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Created February 18, 2018 20:56
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Haze 18B for Processing
PImage _img;
int _y = year();
int _mo = month();
int _d = day();
int _h = hour();
int _mi = minute();
int _s = second();
int _gap = 5;
int _maxr = 50;
int _minr = 40;
color[] colors = {};
float[] rs = {};
ArrayList<Bubble> bubbles = new ArrayList<Bubble>();
void setup(){
size(850, 850);
_img = loadImage("source.jpg");
_img.resize(width, height);
void draw(){
int i = round(random(bubbles.size() - 1));
Bubble bs = bubbles.get(i);
void mousePressed(){
saveFrame("output/haze18B" + _y + "_" + _mo + "_" + _d + "_" + _h + "_" + _mi + "_" + _s + "_" + "#######.jpg");
void getColor(){
for(int y = 0; y < _img.height; y += _gap){
for(int x = 0; x < _img.width; x += _gap){
int loc = x + (y * _img.height);
color c = _img.pixels[loc];
float r = map(brightness(_img.pixels[loc]), 0.0, 255.0, _minr, _maxr);
bubbles.add(new Bubble(x, y, r, c));
class Bubble{
PVector location;
float myr;
float tempr;
color myc;
boolean wasBorn;
boolean hasStopped;
boolean expanding;
float acceleration;
Bubble(float x, float y, float r, color c){
location = new PVector(x, y);
myr = r;
tempr = 0;
myc = c;
wasBorn = false;
hasStopped = false;
acceleration = random(2, 14);
void updateMe(){
acceleration *= 0.8;
tempr += acceleration;
if(tempr >= myr){
tempr = myr;
for(Bubble bs: bubbles){
if(bs.wasBorn == true){
float d = dist(this.location.x, this.location.y, bs.location.x, bs.location.y) - this.tempr - bs.tempr;
if((d < -1) && (bs != this)){
hasStopped = true;
void drawMe(){
wasBorn = true;
translate(this.location.x, this.location.y);
ellipse(0, 0, tempr * 2, tempr * 2);
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