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Created December 15, 2015 05:55
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BDBOAuth1SessionManager.h"
@interface BDBOAuth1SessionManager (KBExtension)
* Sends a generic OAuth signed request (using "Authentication" header) for JSON object.
* You should have successfully fetched access token first before using this method.
* @param accessPath An endpoint that requires an OAuth signed request.
* @param method HTTP method for the request.
* @param parameters The parameters to be either set as a query string for `GET` requests, or the request HTTP body.
* @param success Completion block performed upon successful request.
* @param failure Completion block performed if the request failed.
- (void)jsonObjectWithPath:(NSString *)accessPath
method:(NSString *)method
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
success:(void (^)(NSURLResponse *response, id jsonObject))success
failure:(void (^)(NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error))failure;
#import "BDBOAuth1SessionManager+KBExtension.h"
@implementation BDBOAuth1SessionManager (KBExtension)
- (void)jsonObjectWithPath:(NSString *)accessPath
method:(NSString *)method
parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
success:(void (^)(NSURLResponse *response, id jsonObject))success
failure:(void (^)(NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error))failure {
AFHTTPResponseSerializer *defaultSerializer = self.responseSerializer; // save old serializer for restore after request is completed
self.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer]; // override serializer
NSString *URLString = [[NSURL URLWithString:accessPath relativeToURL:self.baseURL] absoluteString];
NSError *error;
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [self.requestSerializer requestWithMethod:method URLString:URLString parameters:parameters error:&error];
if (error) {
failure(nil, error);
void (^completionBlock)(NSURLResponse * __unused, id, NSError *) = ^(NSURLResponse * __unused response, id responseObject, NSError *completionError) {
self.responseSerializer = defaultSerializer; // restore the old serializer
if (completionError) {
failure(response, completionError);
success(response, responseObject);
NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [self dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:completionBlock];
[task resume];
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