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Last active November 25, 2015 16:54
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Patching Torii’s Facebook Connect for Chrome iOS
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
export default Route.extend({
beforeModel() {
return get(this, 'torii').open('facebook-connect', { recieveManualAuthorization: true })
.then(authorization => {
if (authorization) {
/* Authorization was recieved, continue! */
return this._doSomethingWith(authorization);
}).catch(response => {
/* Most likely the Auth Token is Expired. */
actions: {
startFacebookConnect() {
* If FacebookConnectProvider#useManualLogin returns true,
* this will initiate a manual login, otherwise it will
* fallback to the Facebook JS SDK behaviour.
get(this, 'torii').open('facebook-connect').then(authorization => {
return this._doSomethingWith(authorization);
* app/torii-providers/facebook-connect.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import FacebookConnect from 'torii/providers/facebook-connect';
import ajax from 'ic-ajax';
let camelize = Ember.String.camelize;
function triggerManualFbLogin (settings, scope, redirectUri) {
window.location = `
// Never Resolving Promise to Pause App Execution until Redirect
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve) => { if (false) { resolve(); } });
function recieveManualFbLogin() {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let hash = window.location.hash;
* If your application has multiple hash URLs, you'll
* need a deeper check here.
if (!hash) { resolve(); }
let authorization = {};
let splat = hash.split('#')[1].split('&');
splat.forEach((param) => {
let split = param.split('=');
authorization[camelize(split[0])] = split[1];
/* Reject this if we have an error in the Hash */
if (authorization.hasOwnPropery('error')) { reject(authorization); };
/* We didn't have an error, so fetch the User ID */
url: `${authorization.accessToken}`,
type: 'get'
}).then(response => {
authorization.userId =;
export default FacebookConnect.extend({
buildRedirectUri() {
* Build the redirect URI.
* Important: The output here needs to be
* entered in your Facebook Developer App
* as Valid OAuth redirect URIs under
* Settings -> Advanced.
return window.location.href;
useManualLogin() {
* Use this function to test if Manual Login is necessary
return navigator.userAgent.match('CriOS');
open(options={}) {
if (options.recieveManualAuthorization) {
* Recieve Manual Authentication from redirect URI beforeModel
return recieveManualFbLogin();
} else if (this.useManualLogin()) {
* We're not receiveing, so use the manualFbLogin if necessary
return triggerManualFbLogin(this.settings(), this.get('scope'), this.buildRedirectUri());
} else {
* No need for manual logins, fallback to default behaviour
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
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