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Last active January 26, 2021 15:40
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Rational numbers in Swift 3.0
// RationalNumber.swift
// A basic implementation of Rational numbers in Swift 3.0.
// (c) 2016 Hooman Mehr. Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
/// A data type to model rational numbers in Swift.
/// It always uses fully-reduced representation for simplicity and clarity of comparisons and uses LCM
/// (lowest common multiple) for addition & subtraction to reduce the chance of overflow in the middle
/// of computations. The disadvantage of these design choices are: It is not guaranteed to keep the numerator
/// and denominator as specified during construction, and GCD / LCM computations reduce its performance.
/// The performance trade-off is not huge and is usually acceptable for typical rational number use cases.
/// Preserving denominator can be addressed with a number formatter for rational numbers that I will
/// add later.
/// Basic comparision and math operators are defined, along with initializers and additional
/// operator overloads to ease mixing rational number calculations with integer (Int) and
/// floating point (Double) numbers.
/// A new ± operator is defined to help create rational numbers from floating point numbers by specifying a
/// conversion tolerace, e.g.: 0.109±0.0005 gives ⁵⁄₄₆.
public struct Rational {
/// The numerator of the fraction.
/// Also carries the sign of the Rational number.
public let numerator: Int
/// The denominator of the fraction.
/// - Precondition: `denominator > 0`
public let denominator : Int
/// Main initilizer to make a rational from the given numerator and denominator.
/// - Precondition: `denominator != 0`
public init(_ numerator: Int, over denominator: Int) {
precondition(denominator != 0, "Denominator can't be zero.")
let divisor = gcd(Swift.abs(numerator), Swift.abs(denominator))
let num = (denominator > 0 ? numerator : -numerator) / divisor
let denom = Swift.abs(denominator) / divisor
self.init(numerator: num, denominator: denom)
/// Returns a rational that is the inverse of `self`.
/// More efficient than computing `1/self`.
/// - Precondition: `self != 0`
public func inverted() -> Rational {
precondition(numerator != 0, "Zero can't be inverted.")
return Rational(numerator: numerator < 0 ? -denominator: denominator,
denominator: Swift.abs(numerator))
/// Returns a rational that has the smallest possible denominator that does not exceed the specified tolerance.
/// Note that tolerance is a value, not a ratio.
public func rounded(withTolerance tolerance: Double) -> Rational {
precondition(tolerance >= 0 && tolerance < 1, "Tolerance value should be less than one and greater than or equal to zero.")
return Rational(Double(numerator)/Double(denominator), tolerance: tolerance)
/// Returns a rational that has the smallest possible denominator that does not exceed the specified tolerance.
/// Note that tolerance is a relative percentage.
public func rounded(withTolerance tolerance: Percentage) -> Rational {
return rounded(withTolerance: self*tolerance)
/// Returns a rational rounded to the specified denominator.
/// The resulting denominator may be smaller than the specified denominator, as any rational is always
/// kept in fully reduced form.
/// - Precondition: `self != 0`
public func rounded(toDenominator newDenominator: Int) -> Rational {
precondition(newDenominator > 0, "Denominator can't be negative or zero.")
return Rational(Int((Double(numerator)/Double(denominator) * Double(newDenominator)).rounded()), over: newDenominator)
/// Internal memberwise initializer without validation.
/// Only use with pre-validated parameter values.
/// - Precondition: `denominator > 0 && gcd(numerator,denominator) == 1`
internal init(numerator: Int, denominator: Int) {
// Assertion of design assumptions:
assert(denominator != 0, "Can create Rational with denominator of zero.")
assert(denominator > 0, "Can create Rational: Sign should be carried by numerator.")
assert(gcd(Swift.abs(numerator),denominator) == 1, "Can create Rational: Greatest common divisor of numerator & denominator should be 1.")
self.numerator = numerator
self.denominator = denominator
// MARK: Hashable
extension Rational: Hashable {
public var hashValue : Int {
return numerator.hashValue ^ denominator.hashValue
//MARK: AbsoluteValuable
extension Rational: AbsoluteValuable {
public static func abs(_ x: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(numerator: Swift.abs(x.numerator), denominator: x.denominator)
// AbsoluteValuable implies: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, Equatable, Comparable, SignedNumber
//MARK: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral
public init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
//MARK: Equatable
public static func ==(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Bool {
return lhs.numerator == rhs.numerator && lhs.denominator == rhs.denominator
//MARK: Comparable
public static func <(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Bool {
return lhs.numerator * rhs.denominator < rhs.numerator * lhs.denominator
//MARK: SignedNumber
public prefix static func -(x: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(numerator: -x.numerator, denominator: x.denominator)
public static func -(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
let (lnum, rnum, denom) = numsWithCommonDenom(lhs, rhs)
return Rational(lnum - rnum, over: denom)
extension Rational: Strideable {
public func advanced(by n: Rational) -> Rational {
return self + n
public func distance(to other: Rational) -> Rational {
return other - self
extension Rational: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
let superscriptDigits: [Character:Character]
= ["-":"⁻", "0":"⁰", "1":"¹", "2":"²", "3":"³", "4":"⁴", "5":"⁵", "6":"⁶", "7":"⁷", "8":"⁸", "9":"⁹"]
let subscriptDigits: [Character:Character]
= ["-":"⁻", "0":"₀", "1":"₁", "2":"₂", "3":"₃", "4":"₄", "5":"₅", "6":"₆", "7":"₇", "8":"₈", "9":"₉"]
let absnum = Swift.abs(numerator)
let num = String(absnum % denominator)
let denom = String(denominator)
let sign = numerator>=0 ? "" : "-"
let whole = absnum<denominator ? "" : String(absnum/denominator)
let frac = denominator==1 ? "" : "\(num.mapped(with: superscriptDigits))⁄\(denom.mapped(with: subscriptDigits))"
return "\(sign)\(whole)\(frac)" }
extension Rational {
/// Convert from an Int.
public init(_ value: Int) {
self.init(value, over: 1)
/// Convert from a Double.
/// By default, creates a rational with the smallest denominator that satisfies the tolerance.
/// The default tolerance is 0.00005. If you pass a tolerance of zero, an exact conversion
/// of the binary floating point representation will be performed, which may not be what you want.
/// You may pass a list of preferred denominators to try first before falling back to smallest
/// denominator algorithm.
/// - Parameter x: A Double value to convert to rational.
/// - Parameter tolerance: The maximum acceptable amount of error of the conversion. Defaults to
/// 0.00005. A tolerance of 0.0 causes an exact conversion of binary floting point which
/// may itself be in error as a result of a previous convertion of a rational (such as decimal
/// fraction) to binary floating point.
/// - Parameter preferredDenominators: An array of denominators to use for the rational in the
/// order of preference. The first denominator that produces a result within the tolerance
/// will be selected. Defaults to empty array [].
/// - Precondition: 0.0 <= tolerance < 1.0
public init(_ x: Double, tolerance: Double = 0.00005, preferredDenominators: [Int] = [] ) {
precondition(tolerance >= 0 && tolerance < 1, "Tolerance value should be less than one and greater than or equal to zero.")
if tolerance == 0.0 {
if x.isZero {
self.init(numerator: 0, denominator: 1)
} else {
guard x.isNormal else { fatalError("Floating point number can't be represented as Rational.") }
// `x.significandBitPattern == 0` is a workaround for bug SR-2868
let width = x.significandBitPattern == 0 ? 0 : x.significandWidth
var num = 1 << width
num += Int(x.significandBitPattern >> UInt64(Double.significandBitCount - width))
if x.sign == .minus { num = -num }
let denom = width > x.exponent ? 1 << (width - x.exponent) : 1
self.init(numerator: num, denominator: denom)
//FIXME: Detect and throw a fatal error message for overflow to aid in debugging.
} else {
for denom in preferredDenominators {
let num = denom.scaled(by: x)
if Swift.abs(Double(num)/Double(denom) - x) <= tolerance {
self.init(num, over: denom)
var num = (1, 0)
var denom = (0, 1)
var fractional = x
var integral: Int
repeat {
integral = Int(fractional.rounded(.down))
num = (integral * num.0 + num.1, num.0)
denom = (integral * denom.0 + denom.1, denom.0)
fractional = 1.0/(fractional-Double(integral))
} while Swift.abs(x-Double(num.0)/Double(denom.0)) > tolerance
self.init(num.0, over: denom.0)
/// Convert from a Double.
public init(_ x: Double, tolerance: Percentage = 0.01%, preferredDenominators: [Int] = [] ) {
self.init(x, tolerance: x*tolerance, preferredDenominators: preferredDenominators)
public static func +(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
let (lnum, rnum, denom) = numsWithCommonDenom(lhs, rhs)
return Rational(lnum + rnum, over: denom)
public static func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(lhs.numerator * rhs.numerator,
over: lhs.denominator * rhs.denominator)
public static func /(lhs: Rational, rhs: Rational) -> Rational {
return Rational(lhs.numerator * rhs.denominator,
over: lhs.denominator * rhs.numerator)
public extension Double {
init(_ r: Rational) {
self = Double(r.numerator)/Double(r.denominator)
//MARK: Convenience Extras
/// Tolerance infix operator
infix operator ± : BitwiseShiftPrecedence
public func ±(x: Double, tolerance: Double) -> Rational { return Rational(x, tolerance: tolerance) }
public func ±(x: Rational, tolerance: Double) -> Rational { return x.rounded(withTolerance: tolerance) }
public func ±(x: Rational, tolerance: Rational) -> Rational { return x.rounded(withTolerance: Double(tolerance)) }
/// Percentage postfix operator
postfix operator %
/// A representation of a ratio (percentage).
/// It is used to distinguish absolute vs relative tolerance.
public struct Percentage {
let value: Double
internal init(_ value: Double) {
precondition(value >= 0.0, "Negative percentage is undefined.")
self.value = value / 100.0
public postfix func %(lhs: Double) -> Percentage { return Percentage(lhs) }
public func *(lhs: Double, rhs: Percentage) -> Double { return lhs * rhs.value }
public func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Percentage) -> Double { return lhs * rhs.value }
public func ±(x: Double, tolerance: Percentage) -> Rational { return Rational(x, tolerance: tolerance) }
public func ±(x: Rational, tolerance: Percentage) -> Rational { return x.rounded(withTolerance: tolerance) }
public func +(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs + Rational(rhs) }
public func -(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs - Rational(rhs) }
public func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs * Rational(rhs) }
public func /(lhs: Rational, rhs: Int) -> Rational { return lhs / Rational(rhs) }
public func +(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) + rhs }
public func -(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) - rhs }
public func *(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) * rhs }
public func /(lhs: Int, rhs: Rational) -> Rational { return Rational(lhs) / rhs }
public func +(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) + rhs }
public func -(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) - rhs }
public func *(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) * rhs }
public func /(lhs: Rational, rhs: Double) -> Double { return Double(lhs) / rhs }
public func +(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs + Double(rhs) }
public func -(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs - Double(rhs) }
public func *(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs * Double(rhs) }
public func /(lhs: Double, rhs: Rational) -> Double { return lhs / Double(rhs) }
//MARK: Internal Utilities
/// Returns the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two non-negative integers
/// For convenience, assumes gcd(0,0) == 0
/// Implemented using "binary GCD algorithm" (aka Stein's algorithm)
/// - Precondition: `a >= 0 && b >= 0`
internal func gcd(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
assert(a >= 0 && b >= 0)
// Assuming gcd(0,0)=0:
guard a != 0 else { return b }
guard b != 0 else { return a }
var a = a, b = b, n = Int()
//FIXME: Shift loops are slow and should be opimized.
// Remove the largest 2ⁿ from them:
while (a | b) & 1 == 0 { a >>= 1; b >>= 1; n += 1 }
// Reduce `a` to odd value:
while a & 1 == 0 { a >>= 1 }
repeat {
// Reduce `b` to odd value
while b & 1 == 0 { b >>= 1 }
// Both `a` & `b` are odd here (or zero maybe?)
// Make sure `b` is greater
if a > b { swap(&a, &b) }
// Subtract smaller odd `a` from the bigger odd `b`,
// which always gives a positive even number (or zero)
b -= a
// keep repeating this, until `b` reaches zero
} while b != 0
return a << n // 2ⁿ×a
/// Given two rational numbers (left & right), returns a tuple containing scaled
/// left & right numerators and their common denominator.
/// The common denominator is the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators.
internal func numsWithCommonDenom(_ left: Rational, _ right: Rational) -> (lnum: Int, rnum: Int, denom: Int) {
let leftNumerator: Int
let rightNumerator: Int
let commonDenominator: Int
if left.denominator == right.denominator {
leftNumerator = left.numerator
rightNumerator = right.numerator
commonDenominator = left.denominator
} else {
let commonDivisor = gcd(left.denominator, right.denominator)
let leftMultiplier = right.denominator / commonDivisor
let rightMultiplier = left.denominator / commonDivisor
leftNumerator = left.numerator * leftMultiplier
rightNumerator = right.numerator * rightMultiplier
commonDenominator = left.denominator * leftMultiplier
return (lnum: leftNumerator, rnum: rightNumerator, denom: commonDenominator)
extension String {
func mapped(with lookupTable: [Character:Character]) -> String {
return String({ lookupTable[$0] ?? $0 })
/// Utility protocol to help write more readable code.
/// One alternative is overloading multiplication / division operators, but it would
/// pollute operator space and lead to ambiguity.
internal protocol Scalable {
associatedtype ScaleFactor
/// Returns a new item by scaling the current item.
func scaled(by factor: ScaleFactor) -> Self
extension Int: Scalable {
typealias ScaleFactor = Double
func scaled(by factor: Double) -> Int {
return Int((Double(self) * factor).rounded())
extension Rational: Scalable {
typealias ScaleFactor = Double
func scaled(by factor: Double) -> Rational {
// To improve accuracy, always scale up:
if factor > 1.0 {
return Rational(numerator.scaled(by: factor), over: denominator)
} else {
return Rational(numerator, over: denominator.scaled(by: 1.0/factor))
//MARK: For Playground or main.swift
let r: Rational = 18/64 // ⁹⁄₃₂
// or
let x = 5 + 2/3 as Rational // 5²⁄₃
let r2 = 2.109±0.0005 // 2⁵⁄₄₆
let r3 = r + r2 // 2²⁸⁷⁄₇₃₆
let r4 = r3.rounded(withTolerance: 0.0005) + 3 / (5 as Rational) // 2⁸⁹⁄₉₀
print(r, r2, r3, r4, r4.rounded(toDenominator: 32))
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martinr448 commented Oct 3, 2016

Have you considered to use continued fractions for the approximation instead of a fixed list of denominators? Continued fractions give "best approximations" in some sense with the lowest denominators. For example, 2.109±0.0005 can be approximated by 5/46 instead of 7/64.

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hooman commented Oct 3, 2016

Thank you for your comment.

There are multiple design choices in this space based on the intended use case for the rational. My initial use case was more cosmetic than mathematical, hence I cared more about specific denominators.

I made the changes based on your feedback. Now (by default) it is using continued fractions to calculate the smallest denominator. The option of specifying a list of denominators is still there in the initializer.

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btc commented Jan 17, 2017

Have you considered packaging this as a framework for users whose projects use Carthage?

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