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Last active May 31, 2018 03:25
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import gym
import numpy as np
import pickle
import glob
import os
import pdb
class mountainCar:
modelDir = 'models'
def __init__(self, nSplit = 40, gamma = 0.99, alpha = 0.2):
# mountainCarの読み込み
self.env = gym.make('MountainCar-v0')
# 各状態の次元の分割数
self.nSplit = nSplit
# Qテーブルの初期化
self.Q = np.zeros((self.nSplit, self.nSplit, 3))
# 各状態の最小値と最大値
self.env_low = self.env.observation_space.low
self.env_high = self.env.observation_space.high
# 各状態の細かさ
self.env_dx = (self.env_high - self.env_low) / self.nSplit
# エピソードの初期化
self.episode = 0
# 収益の履歴の初期化
self.returns = []
# 割引率
self.gamma = gamma
# 学習率
self.alpha = alpha
# Qテーブルの設定
def setQ(self,Q):
self.Q = Q
# Qテーブルの保存
def dumpQ(self):
fname = os.path.join(self.modelDir,'mountainCar_{}.pkl'.format(episode))
with open(fname,'wb') as fp:
# Qテーブルの読み込み
def loadQ(self, postFix):
fname = os.path.join(self.modelDir,'mountainCar_{}.pkl'.format(postFix))
with open(fname,'rb') as fp:
self.Q = pickle.load(fp)
# 状態の取得
def discretizeState(self,state):
# 離散値に変換
position = int((state[0] - self.env_low[0])/self.env_dx[0])
velocity = int((state[1] - self.env_low[1])/self.env_dx[1])
return position, velocity
# 初期化
def reset(self):
# 環境の初期化
tmp_state = self.env.reset()
# 収益の初期化
self.sum_rewards = 0
# 状態の初期化
state = self.discretizeState(tmp_state)
return state
# 行動の選択
def selectAction(self, state, epsilon=0.02):
if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > epsilon:
action = np.argmax(self.Q[state[0]][state[1]])
action = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2])
return action
# 行動の実行
def takeAction(self, action):
# 行動の実行、次の状態・報酬・ゲーム終了FLG・詳細情報を取得
tmp_next_state, reward, done, _ = self.env.step(action)
# 次の状態の離散化
next_state = self.discretizeState(tmp_next_state)
# 収益の更新
self.sum_rewards += reward
if done:
# doneがTrueになったら1エピソード終了
return next_state, reward, done
# Qの更新
def updateQ(self, state, action, next_state, reward):
# 行動後の状態で得られる最大行動価値 Q(s',a')
next_max_Qvalue = max(self.Q[next_state[0]][next_state[1]])
# 行動前の状態の行動価値 Q(s,a)
Qvalue = self.Q[state[0]][state[1]][action]
# 行動価値関数の更新
self.Q[state[0]][state[1]][action] = Qvalue + self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * next_max_Qvalue - Qvalue)
if __name__ == '__main__':
isDemo = True
# mountainCarのインスタンス
agent = mountainCar()
# Qテーブルを読み込んでデモ
if isDemo == True:
for episode in range(0,10000,100):
# Qテーブルの読み込み
# 環境のリセット
state = agent.reset()
print('episode: {}'.format(episode))
for _ in range(200):
# 表示
# 行動を選択
action = agent.selectAction(state, epsilon=0)
# 行動を実行
state, reward, done = agent.takeAction(action)
if done:
# 10000エピソードで学習する
for episode in range(10000):
# 環境のリセット
state = agent.reset()
for _ in range(200):
# 行動を選択
action = agent.selectAction(state)
# 行動を実行
next_state, reward, done = agent.takeAction(action)
# Qテーブルの更新
agent.updateQ(state, action, next_state, reward)
# 状態の更新
state = next_state
if done:
if episode%100 == 0:
print('episode: {}, total_reward: {}'.format(episode, agent.sum_rewards))
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