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Hendrik Ebbers hendrikebbers

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hendrikebbers / gist:98b51837f39603083a026793b1d8eb56
Last active June 25, 2024 00:00
Idea for NFT that can be used in Games
/// GNFT - GameNFT
/// The idea is based on ERC-721 (NFT).
/// The given interfaces depend on ERC721 and ERC165 (description can be found at the end of this doc)
/// The idea is that a token is always bound to an app (application) that is defined by an address.
/// Next to that the application owner (application address) can lock/unlock a token.
/// By doing so a token can not be transfered to another owner while it is "in use".
/// Let's assume you are playing a trading card game and attend an official tournament.
/// While the tournament happens you should not be allowed to to sell any tokens that are used as your playing cards

Implement a Future Using Managed Blocker in ForkJoinPool to Improve Concurrency

🆕🐥 First Timers Only

This issue is reserved for people who never contributed to Hedera or any open source project in general before. We know that the process of creating a pull request (PR) is a big barrier for new contributors. The goal of this issues and all other issues that are labeled by 'good first issue' is to help you doing your first contribution to Hedera.

👾 Description of the issue

hendrikebbers /
Last active April 15, 2024 11:33

🆕🐥 First Timers Only

This issue is reserved for people who never contributed to Hedera or any open source project in general before. We know that the process of creating a pull request (PR) is a big barrier for new contributors. The goal of this issues and all other issues that are labeled by 'good first issue' is to help you doing your first contribution to Hedera.

👾 Description of the issue

This section descrips the issue that should be solved. We try to define the usecase and goal of the issue as concrete as possible.

# Name of the project
This is a short section that explains in an non-complexe way the main usage of the project. Should be like 3-8 sentences.
table of contents need to be added at this place.
## Getting Started / Installation
Since Github is used mostly by developers it makes sense to start with a section that shows how the content of the repo
hendrikebbers /
Last active September 22, 2020 08:44

🆕🐥 First Timers Support

We love open source. Based on this we develop everything in the AdoptOpenJDK community as open source projects. If you are new to open source development we have some specific issues for you. Just have a look at all issues with the good first issue label. This issues are reserved for people who never contributed to Open Source before. We know that the process of creating a pull request is the biggest barrier for new contributors. This issues are for you 💝 We use such issues for example to get involved at Hacktoberfest. If you want to know more about open source development and contribution in general you should have a look at this introduction.

hendrikebbers /
Last active September 22, 2020 08:44
Template for a good first issue that can be used for AdoptOpenJDK

🆕🐥 First Timers Only

This issue is reserved for people who never contributed to Open Source before. We know that the process of creating a pull request is the biggest barrier for new contributors. This issue is for you 💝

👾 Description of the issue

The following text is a sample of a a description. It is important that such descriptions contains enough information (maybe by links) to allow a newcomer to work on the issue :)

IcedTea-Web should have a Travis build. Information how a Java project can be build by Travis can be found here. IcedTea-Web is based on Maven and a mvn clean verify should be executed by the Travis build. Today we do not have a maven wrapper but that can be added when solving this issue (optional). IcedTea-Web should be build on the last Java 8 release of AdoptOpenJDK. Providing an additional build that is based on Java 11 would be a big benefit

final String content = "client_id=" + appName + "&username=" + user + "&password=" + password + "&grant_type=password"
final byte[] rawContent = content.getBytes(PlatformConstants.CHARSET);
final URI url = new URI(authEndpoint + "/auth/realms/" + realmName + "/protocol/openid-connect/token");
final HttpURLConnection connection = new DefaultHttpURLConnectionFactory().create(url);
connection.setRequestProperty("charset", "UTF-8");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", rawContent.length + "");
tree.setCellRenderer(new DefaultTreeCellRenderer() {
public IRendererComponent getTreeCellRendererComponent(ULCTree tree, Object value, boolean selected, boolean expanded, boolean leaf, boolean hasFocus) {
IRendererComponent renderer = super.getTreeCellRendererComponent(tree, value, selected, expanded, leaf, hasFocus);
if (value != null && value instanceof ApplicationMetadata) {
setText(((ApplicationMetadata) value).getName());
return renderer;
.exploding-button:exploding {
-fx-background-color: red;
public class MyCustomButton extends Button {
private static PseudoClass EXPLODING_PSEUDO_CLASS = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("exploding");
BooleanProperty exploding;
public MyCustomButton() {
exploding = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
exploding.addListener(e -> pseudoClassStateChanged(EXPLODING_PSEUDO_CLASS, exploding.get()));