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Last active September 24, 2020 11:57
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GLFW for C#
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using GLbitfield = System.UInt32;
using GLboolean = System.Boolean;
using GLbyte = System.SByte;
using GLclampf = System.Single;
using GLdouble = System.Double;
using GLenum = System.UInt32;
using GLfloat = System.Single;
using GLint = System.Int32;
using GLshort = System.Int16;
using GLsizei = System.Int32;
using GLubyte = System.Byte;
using GLuint = System.UInt32;
using GLushort = System.UInt16;
using GLvoid = System.IntPtr;
public class GLFW
// MAC
// brew install glfw3
public const string GLFW_LIB = "libglfw.dylib";
// Windows
// public const string GLFW_LIB = "glfw3";
// Linux
// sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
//public const string GLFW_LIB = "libglfw";
public static int WINDOW = 0x00010001;
public static int OPENED = 0x00020001;
public static int KEY_SPACE = 32;
public static int KEY_SPECIAL = 256;
public static int KEY_ESC = (KEY_SPECIAL + 1);
public static int KEY_F1 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 2);
public static int KEY_F2 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 3);
public static int KEY_F3 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 4);
public static int KEY_F4 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 5);
public static int KEY_F5 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 6);
public static int KEY_F6 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 7);
public static int KEY_F7 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 8);
public static int KEY_F8 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 9);
public static int KEY_F9 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 10);
public static int KEY_F10 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 11);
public static int KEY_F11 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 12);
public static int KEY_F12 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 13);
public static int KEY_F13 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 14);
public static int KEY_F14 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 15);
public static int KEY_F15 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 16);
public static int KEY_F16 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 17);
public static int KEY_F17 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 18);
public static int KEY_F18 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 19);
public static int KEY_F19 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 20);
public static int KEY_F20 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 21);
public static int KEY_F21 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 22);
public static int KEY_F22 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 23);
public static int KEY_F23 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 24);
public static int KEY_F24 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 25);
public static int KEY_F25 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 26);
public static int KEY_UP = (KEY_SPECIAL + 27);
public static int KEY_DOWN = (KEY_SPECIAL + 28);
public static int KEY_LEFT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 29);
public static int KEY_RIGHT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 30);
public static int KEY_LSHIFT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 31);
public static int KEY_RSHIFT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 32);
public static int KEY_LCTRL = (KEY_SPECIAL + 33);
public static int KEY_RCTRL = (KEY_SPECIAL + 34);
public static int KEY_LALT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 35);
public static int KEY_RALT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 36);
public static int KEY_TAB = (KEY_SPECIAL + 37);
public static int KEY_ENTER = (KEY_SPECIAL + 38);
public static int KEY_BACKSPACE = (KEY_SPECIAL + 39);
public static int KEY_INSERT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 40);
public static int KEY_DEL = (KEY_SPECIAL + 41);
public static int KEY_PAGEUP = (KEY_SPECIAL + 42);
public static int KEY_PAGEDOWN = (KEY_SPECIAL + 43);
public static int KEY_HOME = (KEY_SPECIAL + 44);
public static int KEY_END = (KEY_SPECIAL + 45);
public static int KEY_KP_0 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 46);
public static int KEY_KP_1 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 47);
public static int KEY_KP_2 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 48);
public static int KEY_KP_3 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 49);
public static int KEY_KP_4 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 50);
public static int KEY_KP_5 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 51);
public static int KEY_KP_6 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 52);
public static int KEY_KP_7 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 53);
public static int KEY_KP_8 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 54);
public static int KEY_KP_9 = (KEY_SPECIAL + 55);
public static int KEY_KP_DIVIDE = (KEY_SPECIAL + 56);
public static int KEY_KP_MULTIPLY = (KEY_SPECIAL + 57);
public static int KEY_KP_SUBTRACT = (KEY_SPECIAL + 58);
public static int KEY_KP_ADD = (KEY_SPECIAL + 59);
public static int KEY_KP_DECIMAL = (KEY_SPECIAL + 60);
public static int KEY_KP_EQUAL = (KEY_SPECIAL + 61);
public static int KEY_KP_ENTER = (KEY_SPECIAL + 62);
public static int KEY_KP_NUM_LOCK = (KEY_SPECIAL + 63);
public static int KEY_CAPS_LOCK = (KEY_SPECIAL + 64);
public static int KEY_SCROLL_LOCK = (KEY_SPECIAL + 65);
public static int KEY_PAUSE = (KEY_SPECIAL + 66);
public static int KEY_LSUPER = (KEY_SPECIAL + 67);
public static int KEY_RSUPER = (KEY_SPECIAL + 68);
public static int KEY_MENU = (KEY_SPECIAL + 69);
public static int KEY_LAST = KEY_MENU;
public static int MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT = 0;
public static int MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT = 1;
public static int MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE = 2;
// GL
const uint GL_FRAMEBUFFER = 0x8D40;
const uint GL_TEXTURE_2D = 0x0DE1;
const uint GL_RGBA8 = 0x8058;
const uint GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 = 0x8CE0;
const uint GL_RENDERBUFFER = 0x8D41;
const uint GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 0x81A5;
const uint GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT = 0x8D00;
const uint GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED = 0x8219;
const uint GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000;
const uint GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000100;
const uint GL_TRIANGLES = 0x0004;
const uint GL_MODELVIEW = 0x1700;
const uint GL_PROJECTION = 0x1701;
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern IntPtr glfwGetProcAddress(string procname);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern bool glfwInit();
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern int glfwTerminate();
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern void glfwSwapBuffers(IntPtr window);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glfwSleep(double t);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern double glfwGetTime();
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glfwSwapInterval(int interval);
// Windowing stuff
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glfwOpenWindow(int width, int height, int rbits, int gbits, int bbits, int alpha, int depth, int stencil, int mode);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern IntPtr glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height, string title, IntPtr monitor, IntPtr share);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern void glfwDestroyWindow(IntPtr window);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern int glfwGetWindowParam(int param);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public unsafe static extern void glfwGetWindowSize(int* width, int* height);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glfwSetWindowTitle(char[] title);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern void glfwMakeContextCurrent(IntPtr window);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern bool glfwWindowShouldClose(IntPtr window);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] static extern void glfwPollEvents();
// OpenGL
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public unsafe static extern void glfwGetFramebufferSize (IntPtr window, int* width, int* height);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glMatrixMode(GLenum glenum);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glViewport( GLint x,GLint y,GLsizei width,GLsizei height );
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern void glLoadIdentity();
public struct GLFWvidmode
public int Width, Height, RedBits, GreenBits, BlueBits;
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public unsafe static extern void glfwGetDesktopMode(GLFWvidmode* mode);
// Input stuff.
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public unsafe static extern void glfwGetMousePos(int* mx, int* my);
public static bool glfwGetKey(char key)
return glfwGetKey((int)key) == 1;
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern int glfwGetKey(int key);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern int glfwGetMouseButton(int button);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB)] public static extern int glfwGetMouseWheel();
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void glfwSetKeyCallback(MulticastDelegate callback);
[DllImport(GLFW_LIB, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(MulticastDelegate callback);
public delegate void MouseEvent(int mouseButton, int clicky);
public static MouseEvent mouseCallback;
unsafe delegate void glGenFramebuffers_f(int n, uint* ids);
delegate void glBindFramebuffer_f(uint target, uint framebuffer);
unsafe delegate void glGenTextures_f(uint n, uint* textures);
delegate void glBindTexture_f(uint target, uint texture);
delegate void glTexStorage2D_f(uint target, int levels, uint internalformat, int width, int height);
delegate void glFramebufferTexture2D_f(uint target, uint attachment, uint textarget, uint texture, int level);
unsafe delegate void glGenRenderbuffers_f(int n, uint* renderbuffers);
delegate void glBindRenderbuffer_f(uint target, uint renderbuffer);
delegate void glRenderbufferStorage_f(uint target, uint internalformat, int width, int height);
delegate void glFramebufferRenderbuffer_f(uint target, uint attachment, uint renderbuffertarget, uint renderbuffer);
delegate uint glCheckFramebufferStatus_f(uint target);
delegate void glClear_f(uint flags);
delegate uint glVertex2f_f(float x, float y);
delegate uint glBegin_f(uint flags);
delegate uint glEnd_f();
delegate void glOrtho_f(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar);
delegate void glRotatef_f (float angle, float x, float y, float z);
delegate void glColor3f_f (GLfloat red,GLfloat green,GLfloat blue);
delegate void glVertex3f_f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
static glGenFramebuffers_f glGenFramebuffers;
static glBindFramebuffer_f glBindFramebuffer;
static glGenTextures_f glGenTextures;
static glBindTexture_f glBindTexture;
static glTexStorage2D_f glTexStorage2D;
static glFramebufferTexture2D_f glFramebufferTexture2D;
static glGenRenderbuffers_f glGenRenderbuffers;
static glBindRenderbuffer_f glBindRenderbuffer;
static glRenderbufferStorage_f glRenderbufferStorage;
static glFramebufferRenderbuffer_f glFramebufferRenderbuffer;
static glCheckFramebufferStatus_f glCheckFramebufferStatus;
static glClear_f glClear;
static glVertex2f_f glVertex2f;
static glBegin_f glBegin;
static glEnd_f glEnd;
static glOrtho_f glOrtho;
static glRotatef_f glRotatef;
static glColor3f_f glColor3f;
static glVertex3f_f glVertex3f;
// csc -out:GLFW.exe GLFW.cs /unsafe
// mono GLFW.exe
static void Main(string[] args)
IntPtr _windowHandle;
if (!glfwInit())
Console.WriteLine("GLFW init error");
Console.WriteLine("GLFW init OK");
_windowHandle = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Testing", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if (_windowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
glGenFramebuffers = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glGenFramebuffers_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glGenFramebuffers"));
glBindFramebuffer = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glBindFramebuffer_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glBindFramebuffer"));
glGenTextures = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glGenTextures_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glGenTextures"));
glBindTexture = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glBindTexture_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glBindTexture"));
glTexStorage2D = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glTexStorage2D_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glTexStorage2D"));
glFramebufferTexture2D = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glFramebufferTexture2D_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glFramebufferTexture2D"));
glGenRenderbuffers = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glGenRenderbuffers_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glGenRenderbuffers"));
glBindRenderbuffer = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glBindRenderbuffer_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glBindRenderbuffer"));
glRenderbufferStorage = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glRenderbufferStorage_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glRenderbufferStorage"));
glFramebufferRenderbuffer = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glFramebufferRenderbuffer_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glFramebufferRenderbuffer"));
glCheckFramebufferStatus = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glCheckFramebufferStatus_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glCheckFramebufferStatus"));
glClear = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glClear_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glClear"));
glVertex2f = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glVertex2f_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glVertex2f"));
glBegin = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glBegin_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glBegin"));
glEnd = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glEnd_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glEnd"));
glOrtho = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glOrtho_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glOrtho"));
glRotatef = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glRotatef_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glRotatef"));
glColor3f = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glColor3f_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glColor3f"));
glVertex3f = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<glVertex3f_f>(glfwGetProcAddress("glVertex3f"));
uint status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER);
_windowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
float ratio;
int width, height;
/* Loop until the user closes the window */
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(_windowHandle))
unsafe {
// /* Render here */
glfwGetFramebufferSize(_windowHandle, &width, &height);
ratio = width / (float) height;
glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
glOrtho(-ratio, ratio, -1f, 1f, 1f, -1f);
glRotatef((float) glfwGetTime() * 50f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
glColor3f(1f, 0f, 0f);
glVertex3f(-0.6f, -0.4f, 0f);
glColor3f(0f, 1f, 0f);
glVertex3f(0.6f, -0.4f, 0f);
glColor3f(0f, 0f, 1f);
glVertex3f(0f, 0.6f, 0f);
// Swap front and back buffers
// Poll for and process events
} // Main
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