background (Scene)
fog (Scene)
type, color, near, far, density
// quick and dirty signaling for p2p webrtc data channel -- 2024.09.08 humbletim | |
// usage -- one side specifies 'left', the other 'right'; both sides specify the same key | |
// pc = await QuickieDataChannel('left' /* | 'right' */, 'test') | |
// pc.send('hi'); | |
async function QuickieDataChannel(side, key) { | |
const prefix = `${key}`; | |
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection({iceServers:[{urls:''}]}); | |
const candidates = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ | |
pc.onicegatheringstatechange = ()=>pc.iceGatheringState === 'complete' && resolve(); | |
}); |
background (Scene)
fog (Scene)
type, color, near, far, density
// multicontext test script | |
var script = typeof Script === 'object' ? Script : { type: typeof window === 'object' ? 'browser' : 'unknown' }; | |
var api = typeof KasenAPIExample === 'object' ? KasenAPIExample : {}; | |
var details = { | |
type: script.type + '', | |
api: api + '', | |
now: && + '', | |
}; |
<?php | |
function createLead($accessToken, array $lead) | |
{ | |
$method = 'post'; | |
$absUrl = ''; | |
$headers = array( | |
'User-Agent: BaseCRM/PHP Sample', | |
'Authorization: Bearer ' . $accessToken, | |
'Accept: application/json', |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
// test Client script to compare Model Overlay vs. Model Entity behavior for attached child Overlays | |
// humbletim @ 2017.06.23 | |
var overlayProps = { | |
url: MyAvatar.skeletonModelURL, | |
position: Vec3.sum(Quat.getForward(MyAvatar.orientation), MyAvatar.position), | |
scale: 1, | |
}; | |
var ids = { | |
overlays: [ |
(function(){ | |
var teleport; | |
var portalDestination; | |
var animationURL; | |
var position; | |
function playSound(entityID) { | |
print("playing teleport sound"); | |
if (teleport.downloaded) { | |
if(!position) { |
(function() { | |
var TROMBONE_URL = ""; | |
return { | |
_resource: SoundCache.prefetch(TROMBONE_URL), | |
_sound: undefined, | |
_onStateChanged: function() { | |
var resource = this._resource; | |
if (resource.state === Resource.State.FINISHED) { | |
resource.stateChanged.disconnect(this, '_onStateChanged'); | |
this._sound = SoundCache.getSound(TROMBONE_URL); |
<!-- for gist purposes this BASE HREF makes everything load relative to the current live web examples --> | |
<!-- note: save this file in a subfolder off the the project root and remove the BASE HREF to experimental locally --> | |
<base href='' /> | |
<!-- glm-js core scripts --> | |
<script src="../src/glm.common.js" type="text/javascript"></script> | |
<script src="../src/glm.buffers.js" type="text/javascript"></script> | |
<script src="../src/glm.experimental.js" type="text/javascript"></script> | |
<!-- specific vendor back-end (variations exist for tdl-fast and gl-matrix as well) --> |
var gas = require('./gas'); | |
var speed = 0; | | = function () { | |
gas.burn(); | |
}; | |
exports.accelerate = function () { | |
speed += 10; |