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Created June 16, 2017 07:00
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[concrete5] [Legacy] Export only scrapbook proxy blocks
/* config/site_post.php */
$req = Request::get();
if ($req->getRequestPath() == 'export_scrapbook_proxies') {
$root = new SimpleXMLElement("<concrete5-cif></concrete5-cif>");
$root->addAttribute('version', '1.0');
$pages = $root->addChild("pages");
// Get all active scrapbook proxy blocks
$db = Loader::db();
$q = 'select bID from Blocks where btID = ? and bIsActive = 1';
$v = array(BlockType::getByHandle(BLOCK_HANDLE_SCRAPBOOK_PROXY)->getBlockTypeID());
$r = $db->GetAll($q, $v);
foreach ($r as $item) {
// Get the block instance
$b = Block::getByID($item['bID']);
// var_dump($b);
// Get the page that contains this block
$c = $b->getBlockCollectionObject();
// var_dump($c);
// Get the area that contains this block
$q = 'select cvb.arHandle from CollectionVersionBlocks cvb left join CollectionVersions cv'
. ' on cvb.cID = cv.cID and cvb.cvID = cv.cvID and cv.cvIsApproved = 1'
. ' where cvb.bID = ?';
$v = array($b->getBlockID());
$r = $db->GetOne($q, $v);
$a = Area::get($c, $r);
// var_dump($a);
/** @var CoreScrapbookDisplayBlockController $bi */
$bi = $b->getInstance();
$_bx = Block::getByID($bi->getOriginalBlockID());
// var_dump($_bx);
// Add page node and set attributes
$p = $pages->addChild('page');
$p->addAttribute('name', $c->getCollectionName());
$p->addAttribute('path', $c->getCollectionPath());
$p->addAttribute('filename', $c->getCollectionFilename());
$p->addAttribute('public-date', $c->getCollectionDatePublic());
$p->addAttribute('pagetype', $c->getCollectionTypeHandle());
$p->addAttribute('description', $c->getCollectionDescription());
$p->addAttribute('package', $c->getPackageHandle());
// Add area node
$area = $p->addChild('area');
$area->addAttribute('name', $a->getAreaHandle());
// Export original block
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $root->asXML();
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