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func perform(followAction: FollowAction,
cache: Cache<FanClub>,
updateHandler: @escaping (_ isRevertOnFailure: Bool) -> Void) {
// update cache optimistically
let originalFanClub = cache.value(for: followAction.fanClubId)
if let updatedFanClub = originalFanClub?.updated(with: followAction) {
cache.set(updatedFanClub, for: followAction.fanClubId)
lastFollowActionUpdatedAt = Date()
// send network request
apiClient.followFanClub(id: followAction.fanClubId, isOn: followAction.isOn)
.subscribe(onCompleted: nil, onError: { [weak self] error in
guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
weakSelf.delegate?.actionController(weakSelf, didReceive: error)
// revert on failure
if let originalFanClub = originalFanClub {
cache.set(originalFanClub, for: followAction.fanClubId)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
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