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Last active June 5, 2024 10:00
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Save holyjak/36c6284c047ffb7573e8a34399de27d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Babashka HTTP server for serving static files, similar to `python -m http.server` but more flexible :)
#!/usr/bin/env bb
#_" -*- mode: clojure; -*-"
;; Based on
(ns http-server
(:require [babashka.fs :as fs]
[ :as browse]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]
[org.httpkit.server :as server]
[hiccup2.core :as html])
(:import [ URLDecoder URLEncoder]))
(def cli-options [["-p" "--port PORT" "Port for HTTP server" :default 8090 :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
["-d" "--dir DIR" "Directory to serve files from" :default "."]
["-h" "--help" "Print usage info"]])
(def parsed-args (parse-opts *command-line-args* cli-options))
(def opts (:options parsed-args))
(:help opts)
(do (println "Start a http server for static files in the given dir. Usage:\n" (:summary parsed-args))
(System/exit 0))
(:errors parsed-args)
(do (println "Invalid arguments:\n" (str/join "\n" (:errors parsed-args)))
(System/exit 1))
(def port (:port opts))
(def dir (fs/path (:dir opts)))
(assert (fs/directory? dir) (str "The given dir `" dir "` is not a directory."))
(defn index [f]
(let [files (map #(str (.relativize dir %))
(fs/list-dir f))]
{:body (-> [:html
[:meta {:charset "UTF-8"}]
[:title (str "Index of `" f "`")]]
[:h1 "Index of " [:code (str f)]]
(for [child files]
[:li [:a {:href (URLEncoder/encode (str child))} child (when (fs/directory? (fs/path dir child)) "/")]])]
[:footer {:style {"text-align" "center"}} "Served by http-server.clj"]]]
(defn body [path]
{:body (fs/file path)})
(fn [{:keys [:uri]}]
(let [f (fs/path dir (str/replace-first (URLDecoder/decode uri) #"^/" ""))
index-file (fs/path f "index.html")]
(and (fs/directory? f) (fs/readable? index-file))
(body index-file)
(fs/directory? f)
(index f)
(fs/readable? f)
(body f)
{:status 404 :body (str "Not found `" f "` in " dir)})))
{:port port})
(println "Starting http server at " port "for" (str dir))
(browse/browse-url (format "http://localhost:%s/" port))
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borkdude commented Mar 9, 2021

The problem with glob scanning all the files in the directory recursively should now be solved in babashka 0.2.13.

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borkdude commented Mar 9, 2021

I now added the gist to the babashka examples dir:

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FYI: If you want to run this script in headless environment, the (browse/browse-url (format "http://localhost:%s/" port)) might crash. It internally relies on /usr/bin/xdg-open on linux, which might not be available on headless distribution. So perhaps you can wrap the browse-url call into something like

(when-not (str/blank? (:out (sh/sh "which" "xdg-open")))
  (browse/browse-url (format "http://localhost:%s/" port)))

There might be some better/more idiomatic way to check presensce of xdg-open binary. The problematic browse-url function and its dependencies can be seen here

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Babashka itself has a slightly modified version of browse-url which does not depend on java.awt.Desktop. Feel free to PR improvements to that function.

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cassiel commented Apr 5, 2021

Haven't tried it yet... but maybe you mean text-align on line 51 rather than text-aling?

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holyjak commented Apr 6, 2021

Thanks, @cassiel, fixed!

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