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Created December 13, 2019 21:19
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Pharmakon for Processing
int _y = year();
int _mo = month();
int _d = day();
int _h = hour();
int _mi = minute();
int _s = second();
ArrayList<Cube> _cube = new ArrayList<Cube>();
int _meshalph = 0;
int _mesh = 50;
Earth _earth;
int _earthsize = 700;
int _earthdots = 80;
float _earthdotsdist = 0;
void setup(){
size(1000, 1000, P3D);
_earth = new Earth(width/2, height/2, height*-1/2);
for(float z = height/_mesh * -0.5; z < height/_mesh * 0.5; z++){
for(float y = height/_mesh * -0.5; y < height/_mesh * 0.5; y++){
for(float x = width/_mesh * -0.5; x < width/_mesh * 0.5; x++){
float myx = x * _mesh + _mesh * 0.5;
float myy = y * _mesh + _mesh * 0.5;
float myz = (z * _mesh + _mesh * 0.5) * -1;
_cube.add(new Cube(myx, myy, myz));
void draw(){
camera(width/2, height/2 * 2.5, width, width/2, height/2, 0, 0, 1.0, 0);
translate(width/2, height/2, 0);
rotateY(frameCount * 0.02);
for(Cube cb: _cube){
void mouseReleased(){
saveFrame("output/pharmakon" + _y + _mo + _d + _h + _mi + _s + "#######.jpg");
class Cube{
PVector location;
float mya;
int myc;
boolean crash;
Cube(float x, float y, float z){
location = new PVector(x, y, z);
myc = 0;
mya = 255;
crash = false;
void updateMe(){
for(int i = 0; i < _earthdots; i++){
float d = location.dist(_earth.mydots[i][1]);
if(d < _mesh){
crash = true;
void drawMe(){
translate(location.x, location.y, location.z);
stroke(myc, mya);
crash = false;
class Earth{
float myr, myalpha;
PVector center;
PVector[][] mydots = new PVector[_earthdots][2];
PVector[][] target = new PVector[_earthdots][2];
Earth(float x, float y, float z){
myr = _earthsize;
center = new PVector(x, y, z);
myalpha = 255;
for(int i = 0; i < _earthdots; i++){
float phi = random(TWO_PI);
float unitZ = random(-1, 1);
mydots[i][0] = new PVector(phi, unitZ);
float x2 = myr * sqrt(1 - mydots[i][0].y * mydots[i][0].y) * cos(mydots[i][0].x);
float y2 = myr * sqrt(1 - mydots[i][0].y * mydots[i][0].y) * sin(mydots[i][0].x);
float z2 = myr * mydots[i][0].y;
mydots[i][1] = new PVector(x2, y2, z2);
void setTarget(){
for(int i = 0; i < _earthdots; i++){
float phi = random(TWO_PI);
float unitZ = random(-1, 1);
target[i][0] = new PVector(phi, unitZ);
float x = myr * sqrt(1 - target[i][0].y * target[i][0].y) * cos(target[i][0].x);
float y = myr * sqrt(1 - target[i][0].y * target[i][0].y) * sin(target[i][0].x);
float z = myr * target[i][0].y;
target[i][1] = new PVector(x, y, z);
void updateMe(){
if(frameCount % 120 == 0){
for(int i = 0; i < mydots.length; i++){
mydots[i][1].x += (target[i][1].x - mydots[i][1].x) * 0.05;
mydots[i][1].y += (target[i][1].y - mydots[i][1].y) * 0.05;
mydots[i][1].z += (target[i][1].z - mydots[i][1].z) * 0.05;
void drawMe(){
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