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Created June 10, 2013 07:48
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#spigot lols
[00:35:07] * cools12 (webchat@ has joined
[00:35:12] <cools12> whats ip?
[00:35:31] <Grinch|Away> For what/
[00:35:36] <Grinch|Away> ?
[00:35:36] <cools12> server
[00:35:39] <Grinch|Away> What server?
[00:35:44] <cools12> this server
[00:35:50] <cools12> Spigot
[00:35:57] <Grinch|Away> Spigot doesn't have it's own server, it's server software.
[00:36:00] <LaxWasHere>
[00:36:03] <Grinch|Away> Least I'm not aware of it having it's own server. :s
[00:36:19] <cools12> is that the ip
[00:36:23] <LaxWasHere> Yep.
[00:36:40] <cools12> says cant reach server
[00:36:46] <LaxWasHere> Or just
[00:36:49] * Grinch|Away facepalms
[00:37:01] <cools12> can i be a staff?
[00:37:12] <Grinch|Away> You're fired.
[00:37:15] <cools12> was the server made today?
[00:37:16] * jamieduke has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[00:37:38] <LaxWasHere> You can be OP for $5
[00:37:40] <cools12> was the server made today
[00:37:43] <cools12> :/
[00:37:45] <cools12> can i be mod?
[00:37:57] <LaxWasHere> If you donate.
[00:37:59] <cools12> are u on atm
[00:38:04] <cools12> whats ur ign
[00:38:05] <LaxWasHere> No.
[00:38:12] <cools12> are u owner?
[00:38:18] <cools12> co-owner?
[00:38:20] <cools12> admin
[00:38:24] <LaxWasHere> Owner.
[00:38:24] <Grinch|Away> Again you are fired good sir.
[00:38:33] <cools12> ohh..
[00:38:38] <LaxWasHere> md_5 is co owner
[00:38:41] <cools12> what about if i donated later and get mod now?
[00:38:49] <md_5> lolwat
[00:38:55] <LaxWasHere> Donate first
[00:38:58] <cools12> cant atm
[00:39:03] <cools12> i could help u with stuff
[00:39:06] <LaxWasHere> It's all automated.
[00:39:17] <cools12> :/
[00:39:19] <cools12> :(
[00:39:24] <cools12> im 23
[00:39:35] <md_5> this is not a server
[00:39:36] <LaxWasHere> Gib me ur mums credit card number
[00:39:41] <cools12> no?
[00:39:47] <cools12> why
[00:39:52] <cools12> wil i get op?
[00:39:55] <LaxWasHere> Yes
[00:40:04] <cools12> wait 1 sec
[00:40:11] <LaxWasHere> Ok
[00:40:27] <cools12> will u donate with it for me?
[00:40:31] * Chalkie (Mibbit@ has joined
[00:40:34] <LaxWasHere> I will
[00:40:40] <cools12> u will donated to much
[00:40:45] <LaxWasHere> Just $5
[00:40:51] <cools12> u wont
[00:40:57] <LaxWasHere> I promise.
[00:41:06] <cools12> and it will come through on my mums phone and i get banned from mc foreverr
[00:41:30] <md_5> this isum
[00:41:34] <hintss> lol
[00:41:36] <LaxWasHere> Give it to CafeBabe
[00:41:38] <md_5> cools12 this is NOT a server
[00:41:46] <md_5> LaxWasHere is TROLLING you
[00:41:47] <cools12> yes
[00:41:52] <cools12> ?
[00:41:53] <md_5> !quiet LaxWasHere
[00:41:53] * Giygas sets modes [#spigot +q *!*]
[00:41:59] <cools12> md_5 go on the server
[00:42:05] <md_5> wat
[00:42:09] <md_5> I dont have a server
[00:42:11] <md_5> there IS no server
[00:42:15] <cools12> are u co-owner
[00:42:20] <md_5> there IS no server
[00:42:26] <cools12> lazlecraft
[00:42:28] <hintss> lol.
[00:42:33] <psgs> omg
[00:42:34] <md_5> that is laxwashere's server
[00:42:36] <md_5> not mine
[00:42:41] <cools12> k
[00:42:47] <cools12> whats urs
[00:43:24] * d_d_d (~d_d_d@ has joined
[00:43:32] * Grinch|Away facepalms again
[00:43:45] * cools12 lol
[00:43:57] * gabizou reads the previous discussin and continues to watch for extended hilarity
[00:43:57] <cools12> just gimme op
[00:44:06] <Grinch|Away> !op cools12
[00:44:08] <Grinch|Away> There, you're OP.
[00:44:11] <cools12> i will lol
[00:44:12] <hintss> cools12: after you pay $5
[00:44:16] <cools12> lol
[00:44:20] <cools12> an u op?
[00:44:30] <cools12> am i op?
[00:45:07] <md_5> ...............................................................
[00:45:09] <cools12> i wanna be staff on ur server
[00:45:13] <hintss> md_5: mind if i pastebin that ^^^ for posterity?
[00:45:22] <cools12> &4k
[00:45:24] <md_5> cools12 THIS ISNT A SERVER
[00:45:28] <cools12> IK
[00:45:29] <md_5> HOW CAN YOU BE STAFF ON IT
[00:45:37] <cools12> ON LAZZLECRAFT!!
[00:45:43] <hcherndon> :| wut
[00:45:43] <psgs> cools12
[00:45:46] <psgs> Listen please
[00:45:47] <cools12> ?
[00:45:49] <psgs> Listen very carefully
[00:45:57] <psgs> 1. This IS NOT a server.
[00:46:01] <psgs> 2. read above
[00:46:01] <cools12> ik
[00:46:05] <hintss> 3. THIS IS NOT A SERVER
[00:46:05] <psgs> 3. Read number 1.
[00:46:08] <cools12> lazzlecraft is
[00:46:12] <md_5> so what
[00:46:15] <md_5> THIS ISNT LAZLECRAFT
[00:46:20] <cools12> IKKK
[00:46:22] <cools12> IK
[00:46:23] <cools12> IK
[00:46:24] <cools12> IK
[00:46:24] <cools12> IK
[00:46:24] <cools12> IK
[00:46:25] <cools12> IK
[00:46:26] <cools12> IK
[00:46:26] <cools12> IK
[00:46:26] <cools12> IK
[00:46:27] <cools12> IK
[00:46:27] <cools12> IK
[00:46:28] <cools12> IK
[00:46:29] <cools12> IK
[00:46:30] * md_5 sets modes [#spigot +b *!*webchat@101.164.97.*]
[00:46:30] * md_5 has kicked cools12 from #spigot (cools12)
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