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Last active June 24, 2017 00:10
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Test Entity / Overlay models with parented children
// test Client script to compare Model Overlay vs. Model Entity behavior for attached child Overlays
// humbletim @ 2017.06.23
var overlayProps = {
url: MyAvatar.skeletonModelURL,
position: Vec3.sum(Quat.getForward(MyAvatar.orientation), MyAvatar.position),
scale: 1,
var ids = {
overlays: [
Overlays.addOverlay("model", overlayProps)
entities: [
type: 'Model',
modelURL: overlayProps.url,
position: Vec3.sum(overlayProps.position, {x:0,y:2,z:0}),
}, !Entities.canRezTmp())
function wobblyRotation(now) {
var t = now / 200;
return Quat.fromVec3Degrees({
x: 10 * Math.sin(t),
y: 60 * Math.cos(t),
z: 0
function animate(context) {
// add a visual tracer on the left hand
Overlays.addOverlay("shape", {
shape: "icosahedron",
parentID: context.parentID,
parentJointIndex: context.attachJointIndex,
localPosition: Vec3.ZERO,
localRotation: Quat.fromPitchYawRollDegrees(0,90,0),
scale: 0.25,
color: { red: 0xff, green: 0x00, blue: 0xff },
var initialRot = context.jointRotations[context.animateJointIndex];
// wobble the left arm around...
Script.setInterval(function() {
context.jointRotations[context.animateJointIndex] = Quat.multiply(initialRot, wobblyRotation(new Date));
jointRotations: context.jointRotations,
position: Vec3.sum(context.position, { x: Math.sin(new Date / 1000), y:0, z: 0}),
}, 1000/30);
function testOverlayModel() {
var overlays = ids.overlays,
parentID = overlays[0],
jointRotations = Overlays.getProperty(parentID, 'jointRotations'),
jointNames = Overlays.getProperty(parentID, 'jointNames'),
position = Overlays.getProperty(parentID, 'position'),
leftArmIndex = jointNames.indexOf('LeftArm'),
leftHandIndex = jointNames.indexOf('LeftHand');
print(">>> Overlay LeftArm index:", leftArmIndex);
print(">>> Overlay LeftHand index:", leftHandIndex);
parentID: parentID,
position: position,
jointRotations: jointRotations,
attachJointIndex: leftHandIndex,
animateJointIndex: leftArmIndex,
callback: function(props) {
Overlays.editOverlay(parentID, props);
function testEntityModel() {
var entities = ids.entities,
parentID = entities[0],
jointNames = Entities.getJointNames(parentID),
jointRotations =, index) {
return Entities.getLocalJointRotation(parentID, index);
leftArmIndex = jointNames.indexOf('LeftArm'),
leftHandIndex = jointNames.indexOf('LeftHand');
print(">>> Entity LeftArm index:", leftArmIndex);
print(">>> Entity LeftHand index:", leftHandIndex);
var props = Entities.getEntityProperties(parentID, ['naturalDimensions','position']);
Entities.editEntity(parentID, {
dimensions: props.naturalDimensions
parentID: parentID,
position: props.position,
jointRotations: jointRotations,
attachJointIndex: leftHandIndex,
animateJointIndex: leftArmIndex,
callback: function(props) {
Entities.setLocalJointRotations(parentID, props.jointRotations);
Entities.editEntity(parentID, {
position: props.position
Script.setTimeout(function() {
// move slightly once at start to trigger "updateModel = true" internally within Model Overlay
// (which visually confirms that the model has reached the "active" state before parenting is attempted)
Overlays.editOverlay(ids.overlays[0], {
position: Vec3.sum(Overlays.getProperty(ids.overlays[0], 'position'), {x:0,y:-.1,z:0})
Script.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
Script.scriptEnding.connect(function() {
ids.overlays.splice(0, ids.overlays.length).forEach(Overlays.deleteOverlay);
ids.entities.splice(0, ids.entities.length).forEach(Entities.deleteEntity);
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