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Last active June 5, 2018 01:12
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#concrete5 SmartFormat RSS (An example to customize Zend Feed with Extension)
// application/bootstrap/app.php
$app->make('Concrete\Core\Routing\RouterInterface')->register('/feed/smartnews', function() use ($app) {
* Registering Extension for Zend Feed
/** @var \Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManager $manager */
$manager = \Zend\Feed\Writer\Writer::getExtensionManager();
* Get pages
$pl = new \Concrete\Core\Page\PageList();
$vp = \Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\Key::getByHandle('view_page');
$guest = \Concrete\Core\User\Group\Group::getByID(GUEST_GROUP_ID);
$access = \Concrete\Core\Permission\Access\Entity\GroupEntity::getOrCreate($guest);
// we set page permissions to be Guest group only, because
// authentication won't work with RSS feeds
$pl->setPermissionsChecker(function($page) use ($vp, $access) {
$pa = $vp->getPermissionAccessObject($page);
if (!is_object($pa)) {
return false;
return $pa->validateAccessEntities(array($access));
// Filter By Page Type
$pagination = $pl->getPagination();
if ($pagination->getTotalResults() > 0) {
$request = \Concrete\Core\Http\Request::getInstance();
* Retrieve site information
$site = $app->make('site')->getSite();
$home = $site->getSiteHomePageObject('ACTIVE');
$description = ($site->getAttribute('description')) ? $site->getAttribute('description') : t('No Description');
$thumbnail = $site->getAttribute('thumbnail');
* Setup Feed Object
$writer = new \Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed();
if (is_object($thumbnail) {
'uri' => $thumbnail->getURL(),
'title' => $site->getSiteName(),
'link' => $site->getSiteCanonicalURL()
$writer->setDateCreated(new DateTime());
/** @var \Concrete\Core\Page\Page|\Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Collection|\Page $p */
foreach($pagination->getCurrentPageResults() as $p) {
$entry = $writer->createEntry();
if ($description = $p->getCollectionDescription()) {
$uid = $p->getCollectionUserID();
/** @var \Concrete\Core\User\UserInfo $ui */
$ui = $app->make('Concrete\Core\User\UserInfoFactory')->getByID($uid);
if ($ui !== null) {
'name' => $ui->getUserDisplayName(),
'uri' => (string) $ui->getUserPublicProfileUrl()
$thumbnail = $p->getAttribute('thumbnail');
if (is_object($thumbnail)) {
$entry->setSmartNewsThumbnail((string) $thumbnail->getURL());
if ($tracking_id = $site->getAttribute('tracking_id'))
'trackingid' => $tracking_id,
'uri' => $p->getCollectionLink(true)
$a = \Concrete\Core\Area\Area::get($p, 'Main');
$blocks = $a->getAreaBlocksArray();
foreach($blocks as $b) {
$bv = new \Concrete\Core\Block\View\BlockView($b);
$content = ob_get_contents();
if (!$content) {
$content = t('No Content.');
return \Concrete\Core\Http\Response::create(
array('Content-Type' => 'text/xml')
// application/src/Feed/Writer/Extension/SmartNews/Entry.php
namespace Application\Src\Feed\Writer\Extension\SmartNews;
use Zend\Feed\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Zend\Feed\Uri;
use Zend\Feed\Writer\Exception\BadMethodCallException;
use Zend\Stdlib\StringUtils;
use Zend\Stdlib\StringWrapper\StringWrapperInterface;
class Entry
* Array of Feed data for rendering by Extension's renderers
* @var array
protected $data = array();
* Encoding of all text values
* @var string
protected $encoding = 'UTF-8';
* The used string wrapper supporting encoding
* @var StringWrapperInterface
protected $stringWrapper;
public function __construct()
$this->stringWrapper = StringUtils::getWrapper($this->encoding);
* Set feed encoding
* @param string $enc
* @return Entry
public function setEncoding($enc)
$this->stringWrapper = StringUtils::getWrapper($enc);
$this->encoding = $enc;
return $this;
* Get feed encoding
* @return string
public function getEncoding()
return $this->encoding;
* Set a thumbnail of this entry
* @param string $url
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return $this
public function setSmartNewsThumbnail($url)
if (empty($url) || !is_string($url) || !Uri::factory($url)->isValid()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter: parameter must be a non-empty string and valid URI/IRI');
$this->data['thumbnail'] = $url;
return $this;
* Set the analytics code
* @param array $data
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return $this
public function setSmartNewsAnalytics(array $data)
if (!array_key_exists('trackingid', $data)
|| empty($data['trackingid'])
|| !is_string($data['trackingid'])
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter: Tracking ID must be a non-empty string');
if (!array_key_exists('uri', $data)
|| empty($data['uri'])
|| !is_string($data['uri'])
|| !Uri::factory($data['uri'])->isValid()
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid parameter: path must be a non-empty string and valid URI');
$this->data['analytics'] = $data;
return $this;
* Overloading to SmartNews specific setters
* @param string $method
* @param array $params
* @throws BadMethodCallException
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, array $params)
$point = lcfirst(substr($method, 12));
if (!method_exists($this, 'setSmartNews' . ucfirst($point))
&& !method_exists($this, 'addSmartNews' . ucfirst($point))
) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(
'invalid method: ' . $method
if (!array_key_exists($point, $this->data)
|| empty($this->data[$point])
) {
return null;
return $this->data[$point];
// application/src/Feed/Writer/Extension/SmartNews/Renderer/Entry.php
namespace Application\Src\Feed\Writer\Extension\SmartNews\Renderer;
use Zend\Feed\Uri;
use Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\AbstractRenderer;
class Entry extends AbstractRenderer
* Set to TRUE if a rendering method actually renders something. This
* is used to prevent premature appending of a XML namespace declaration
* until an element which requires it is actually appended.
* @var bool
protected $called = false;
* @inheritDoc
public function render()
$this->_setThumbnail($this->dom, $this->base);
$this->_setAnalytics($this->dom, $this->base);
if ($this->called) {
protected function _setThumbnail(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $root)
$url = $this->getDataContainer()->getSmartNewsThumbnail();
if (!$url) {
$thumbnail = $dom->createElement('media:thumbnail');
$thumbnail->setAttribute('url', $url);
$this->called = true;
protected function _setAnalytics(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $root)
$data = $this->getDataContainer()->getSmartNewsAnalytics();
if (!is_array($data)) {
$uri = Uri::factory($data['uri']);
$code = sprintf("<script>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', '%s', '%s');
ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
ga('set', 'referrer', '');
ga('send', 'pageview', '%s');
</script>", $data['trackingid'], $uri->getHost(), $uri->getPath());
$analytics = $dom->createElement('snf:analytics');
$cdata = $dom->createCDATASection($code);
$this->called = true;
* @inheritDoc
protected function _appendNamespaces()
// application/src/Feed/Writer/Extension/SmartNews/Renderer/Feed.php
namespace Application\Src\Feed\Writer\Extension\SmartNews\Renderer;
use Zend\Feed\Writer\Extension\AbstractRenderer;
class Feed extends AbstractRenderer
* Set to TRUE if a rendering method actually renders something. This
* is used to prevent premature appending of a XML namespace declaration
* until an element which requires it is actually appended.
* @var bool
protected $called = false;
* @inheritDoc
public function render()
$this->_setFeedLogo($this->dom, $this->base);
if ($this->called) {
protected function _setFeedLogo(\DOMDocument $dom, \DOMElement $root)
$image = $this->getDataContainer()->getImage();
if (!$image) {
$logo = $dom->createElement('snf:logo');
$url = $dom->createElement('url');
$text = $dom->createTextNode($image['uri']);
$this->called = true;
* @inheritDoc
protected function _appendNamespaces()
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