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Created February 4, 2019 09:19
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diff --git a/wavelets/wfilt_db.m b/wavelets/wfilt_db.m
index 35c3cada..7016739a 100644
--- a/wavelets/wfilt_db.m
+++ b/wavelets/wfilt_db.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [h, g, a, info] = wfilt_db(N)
+function [h, g, a, info] = wfilt_db(N, coe = 0, compat = 1, dedeg = 0, il = 1)
%WFILT_DB Daubechies FIR filterbank
% Usage: [h,g] = wfilt_db(N);
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function [h, g, a, info] = wfilt_db(N)
% spectral factorization of the Lagrange interpolator filter. *N* also
% denotes the number of zeros at $z=-1$ of the lowpass filters of length
% $2N$. The prototype lowpass filter has the following form (all roots of
-% $R(z)$ are outside of the unit circle):
+% $R(z)$ are inside of the unit circle):
% .. H_l(z)=(1+z^-1)^N*R(z),
@@ -53,36 +53,153 @@ end
error('Minimum N is 1.');
- warning('Instability may occur when N is too large.');
+% warning('Instability may occur when N is too large.');
h = cell(2,1);
flen = 2*N;
% Calculating Lagrange interpolator coefficients
-sup = [-N+1:N];
-a = zeros(1,N);
-for n = 1:N
- non = sup(sup ~= n);
- a(n) = prod(0.5-non)/prod(n-non);
-P = zeros(1,2*N-1);
-P(1:2:end) = a;
-P = [P(end:-1:1),1,P];
+if (coe == 0);
+ sup = [-N+1:N];
+ a = zeros(1,N);
+ for n = 1:N
+ non = sup(sup ~= n);
+ a(n) = prod(0.5-non)/prod(n-non);
+ end;
+ P = zeros(1,2*N-1);
+ P(1:2:end) = a;
+ P = [P(end:-1:1),1,P];
+ sup = [-N+1:N];
+ s = zeros(1,N);
+ b = zeros(1,N);
+ p = zeros(1,N);
+ for n = 1:N
+ non = sup(sup ~= n);
+ n2 = 1 - non * 2; ln2 = length(n2); sn2 = mod(length(n2(n2 < 0)), 2); an2 = abs(n2);
+ fan2 = [];
+ for i = 1:ln2;
+ fan2 = [fan2, factor(an2(i))];
+ end;
+ fan2 = sort(fan2, 'ascend'); lfan2 = length(fan2);
+ d = n - non; ld = length(d ); sd = mod(length(d (d < 0)), 2); ad = abs(d );
+ fad = [];
+ for i = 1:ld;
+ fad = [fad, factor(ad(i))];
+ end;
+ fad = sort(fad, 'ascend'); lfad = length(fad);
+ rfan2 = [1]; i = 1;
+ rfad = [1]; j = 1;
+ while (1);
+ if (fan2(i) == 1);
+ i++;
+ elseif (fad(j) == 1);
+ j++;
+ elseif (fan2(i) == fad(j));
+ i++; j++;
+ elseif (fan2(i) < fad(j));
+ rfan2 = [rfan2, fan2(i)]; i++;
+ elseif (fan2(i) > fad(j));
+ rfad = [rfad, fad(j)]; j++;
+ end;
+ if (i > lfan2 || j > lfad);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (i <= lfan2);
+ rfan2 = [rfan2, fan2(i:end)];
+ end;
+ if (j <= lfad);
+ rfad = [rfad, fad(j:end)];
+ end;
+ lrfan2 = length(rfan2 );
+ lrfad = length(rfad );
+ lrfad1 = length(rfad(rfad == 1));
+ lrfad2 = length(rfad(rfad == 2));
+ assert(lrfad == lrfad1 + lrfad2);
+ s(n) = mod(sn2 + sd, 2);
+ t = floor(log2(rfan2));
+ p(n) = sum(log2(rfan2 .* pow2(-t)));
+ b(n) = ln2 - sum(t) + lrfad2;
+ end;
+ P = zeros(1,2*N-1);
+ P(1:2:end) = ((-1).^s) .* pow2(p - b);
+ P = [P(end:-1:1),1,P];
R = roots(P);
-% Roots outside of the unit circle and in the right halfplane
-R = R(abs(R)<1 & real(R)>0);
-% roots of the 2*conv(lo_a,lo_r) filter
-hroots = [R(:);-ones(N,1)];
-% building synthetizing low-pass filter from roots
-h{1}= real(poly(sort(hroots,'descend')));
-% normalize
+% Roots inside of the unit circle and in the right halfplane
+Rur = R(abs(R)<1 & real(R)>0);
+% Building synthesizing low-pass filter from roots
+if (compat == 1);
+ c = poly(sort([Rur(:);-ones(N,1)],'descend'));
+ % Build c is not having problematic imaginary parts, especially for large N.
+ % c is polynomial w/ complex coefficients if w/o any consideration of Rur.
+ % Consider Rur is N-1 length complex vector, but for all 1 <= i <= N-1,
+ % Rur(i) is real, or
+ % Rur(j) exists where 1 <= j <= N-1 and j != i and Rur(j) == conj(Rur(i))
+ % is satisfied.
+ % This means c is actually polynominal w/ real coefficients.
+ c = [1];
+ for i = 1:N;
+ c = conv(c, [1, 1]);
+ end;
+ Rzp = Rur(imag(Rur) >= 0); Rzp = sort(Rzp, 'ascend'); lRzp = length(Rzp);
+ % FIXME: dedeg by unused R?
+ %if (dedeg == 1);
+ % Ruu = R(!(abs(R)<1 & real(R)>0)); lRuu = length(Ruu);
+ % % FIXME: Add Ruu refining?
+ % if (lRuu > 0);
+ % P = deconv(P, poly(sort(Ruu, 'descend')));
+ % end;
+ %end;
+ % Rzp refininig by Newton-Raphson method bounded by macihne epsilon or iteration limit.
+ for i = 1:lRzp;
+ if (i == 1 || dedeg == 1);
+ P = P / P(1); P(1) = 1; lP = length(P );
+ Pd = polyder(P); lPd = length(Pd);
+ end;
+ if (lP >= 2 && lPd >= 1);
+ d = eps * max(abs(P (2:lP ) .* (Rzp(i) .^ (lP -2:-1:0)))); d *= lP ;
+ dd = eps * max(abs(Pd(1:lPd) .* (Rzp(i) .^ (lPd-1:-1:0)))); dd *= lPd;
+ p = polyval(P, Rzp(i));
+ pd = polyval(Pd, Rzp(i)); %assert(abs(pd) > dd); % FIXME: pd actually should be far from 0.
+ e = d / (abs(pd) - dd); %assert( e >= 0);
+ Rzpi = Rzp(i);
+ j = 0;
+ while (abs(p) > e && j < il) % FIXME: e is too pessimistic?
+ %while ( j < il)
+ Rzpi = [Rzpi, Rzpi(end) - p / pd];
+ d = eps * max(abs(P (2:lP ) .* (Rzpi(end) .^ (lP -2:-1:0)))); d *= lP ;
+ dd = eps * max(abs(Pd(1:lPd) .* (Rzpi(end) .^ (lPd-1:-1:0)))); dd *= lPd;
+ p = polyval(P, Rzpi(end));
+ pd = polyval(Pd, Rzpi(end)); %assert(abs(pd) > dd); % FIXME: pd actually should be far from 0.
+ e = d / (abs(pd) - dd); %assert( e >= 0);
+ j++;
+ end;
+ [~, kmin] = min(abs(polyval(P, Rzpi))); Rzp(i) = Rzpi(kmin);
+ end;
+ if (imag(Rzp(i)) == 0);
+ Q = [1, -real(Rzp(i))];
+ else
+ Q = [1, -2*real(Rzp(i)), abs(Rzp(i))^2];
+ end;
+ c = conv(c, Q);
+ if (dedeg == 1);
+ P = deconv(P, Q);
+ end;
+ end;
+% Following assertion may fail if compat = 1 and N >= 5.
+%maic = max(abs(imag(c))); printf('maic = %.15e.\n', maic); assert(maic <= eps);
+h{1} = real(c);
+% Normalize
h{1}= h{1}/norm(h{1});
% QMF modulation low-pass -> highpass
h{2}= (-1).^(0:flen-1).*h{1}(end:-1:1);
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