24c6971e449ff19eef
# d = 0x227dd3bf478ee2db801403506fe428ee6a735020520462a47a3d5859010823a9b698af27383b1df93aaa2615f7abfac5265be9ce18a2147352e60fe6ff453781e702f7c6ffa51da43c3b207307b774256e06b9f0ad05a6faa1a148799321cf1
N = 0x6686638ae80377047e22f72267e705c9fa726016b08ad44278c6a006fb8dfcdd01e2b6cd8df5dab59a9af240fee86f4c598d2ffc7e4e55dcbb227df17bd9b220de2f7ea20f4506143388387b7827716de995f4f135718a24c6971e449ff19eef
privexp = 0x227dd3bf478ee2db801403506fe428ee6a735020520462a47a3d5859010823a9b698af27383b1df93aaa2615f7abfac5265be9ce18a2147352e60fe6ff453781e702f7c6ffa51da43c3b207307b774256e06b9f0ad05a6faa1a148799321cf1
pool_fname = "pool_task"
addr = ""
N = 1003103838556651507628555636330026033778617920156717988356542246694938166737814566792763905093451568623751209393228473104621241127455927948500155303095577513801000908445368656518814002954652859078574695890342113223231421454500402449
privexp = None
print "Address:", addr
print "Pool:", pool_fname
## Montgomery stuff
RE = 768
R = 2**RE
RMASK = R - 1
Ni = -invmod(N, R) % R
Ri = invmod(R, N)
assert R > N
assert N * Ni % R == R - 1
assert R * Ri % N == 1
def redc(T):
'''From wikipedia
take (aR % N) * (bR % N)
return abR % N, was_reduced
m = ((T & RMASK) * Ni) & RMASK
t = (T + m * N) >> RE
if t >= N:
return (t - N), 1
t -= N
return t, 0
def to_mont(m):
return (m * R) % N
def mont_square(x):
x = x * x
x, flag = redc(x)
return x, flag
def mont_mul_cond(x, m0r, bit):
flag = 0
if bit:
x = (x * m0r)
x, flag = redc(x)
return x, flag
def mont_exp_one_round(x, m0r, bit):
x, flag = mont_mul_cond(x, m0r, bit)
x, flag = mont_square(x)
return x, flag
## Challenge specific
f = Sock(addr)
def bignum2ints(n):
res = []
for i in xrange(0x18):
res.append(n % 2**32)
n >>= 32
return res
def decryptTime(bignum):
global f
f.send(pack("<I", 0x41424344))
f.send(chr(0x80 | 0x01))
p = "".join(pack("<I", c) for c in bignum2ints(bignum))
assert len(p) == 0x60
b = f.read_nbytes(16)
assert b[12:] == "\x02\x00\xff\x00", b.encode("hex")
vals = unpack("<3I", b[:12])
# vals[0] - some rdtsc difference
# vals[1] - leaked number of reductions
# vals[2] - some rdtsc difference
return vals[1]
except EOFError:
print "EOF, retry"
f = Sock(addr)
return decryptTime(bignum)
# loading / filling pool of signatures with timings
# pool: list of (message, timing) pairs
import ast
pool = []
for line in open(pool_fname):
if len(pool) >= 200000:
print "Loaded", len(pool), "items"
if "y" in raw_input("Collect? [y/N]"):
fp = open(pool_fname, "a")
itr = 0
while 1:
itr += 1
if itr % 100 == 0:
print itr
m = random.randint(1, N-1)
t = decryptTime(m)
pool.append((m, t))
fp.write(`pool[-1]` + "\n")
def avg(l):
return sum(l)/float(len(l))
# maintain partially exponentiated messages
# (up to known bits of d)
pool = [
for m, time in pool
current_d = 1
mindiff = 1e9
sumdiff = 0
for di in xrange(768):
print "di", di
sm = 0
goods = [0] * (2**1)
MS = [[], []], [[], []]
pool2 = []
for mcur, m0r, real in pool:
if current_d > 1:
# partially exponentiate using previously guessed bit
mcur, _ = mont_exp_one_round(mcur, m0r, current_d & 1)
pool2.append((mcur, m0r, real))
for bit in xrange(2):
_, e = mont_exp_one_round(mcur, m0r, bit)
pool = pool2
m0 = avg(MS[0][0]), avg(MS[0][1])
m1 = avg(MS[1][0]), avg(MS[1][1])
delta0 = m0[1] - m0[0]
delta1 = m1[1] - m1[0]
print m0, delta0
print m1, delta1
if delta0 > delta1:
guessed = 0
guessed = 1
mindiff = min(mindiff, abs(delta0 - delta1))
sumdiff += abs(delta0 - delta1)
print "Current minimum delta delta:", mindiff, "avg", sumdiff / float(di+1)
current_d <<= 1
current_d |= guessed
print bin(current_d)[:100] + "..."
if pow(31337, 0x10001 * current_d, N) == 31337:
print "Full d recovered!"
print current_d
if privexp:
print bin(privexp)[:100] + "..."
realbit = int(bin(privexp)[2:][1+di])
print "Correct?", guessed, "=?", realbit, ":", guessed == realbit
if guessed != realbit:
print "FAIL"
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tr4nc3 commented May 2, 2017


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