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Last active September 10, 2016 20:24
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InfIV being dumb on spigot irc
18:07:55 < InfIV> Is the best way to make my server not laggy is just to give it more ram?
18:08:27 < Fayettemat> InfIV, that really depends tbh
18:08:37 < InfIV> I'm giving it 2GB ram atm
18:08:40 < InfIV> Should I give it 5?
18:08:43 < InfIV> It only runs 6 plugins
18:08:48 <%Akkarin> InfIV: RAM rarely has anything to do with lag
18:08:58 < InfIV> Out of memory Akkarin
18:16:19 < InfIV> If I call the PlayerDeathEvent will it kill the player?
18:16:33 < InfIV> But not actually KILL him
18:16:38 < InfIV> just think it did
18:16:50 < InfIV> & would it automatically call the respawn event?
18:17:47 < InfIV> p#killPlayer isn't valid for me
18:17:51 < InfIV> It's in the PlayerQuitEvent
18:22:53 < InfIV> Couldn't I just do player#damage(20)?
18:23:18 < InfIV> hM
18:23:25 < InfIV> I'll make it Integer.MAX_VALUE then
18:23:57 < InfIV> Guess that's safer then
18:26:25 < InfIV> block#setPassenger maybe?
18:26:33 < InfIV> But it'd be more like sitting lol
06:07:23 < InfIV> will remove spigot.jar from a server crash it?
06:07:28 < InfIV> removing*
06:08:02 < InfIV> guys does it?
06:14:32 < InfIV> what do you mean kill -9
06:14:35 < InfIV> I don't have console
06:14:44 < InfIV> I have root
06:14:48 < InfIV> it's my dedi
06:16:45 < InfIV> #!/bin/sh while true do java -Xmx4024M -jar spigot.jar -o true echo "Rebooting in:" for i in 5 4 3 2 1 do echo "$i..." sleep 1 done echo "Rebooting now!" done
06:16:50 < InfIV> thats my restart script
07:21:26 < InfIV> my build server is still up. ;-;
07:21:36 < InfIV> is there anyway to take it down
07:22:32 < InfIV> if I move the server folder, will it crash
07:22:45 <%cindy_k> InfIV why not just kill it
07:22:49 < InfIV> i cant
07:22:54 < InfIV> its not running on a screen
07:23:02 < InfIV> so how would I kill it
07:23:33 < InfIV> done
07:23:38 < InfIV> installed htop
07:23:49 < InfIV> How do I use htop
08:17:07 < InfIV> ok, with my bug
08:17:43 < InfIV> I made a minigame and when players join the server, if they're not voting for a map, and there are over 3 players, it starts voting
08:17:51 < InfIV> but if people join almost at the same time
08:17:55 < InfIV> it starts it twice
08:29:29 < InfIV> when I loop through dropped items in a world and delete them it does nothing
08:43:53 < InfIV> Idk how to make corpes >.<
08:43:58 < InfIV> corpses*
08:44:08 < InfIV> I need to make them for an offline player
08:45:44 < InfIV> How would you make a fake player. :P
09:19:48 < InfIV> <-- Line 5 returns null but it doesn't print the players address to the console?
09:37:41 < InfIV> p.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress().replace("/", "") is what was returning null
09:37:44 < InfIV> I need an alternative
09:38:40 < InfIV> It's how to get the IP
09:39:01 < InfIV> fIRST IT'S
<a few dozen lines later>
10:03:16 < InfIV> OWAIT
10:03:19 < InfIV> Teoz
10:03:21 < InfIV> I know why
10:03:24 < InfIV> nvm i'm dumb
10:05:26 < InfIV> I was using Async >.<
11:56:48 < InfIV> hintss: I just got banned from PZ again ;-;
11:57:02 < InfIV> hintss: I bought an alt, logged in, called unon a nerd then got banned for alt
11:57:36 < InfIV> hintss: now i have to buy a new alt
11:59:20 < Fayettemat> InfIV, ban evading in any sort is bad and imo ban evaders should be punished properly
12:00:11 < InfIV> Fayettemat: I got banned for making Murder for my server
12:00:27 < InfIV> Yet
12:00:43 < InfIV> I got banned for plagarized content and no
12:01:04 < InfIV> they claim they invented murder
12:01:12 < InfIV> Murder from Gary's Mod
12:03:42 < InfIV> gonna buy another alt brb
12:15:33 < InfIV> hintss: I got banned again
12:01:24 < InfIV> nah gigo is nice
12:01:27 < InfIV> I met him at minecon
12:01:31 < InfIV> he didnt know why I was banned lol
12:01:54 < InfIV> it's just his head admin.
12:02:27 < InfIV> It's a bad head admin but meh
12:26:29 < InfIV> Aren't you Koala from MCM
13:03:18 < InfIV> Is netbeans an IDE
16:43:29 < InfIV> Akkarin: Could I tell you what I'm going to push to Spigot & can you tell me if it has a chance?
16:46:23 < InfIV> CyberTiger: I am adding a new class called Slot and an inventory will have a method getSlots and getSlot(int slot) slots have 2 vars, itemstack & id etc
17:20:12 < InfIV> Does anyone know where Bukkit#createInventory creates the inventory? I looked at it and it uses Server so I need to find where server is called
11:50:23 < InfIV> I tried making disguises with it but failed
11:50:41 < InfIV> So I have to use Lib's Disguises API
11:50:46 < InfIV> which I don't like ;-;
12:01:37 < InfIV> vanishnopacket?
12:02:56 < InfIV> CyberTiger, are you good with ProtocolLib
12:04:20 < InfIV> Oh, I'm trying to do 2 things, make corpses (I have no idea how to do that with NMS) and disguises (Again, the nms thing) I would prefer using NMS though.
12:15:45 < InfIV> I've seen another server do t
12:15:46 < InfIV> it*
12:50:46 < InfIV> Eclipse Mars is amazing 10/10 would recommend
12:51:21 < InfIV> i love eclipse mars
12:51:25 < InfIV> no lag, better suggestions etc
12:51:30 < InfIV> wow
12:51:55 < InfIV> eclipse > intellij
12:52:08 < InfIV> i have intellij and its terrible
12:52:13 <%Akkarin> InfIV: Would you please leave now? Thanks.
19:26:36 < InfIV> use eclipse mars
19:26:36 < InfIV> bye
19:27:34 < InfIV> eclipse for java devs
19:28:29 * InfIV runs
19:29:42 < InfIV> no
19:29:46 * InfIV runs
19:30:36 < InfIV> Intellij sucks
19:30:39 * InfIV runs
19:34:09 < InfIV> lmao Herogx
19:35:38 < InfIV> herogx eclipse mars is amazing
19:35:43 < InfIV> i got it too
04:14:56 < InfIV> is the IRC thing?
04:15:00 < InfIV> i made a bot and want to test him
04:15:35 < InfIV> no a bot for here
04:15:37 < InfIV> like cafebabe
04:15:50 < InfIV> what about cafebabe
04:16:05 < localhost> InfIV,
04:54:31 < Inf-V2> Hii
04:54:37 < Inf-V2> Is anyone good with SRVS ;-;
04:54:40 < Inf-V2>
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