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Last active December 2, 2023 07:08
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Remnant jump drives

The wanderer campaign drops a lore bombshell: korath exiles know how to make jump drives. one thing that the exiles were unwilling to give up was the knowledge of how to create jump drives

Remnant have expressed a great interest in knowing how to make jump drives. They also live near the korath exiles. I propose a mission string where remnant steal the secret from the korath.

I imagine the story would unfold something like this:

  1. [Wanderers: Kor Efret 4 & Remnant: Broken Jump Drive 1] The player funds out that korath exiles know how to make jump drives and that remnant are trying to reverse engineer them.
  2. [New mission string 1] The player reveals this information to remnant.
  3. Remnant take some time to plan and strategize
  4. ??? Remnant learn the korath language. Or do they know already?
  5. ??? Remnant either somehow convince some korath to help them or somehow learn to disguise themselves
  6. [New mission string ...] Initial reconnisance: infiltration - remnant send a spy to find out where jump drives are made or where the knowladge or how to make them is stored. Note: instead of this remnant could deploy a sensor network to try to detect the manufacturing facility. I am not shure what is better.
  7. The spy or the sensor network take some time to gather information
  8. [New mission string ...] Initial reconnisance: exfiltration - retrive the spy or the sensors
  9. Remnant take some time to plot and plan their next move
  10. [New mission string ...] Secret facility: infiltration - remnant send a spy to the secret facility to get the secret
  11. The spy takes some time to try to get the info
  12. [New mission string ...] Secret facility: exfiltration - turns out the spy was discovered. Oops
  13. [New mission string ...] Secret facility: infiltration 2 - remnant send a better spy
  14. The spy takes some time to try to get the info
  15. [New mission string ...] Secret facility: exfiltration 2 - this time you succesfully retrive the secret and return to remnant
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