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Created November 2, 2017 09:50
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Shows the failures of method_exists and the salvation of is_callable.
class Foo
protected function hi()
echo "Foo!\n";
class Bar
public function __call($name, $arguments)
echo "Bar!\n";
$foo = new Foo();
$bar = new Bar();
if (method_exists($foo, 'hi')) {
echo "The method $foo->bar() exists. But it is protected! IF I had called it, I would have died!!\n";
if (!method_exists($bar, 'hi')) {
echo "Unfortunately, `method_exists` doesn't care that we have a __call() method...We have failed :(\n";
if (!is_callable([$foo, 'hi'])) {
echo "Fortunately, `is_callable()` is smart and will not run a protected method $foo->bar().\n";
if (is_callable([$bar, 'hi'])) {
echo "The method doesn't exists. But __call() does. So all is well!\n\n";
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