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Last active June 6, 2024 20:15
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Codegate 2024 Quals - LACUCARA_VM (Reverse) - black-box solution
Turns out that the output.txt contains images of the 8-byte chunks of the flag under a fixed affine map.
We can interpolate the map from a bunch of samples and then simply invert the real flag's output.
from sage.all import *
import re
from binteger import Bin # pip install binteger
# need to use script log, since the program requires a console
script -aq logRANDOM.txt <<EOF
bash -c 'for i in {1..300}; do head -c 64 /dev/urandom >flag.txt; echo -n "FLAG: 0x"; xxd -ps flag.txt | tr -d "\n"; wine encryptor.exe; done'
s = open("logRANDOM.txt").read()
words = re.findall(r"0x(\w+)\b", s)
blocks = [[int(w, 16) for w in words[i:i+33]] for i in range(0, len(words), 33)]
rows = []
tab = {}
for block in blocks:
assert len(block) == 33, len(blocks)
inp, *block = block
inp = Bin(inp, 8 * 64).bytes
assert len(inp) == 64
a, b, c, d = block[:4]
# same encryption for all chunks
# 1 for affine constant
rows.append(Bin.concat(inp[:8], Bin.concat(a, b, c, d, n=32), 1))
mat = matrix(GF(2), rows)
print("rank", mat.rank(), mat.ncols())
rk = mat.right_kernel().matrix()
for row in rk:
print("".join(map(str, row[:64])), end=" ")
print("".join(map(str, row[64:])))
assert rk[:64,:64] == 1 # identity matrix
dec = rk[:, 64:]
s = open("output.txt").read()
words = re.findall(r"0x(\w+)\b", s)
flag = b""
for i in range(0, len(words), 4):
print(i, words[i:i+4])
a, b, c, d = [int(w, 16) for w in words[i:i+4]]
ct = Bin.concat(Bin.concat(a, b, c, d, n=32), 1).vector
pt = dec * ct
flag += Bin(pt).bytes
# b'codegate2024{B45IC_i5_n07_d34d_4nd_n3v3r_wi11_b3_2024_MQCJAb4Wr}'
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