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Last active October 12, 2015 07:18
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23:08:07 < jercos> I'm killing the saybots the slow way
23:08:13 <@hintss> and that is?
23:08:57 <@hintss> jercos: i keep a 1 week scrollback :P
23:09:10 < jercos> oh
23:09:10 < jercos> k
23:09:11 < jercos> lol
23:09:17 <@hintss> which will probably end up being a bad thing after this :P
23:09:20 < jercos> >time based log rotation
23:09:25 <@hintss> 23:09:17 [murrica] ! *** Flood -- Roberto__! (12264) exceeds 8000 recvQ
23:09:28 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:09:31 <@hintss> jercos: wat
23:09:38 <@hintss> jercos: i don't save logs to disk, though
23:09:45 < jercos> you've got more common sense than some of the people I work with :p
23:09:47 <@hintss> 23:09:34 [murrica] ! *** Flood -- Roberto! (12264) exceeds 8000 recvQ
23:09:47 <@hintss> 23:09:34 [murrica] ! *** Flood -- Roberto_! (12264) exceeds 8000 recvQ
23:09:47 <@hintss> 23:09:34 [murrica] ! *** Flood -- Roberto______! (12264) exceeds 8000 recvQ
23:09:49 <@hintss> jercos: ...
23:09:52 <@JesusTheCaffeine> where does jercos work
23:09:54 < jercos> we've got this odd size-based log rotation system across a whole apache cluster
23:09:59 < jercos> JesusTheCaffeine: in space
23:10:00 <@JesusTheCaffeine> or what does jercos do
23:10:07 < jercos> I'm a technical operations engineer
23:10:07 <@hintss> JesusTheCaffeine: school phone notification company, last he said
23:10:11 <@hintss> jercos: ...
23:10:17 <@hintss> jercos: anyway
23:10:21 < jercos> it's more than phones
23:10:24 <@JesusTheCaffeine> that sounds like a bullshit job title >_>
23:10:25 < jercos> it's everything right down to fucking facebook
23:10:26 <@hintss> jercos: i had a similar response on reddit when i knew what icinga was
23:10:31 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:10:34 <@hintss> lol, JesusTheCaffeine
23:10:44 < jercos> JesusTheCaffeine: it's not that much bullshit, it's straightforward. I work in technical operations. I solve problems through engineering
23:10:50 <@hintss> lol
23:11:02 < jercos> it's like the opposite of bullshit
23:11:10 < jercos> I am a jack of all trades, and that is a jack of all trades title
23:11:12 <@hintss> jercos: so yeah, i still have the beginning from where i joined the channel :P
23:11:13 <@hintss> 22:12:24 -!- hintss [~hintss@is.literally.hintssler] has joined #saybots
23:11:20 < jercos> I do everything from code to networks, and everything in between
23:11:26 <@hintss> lol
23:11:44 <@JesusTheCaffeine> i remember somebody who got some bullshit tech job and moved to cali
23:11:48 <@JesusTheCaffeine> he moved back :3
23:11:51 <@hintss> lol, JesusTheCaffeine
23:12:00 <@hintss> jercos: i always just assumed you were in devops
23:12:22 <@JesusTheCaffeine> he also had long hair, and but this person claimed he was pedo, but was always going on about a girl who had broken up with him a year earlier
23:12:27 <@hintss> ...
23:12:29 <@JesusTheCaffeine> man he reminds me of jercos
23:12:30 <@hintss> waaat
23:12:32 <@JesusTheCaffeine> i'm sorrrrrrrry
23:12:32 <@hintss> LOL
23:12:52 <@JesusTheCaffeine> i think he just claimed he was pedo because i was in his lap
23:12:53 <@JesusTheCaffeine> whatever
23:13:12 <@hintss> lolol
23:13:30 <@JesusTheCaffeine> californa based high frequency firm paid worse than tx
23:13:32 <@JesusTheCaffeine> lol
23:13:35 <@hintss> LOLOL
23:13:50 <@hintss> if ponies ever makes that algorithmic trading game
23:13:50 < jercos> why is there only one good per-process bandwidth monitor on mac OS?
23:13:54 < jercos> this seems like a serious thing
23:14:05 <@JesusTheCaffeine> jercos uses osx
23:14:05 <@hintss> im just gonna go to my dad's work and get quotes from the bloomberg machines
23:14:06 <@hintss> lol
23:14:10 <@hintss> JesusTheCaffeine: you didn't know?
23:14:13 <@JesusTheCaffeine> jercos really is this other guy
23:14:17 <@hintss> lol, JesusTheCaffeine
23:14:20 < jercos> hintss: not devops. I don't write the software.
23:14:25 <@hintss> jercos: yeah
23:14:27 < jercos> JesusTheCaffeine: I use everything
23:14:30 < jercos> I mean literally everything
23:14:31 <@JesusTheCaffeine> jercos: did you make a shitty tetris attack clone?
23:14:31 < jercos> name an OS
23:14:38 < jercos> uh, yes. in javascript.
23:14:42 < jercos> for a class
23:14:45 < jercos> which I failed
23:14:49 <@JesusTheCaffeine> OHONHANUEHEOTNHUHEO you are literally
23:14:52 < jercos> due to forgetting about all the homework
23:14:53 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:14:53 <@JesusTheCaffeine> this other guy i know
23:14:55 <@JesusTheCaffeine> goddamn
23:14:58 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:15:09 <@hintss> 23:11:10 < Const_antine> What ru doing here?
23:15:09 <@hintss> 23:11:40 <@hintss> PONGing to PINGs
23:15:09 <@hintss> 23:11:45 <@hintss> and PINGing for PONGs
23:15:10 <@hintss> :P
23:15:13 <@JesusTheCaffeine> are you balding at 23?
23:15:17 <@hintss> lol, JesusTheCaffeine
23:15:19 < jercos> I mean I write a fucking video game in the last day of class, WHILE IN CLASS
23:15:22 < jercos> and the guy fails me
23:15:23 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:15:32 < jercos> the nerve
23:15:35 <@hintss> LOL
23:15:43 <@hintss> jercos: linus torvalds
23:15:45 < jercos> JesusTheCaffeine: my hair is fuller than buckminster
23:15:50 <@JesusTheCaffeine> awwww
23:15:52 <@JesusTheCaffeine> you can't be him
23:15:53 <@JesusTheCaffeine> :)
23:15:54 <@hintss> jercos: writing an ftpd while in class
23:15:55 <@JesusTheCaffeine> :((((
23:15:56 < jercos> geddit?
23:15:58 < jercos> buckminster?
23:15:58 <@hintss> jercos: gets kicked out
23:16:01 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:16:02 <@hintss> LOL
23:16:07 <@hintss> I SEE THE HUMOR
23:16:23 < jercos> yay
23:16:33 < jercos> gettin' hype like (yay) fluttershy
23:16:36 <@hintss> lolwut
23:16:54 <@JesusTheCaffeine> i wrote a shitty ass tetris clone for java class when i knew nothing about how gui
23:17:03 < jercos> hintss:
23:17:10 < jercos> hintss: listen at least halfway :p
23:17:11 <@JesusTheCaffeine> it was better than ANYTHING else in the class, the 2nd best was a coin flipper
23:17:15 <@JesusTheCaffeine> and i got a 90
23:17:17 < jercos> JesusTheCaffeine: lol
23:17:18 <@JesusTheCaffeine> it was so bs
23:17:20 < jercos> classes suck
23:17:24 < jercos> the real world is better than school
23:17:30 < jercos> 'swhy i skipped getting a degree
23:18:41 <@hintss> jercos: kk
23:18:43 <@hintss> lol, JesusTheCaffeine
23:18:43 <@JesusTheCaffeine> i would neverrrrrrr want to work in programming/tech job
23:18:45 <@JesusTheCaffeine> oh god
23:18:56 < jercos> hintss: #swag
23:18:57 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:18:57 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:19:01 < jercos> JesusTheCaffeine: srsly.
23:19:02 <@JesusTheCaffeine> not enough research
23:19:08 < jercos> developers get raped
23:19:10 <@hintss> lol, jercos
23:19:11 <@hintss> dat song
23:19:14 < jercos> good pay if you can score a gig, but it's boring as fuck
23:19:16 < jercos> working hard
23:19:16 <@hintss> jercos: i don't like software dev
23:19:25 <@JesusTheCaffeine> there is problem solving, but i don't like problem solving that much
23:19:30 <@hintss> lol, JesusTheCaffeine
23:19:30 < jercos> I mean who wants to work their ass off and then get dumped on the rug
23:19:31 <@JesusTheCaffeine> only sorta
23:19:34 <@hintss> jercos: yup
23:19:40 <@hintss> jercos: IT FTW?
23:19:47 < jercos> the same problems need solving anywhere
23:19:48 <@JesusTheCaffeine> IT also sounds awful
23:19:48 < jercos> oh my gosh
23:19:56 <@hintss> JesusTheCaffeine: that's helpdesk
23:19:57 <@JesusTheCaffeine> it sounds like a lazy, easy, secure job
23:19:57 < jercos> you wanna be an IT intern send in a fuckign resum?
23:20:04 <@hintss> jercos: ?
23:20:06 < jercos> if you can deal with people, and don't mind moving to los gatos :p
23:20:08 <@hintss> jercos: is that an offer?
23:20:15 <@hintss> :D
23:20:38 < jercos> I mean I can't actually guarantee anything, but hey
23:20:39 <@hintss> jercos: also, that song, lolwut
23:20:47 <@hintss> jercos: maybe, during the summer
23:20:54 < jercos> I'd hand in your resum? and be like "this kid has balls"
23:20:58 <@hintss> lol
23:21:10 < jercos> documentation is kinda key
23:21:13 <@hintss> yup
23:21:18 < jercos> but I'm sure you can handle that
23:21:25 < jercos> and yeah, that song is... that song.
23:21:28 <@hintss> lol
23:21:45 < jercos> hintss:
23:21:49 <@hintss> OH GOD ITS ALMOST MY BURFDAY
23:21:51 <@hintss> HNNNNG
23:21:54 < jercos> a less rappy song
23:21:56 <@hintss> lol
23:21:59 < jercos> huzzah!
23:22:04 < jercos> hoppy borthingtondayzor
23:22:08 <@hintss> :D
23:22:36 <@hintss> jercos: now the hard part: how the fuck do i write a resume :P
23:22:41 < jercos> yeah
23:22:43 < jercos> it's hard
23:22:45 <@hintss> lol
23:22:55 < jercos> basically, you want to write those traits that your employer wants to hear about
23:23:03 < jercos> experiences, qualifications, relevant tasks completed
23:23:08 <@hintss> lolol
23:23:13 < jercos> if you redid your school's networking lab, that's something
23:23:22 <@hintss> jercos: i broke it with switching loops
23:23:25 < jercos> if you set up GNS3 and used it to learn cisco, that's a thing
23:23:30 <@hintss> jercos: to prove a point about securing infrastructure
23:23:40 < jercos> if you can do the chicken dance and make everyone laugh, that's not a thing
23:23:46 <@hintss> LOL
23:23:53 <@hintss> then follow the theoatmeal comic about interviews?
23:24:05 < jercos> pretty much, yeah
23:24:07 <@hintss> lol
23:24:14 < jercos> have you worked before?
23:24:18 <@hintss> nope
23:24:19 <@hintss> lol
23:24:25 <@hintss> well
23:24:26 < jercos> because time spent working anywhere is a plus, but I kinda figured this was a first
23:24:28 <@hintss> define "worked"
23:24:31 <@hintss> yup
23:24:33 < jercos> mowing lawns doesn't count
23:24:42 < jercos> fixing computers for people under your own power or something? helps.
23:24:42 <@hintss> there are no lawns in irvine
23:24:50 <@hintss> :P
23:25:06 <@hintss> only stuff i did would be like
23:25:11 <@hintss> working on this
23:25:17 < jercos> lol
23:25:23 <@hintss> volunteering at that one church
23:25:24 < jercos> that probably counts
23:25:39 <@hintss> helping with computery things at my middle school
23:25:42 <@hintss> and that's abotu it
23:25:47 < jercos> add a structure, give yourself a title, make sure you can be contacted... but then again, is not something you want your employer to see
23:25:52 <@hintss> lolol
23:25:55 <@hintss> LOLOL
23:25:57 <@hintss> yup
23:26:02 < jercos> you could genericize it though
23:26:06 <@hintss> ""
23:26:11 < jercos> "built and managed a chat network with friends"
23:26:15 <@hintss> yup
23:26:29 < jercos> "serviced 30 users"
23:26:34 <@hintss> 30?
23:26:37 < jercos> (not sexually. get your mind out of the gutter)
23:26:43 < jercos> I dunno whatever gets to
23:26:52 <@hintss> 23:26:36 [murrica] -!- Current Local Users: 15 Max: 23
23:26:53 <@hintss> lol
23:27:17 <@hintss> could probably put r/teenagers on there :P
23:27:18 < jercos> well yeah, now
23:27:21 < jercos> but later
23:27:23 <@hintss> jercos: lol
23:27:24 < jercos> :p
23:27:31 < jercos> like, once takes over r/teenagers
23:27:36 <@hintss> jercos: do i count my brief time as oper of awfulnet?
23:27:44 < jercos> no
23:27:48 < jercos> that's just awful
23:27:48 <@hintss> lol
23:27:50 <@hintss> OLL
23:27:52 <@hintss> *LOL
23:27:59 < jercos> keep it to one chat network, or they'll think you're gonna spend all your work time on IRC
23:28:03 <@hintss> can i put down idlerpg times?
23:28:09 < jercos> ahahaha
23:28:11 < jercos> (no)
23:28:12 <@hintss> jercos: but i do spend all my work times on irc..
23:28:13 <@hintss> .
23:28:18 <@hintss> jercos: but idlerpg takes uptime!
23:28:23 < jercos> well yes, but you don't want them to think of that as a trait
23:28:30 < jercos> at least, not until you're hired
23:28:37 <@hintss> and is this not bad?
23:28:37 <@hintss> 22:44:23 <@idlerpg> Idle RPG Top Players:
23:28:37 <@hintss> 22:44:23 <@idlerpg> hintss, the level 64 train, is #1! Next level in 126 days, 00:06:05.
23:28:37 <@hintss> 22:44:23 <@idlerpg> ricin, the level 63 Master Idleologist, is #2! Next level in 2 days, 23:32:17.
23:28:38 < jercos> uptime is not a trait we're looking for :p
23:28:41 <@hintss> lol
23:28:54 < jercos> uptime is good, sure... but that's an ops thing, not IT
23:29:05 <@hintss> ok
23:29:06 < jercos> I have been stuck with an unfortunately large amount of IT work recently :|
23:29:10 <@hintss> lol
23:29:13 < jercos> mostly why I jump at the prospect of an IT guy
23:29:18 <@hintss> ?
23:29:32 < jercos> because you could deal with the stupid people and their stupid windows machines
23:29:36 <@hintss> lol
23:29:39 < jercos> and I could deal with the servers
23:29:41 <@hintss> i can't windows, though
23:29:43 <@hintss> like
23:29:52 <@hintss> i can go to control panel
23:29:59 <@hintss> or follow directions to mess with registry
23:30:01 <@hintss> but thats about it
23:30:02 < jercos> well no
23:30:05 < jercos> that's too complex
23:30:07 < jercos> this is like
23:30:09 <@hintss> lolwut
23:30:19 < jercos> "new laptop came in, install these 6 programs, and configure the users' outlook account"
23:30:22 <@hintss> oh
23:30:22 <@hintss> lol
23:30:26 <@hintss> that's doable
23:30:28 < jercos> that's IT in a nutshell
23:30:34 <@hintss> :D
23:30:38 < jercos> I mean you might also do some management or configuration of the networks
23:30:39 <@hintss> jercos: fog server?
23:30:58 < jercos> ooooh, yeah no
23:31:01 < jercos> we don't have that right now
23:31:01 <@hintss> :(
23:31:12 < jercos> we're doing some imaging stuff for production
23:31:19 <@hintss> so i would go "this is a waste of time, ima make this server"
23:31:21 < jercos> that might be the sort of project you could *do* actually being in IT though
23:31:22 <@hintss> then put up fog?
23:31:36 <@hintss> fog is magic
23:31:40 < jercos> basically. I mean you wouldn't ignore people getting things done
23:31:44 <@hintss> yeah
23:31:46 < jercos> if someone says "do this"
23:31:48 < jercos> first you do this
23:31:54 <@hintss> kk
23:32:09 < jercos> then you say "that was a waste of time, this is going to happen again, this is why, I'd like to set up a fog server, here's how much time it will solve"
23:32:10 <@hintss> LOL
23:32:15 <@hintss> jercos: got it
23:32:18 <@hintss> from the fog site:
23:32:20 <@hintss> "FOG can run on nearly any Linux distribution, but the installer we have written runs on Fedora 7+ and Ubuntu?"
23:32:23 <@hintss> dat question mark
23:32:23 <@hintss> lol
23:32:30 < jercos> lol
23:34:16 <@hintss> i want to start i minecraft server host or something, but all the web control panels suck, and i can't webdev
23:34:39 <@JesusTheCaffeine> webdev is dumb
23:34:41 <@JesusTheCaffeine> ly
23:34:41 <@JesusTheCaffeine> hard
23:34:45 <@hintss> lol
23:34:48 <@JesusTheCaffeine> design general
23:34:50 <@JesusTheCaffeine> i hate
23:34:53 <@hintss> yup
23:34:53 <@hintss> same
23:34:57 <@hintss> too subjective
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