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Last active October 12, 2015 15:48
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jercos quotes
21:33:12 < jercos> Assert::require($hintss->hintss(),Assert::IS_EQUAL,"lol");
21:51:07 < dipshit> o__o
21:51:16 <~hintss> augh perl
21:54:21 < dipshit> <3 perl
21:54:45 <~hintss> lol
00:30:27 < jercos> perl is best language
00:30:43 < jercos> all the functionality of Python and awk, wrapped in the comfortable syntax of C and bash
00:31:49 < jercos> a drizzle of originality, the object-orientation system that inspired PHP's current horror, and an overload philosophy that belongs in a math textbook
00:32:20 < jercos> perl is to scripts as lisp is to code :D
00:32:31 < jercos> an elegant weapon, from a more civilized age
00:32:52 < jercos> capable of cutting close, precisely, and in a manner completely incomprehensible to those not in the know
16:27:27 <~hintss> jercos: what happenned to hypeirc?
16:34:12 < jercos> cjdns fall down go boom
16:34:14 < jercos> reconnect
16:49:05 < jercos> hintss: that code is also available on their website.
16:49:12 < jercos> (moar liek webshite, amirite?)
15:23:48 -!- Dana [] has joined #teenagers
15:29:57 <@jercos> g'dana
18:25:28 <@hintss> jercos: oh, i have a python problem
18:48:53 <@jercos> hintss: I have a python solution
20:22:43 <@Ruse> m0n0 crashed our mumble
20:22:46 <@jercos> I don't even monochrome
20:22:52 <@jercos> so get a better one
20:22:53 <@jercos> gosh
20:23:14 <@jercos> what did she y'know, actually *do*?
20:23:28 <@jercos> (did she put her dick in the port?)
20:23:35 <@jercos> (that tends to break things in my experience)
20:24:23 <@jercos> >2 month uptime
20:24:28 <@jercos> >= 2 months without updates
20:24:37 <@jercos> >complains about crashes
20:24:48 <@jercos> protip uptime means all of balltit mcfuckcocks
16:24:11 < Enrique> y jercos y casper
16:24:22 < Xtasis> jercos?
16:24:29 < Xtasis> Ese no era un acosador sexual'
[5:06:19 PM] jercos: and fivensics can recover files that weren't even there to begin with
[11:58:03] <scaled> mfw jercos traded a pizza for 10k btc in 2010
[11:59:12] <jercos> yes
[11:59:19] <jercos> that was me
[11:59:21] <scaled> wow
[11:59:28] <jercos> unfortunately I sold those coins way before the big boom
[11:59:36] <jercos> so I made maybe 20x profit on that
[11:59:38] <jercos> at most
[11:59:57] <jercos> as opposed to how they'd now be worth $200,000
[12:00:02] <jercos> :|
[12:00:07] <jercos> I am not an investor
[12:00:29] <jercos> also that $200 or so I got at the time really helped a poor situation
[12:02:00] <jercos> so yeah
[12:02:03] <jercos> I have some minor regrets
[12:02:05] <jercos> but not many
[10:13:53 PM] jercos: censorship is for cocks
[5/6/2013 7:37:53 PM] hintss: you never said why you hated esper
[5/6/2013 7:37:55 PM] jercos: jercos donates 2 cents with paypal
[5/6/2013 7:38:01 PM] jercos: 'cause esper
[5/6/2013 7:38:05 PM] hintss: other than that you were too awesome
[5/6/2013 7:38:09 PM] jercos: full of faggots and potato
[5/6/2013 7:38:17 PM] jercos: and furries
[5/6/2013 7:38:19 PM] hintss: lol
[5/6/2013 7:38:46 PM] jercos: they have no west-coast servers
[5/6/2013 7:38:53 PM] hintss: lol
[5/6/2013 7:38:55 PM] jercos: which proves that deep in their heart, they really don't care about their users
[5/6/2013 7:39:02 PM] hintss: LOL
[5/6/2013 7:39:06 PM] Hotkeys: pfft
[5/6/2013 7:39:11 PM] Hotkeys: who lives on the west coast
[5/6/2013 7:39:18 PM] jercos: me
[5/6/2013 7:39:19 PM] hintss: what if a network only has west coast servers?
[5/6/2013 7:39:19 PM] jercos: hintss
[5/6/2013 7:39:29 PM] jercos: that proves they *truly* care about their users
[5/6/2013 7:39:30 PM] hintss: *cough murrica cough*
[5/6/2013 7:39:31 PM] jercos: enough to fuck da haters
[12:27:37 AM] jercos: no
[12:27:43 AM] jercos: look less confused
[12:27:46 AM] jercos: look more serious
[12:27:53 AM] jercos: look cheerful, but ready to get down to business
[12:28:00 AM] jercos: picture in your mind if you will a pond
[12:28:06 AM] jercos: at the bottom of that pond is a potato
[12:28:09 AM] jercos: you are now an irishman
[12:28:14 AM] jercos: you have a bottle of whiskey in your hand
[12:28:23 AM] jercos: now imagine would you need to do to get that potato
[12:28:28 AM] jercos: that is the face you should make
[08:48:44] <jercos> lulz
[08:48:50] <jercos> so my computer just blew a motherboard
[08:48:56] <jercos> so I am using a computer with no wireless
[08:49:09] <jercos> and no X11
[08:49:16] <jercos> plugged into a router with no config
[08:49:19] <jercos> running openwrt
[08:49:46] <jercos> that I just convinced, without documentation, by *reading the LuCI sources* to connect to my wireless network
[08:49:58] <jercos> is that hot OR IS THAT FUCKING HOT
[08:50:07] <jercos> yeah idk, this sucks
[10:29:39 PM] Austin Edwards: Off topc: I wish I hadnt shaved my neckbeard, Now I have to scratch my hand with my other hand like some peasant
[10:29:46 PM] jercos: ahahahahaha
[10:29:49 PM] jercos: that feel
[22:28:00] <jercos> xnil: subluminal is hosted in high-redundancy datacenters in multiple US states
[22:28:11] <jercos> and also in my bedroom because why not, I've got 50/10 and a package of statics
[22:28:27] <camel> ++
[22:28:44] <jercos> this is literally the cause of 90% of subluminal's netsplits
[22:28:47] <camel> > "because why not"
[22:28:51] <camel> the reason for true productivity
[22:28:53] <jercos> whoops, the cat sat on the power strip and 1/3rd of subluminal died
[22:29:00] <cinebox> definately going to remember "rotate your modem 90° and try again" for future reference
[22:29:01] <camel> topkek
[22:29:35] <jercos> on the other hand every time linode had a major enough outage to knock the other two servers (linodes in different datacenters, run by different people) offline, abacus was still there :p
[22:29:47] <jercos> soooo
[22:29:47] <hintss> jercos: LOL
[22:29:52] <jercos> actually seems to be a pretty decent policy
[09:53:50] <jercos> that's how investments work, you build people's confidence, and then take their money
[09:53:53] <jercos> and then make more money
[15:15:26] <jercos> related: fuck I literally have an FPGA sitting on my desk waiting for me to pick it up and start learning verilog
[15:15:36] <jercos> it has been there for >2 years now iirc
[15:15:53] <jercos> I'm so money wasting
[15:16:20] <jercos> might as well spend it all on drugs, at which point why even earn money in the first place
[15:16:24] <jercos> brb existential crisis
23:03:43 <~jercos> >Clients can communicate with each others over "channels". A channel is created by a client subscribing to it. More than one
client can be subscribed to a channel at a time; all of them will receive the messages which get sent to it.
23:03:53 <~jercos> that's it, I'll rewrite artemis3 to use mpd as a router
22:40:50 <~jercos> tfw getting kicked from awfulnet channels for dumb reasons
22:40:54 <~jercos> like... pasting things
22:41:00 <~jercos> in particular
22:41:02 <~jercos> ┌(^_^)┐
22:41:02 <~jercos> ┌(^_^)┘ └(^_^)┐
22:41:02 <~jercos> ┌(^_^)┘ LOL └(^_^)┐
22:41:02 <~jercos> └(^_^)┐ DONGS ┌(^_^)┘
22:41:03 < splashy>
22:41:04 <~jercos> └(^_^)┐ ┌(^_^)┘
22:41:07 <~jercos> └(^_^)┘
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