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Created March 7, 2018 19:07
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Haze 07C for Processing
int _y = year();
int _mo = month();
int _d = day();
int _h = hour();
int _mi = minute();
int _s = second();
PImage _img;
int _NUM = 4000;
PVector[] location = new PVector[_NUM];
PVector[] velocity = new PVector[_NUM];
PVector[] acceleration = new PVector[_NUM];
PVector[] force = new PVector[_NUM];
color[] colors = new color[_NUM];
float _radius = 1.0;
float _friction = 0.1;
PVector _minloc;
PVector _maxloc;
float _noiseScale = 0.02;//0.01
float _noiseStrength = 0.1;//0.1
void setup(){
size(800, 800, P3D);
_img = loadImage("source.jpg");
_img.resize(width, height);
_minloc = new PVector(0, 0, height * -0.4);
_maxloc = new PVector(width, height, height * 0.4);
for(int i = 0; i < _NUM; i++){
location[i] = new PVector(random(width), random(height), random(height * -0.4, height * 0.4));
velocity[i] = new PVector(0, 0, 0);
acceleration[i] = new PVector(0, 0, 0);
force[i] = new PVector(0, 0, 0);
setColor(location[i], i);
void draw(){
for(int i = 0; i < _NUM; i++){
fill(colors[i], 6);//a = 3
force[i].x = cos(noise(location[i].x * _noiseScale, location[i].y * _noiseScale, location[i].z * _noiseScale) * TWO_PI * 2.5);
force[i].y = sin(noise(location[i].x * _noiseScale, location[i].y * _noiseScale, location[i].z * _noiseScale) * TWO_PI * 2.5);
force[i].z = cos(noise(location[i].x * _noiseScale, location[i].y * _noiseScale, location[i].z * _noiseScale) * TWO_PI * 1.0);
velocity[i].mult(1.0 - _friction);
acceleration[i].set(0, 0, 0);
translate(location[i].x, location[i].y, location[i].z);
ellipse(0, 0, _radius * 2, _radius * 2);
if(location[i].x < _minloc.x){
location[i].x = _maxloc.x;
if(location[i].y < _minloc.y){
location[i].y = _maxloc.y;
if(location[i].z < _minloc.z){
location[i].z = _maxloc.z;
if(location[i].x > _maxloc.x){
location[i].x = _minloc.x;
if(location[i].y > _maxloc.y){
location[i].y = _minloc.y;
if(location[i].z > _maxloc.z){
location[i].z = _minloc.z;
void mousePressed(){
if (mouseButton == RIGHT){
for(int i = 0; i < _NUM; i++){
location[i].set(random(width), random(height), random(height * -0.4, height * 0.4));
velocity[i].set(0, 0, 0);
force[i].set(0, 0);
acceleration[i].set(0, 0, 0);
}else if(mouseButton == LEFT){
saveFrame("output/haze07C" + _y + _mo + _d + _h + _mi + _s + "#######.jpg");
void setColor(PVector loc, int i){
int x = (int)loc.x;
int y = (int)loc.y;
int pickup = x + (y * _img.height);
color c = _img.pixels[pickup];
colors[i] = c;
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