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A list of package vignettes built from knitr on CRAN

Here is a list of package vignettes possibly built with knitr on CRAN.

package type vignette
abbyyR HTML A Worked Out Example of Managing with abbyyR
abbyyR HTML Overview of abbyyR
abbyyR HTML Getting Text from Wisconsin Ads Storyboards Using abbyyR
acmeR HTML Using Package acmeR
ACSNMineR HTML ACSN description
additivityTests HTML Testing for interaction in two-way ANOVA with no replication
ADPclust HTML ADPclust-vignette
afex HTML ANOVA and Post-Hoc Contrasts: Reanalysis of Singmann and Klauer (2011)
agridat PDF Graphical Gems in the 'agridat' Package
alleHap PDF alleHap vignette
alm HTML alm vignette
ameco HTML AMECO Dataset
amen PDF Dyadic data analysis with amen
analogsea HTML Working with the Digital Ocean API
AncestryMapper HTML AncestryMapper Overview
anim.plots HTML Intro
Anthropometry PDF Developing statistical methodologies for Anthropometry
aoos HTML Introduction
aoos HTML S4SyntacticSugar
aoos HTML aoosClasses
aoos HTML performance
aoos HTML referenceClasses
aoos HTML retListClasses
aop HTML AOP Vignette
apcluster PDF An R Package for Affinity Propagation Clustering
apex HTML apex: Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data.
aplore3 PDF Examples from the aplore3 package
apsimr PDF Introduction to apsimr
argparse PDF argparse Command Line Argument Parsing
ArgumentCheck HTML Checking Arguments in R Functions
ARPobservation PDF Algorithms for direct observation recording
aRxiv HTML aRxiv tutorial
ASMap PDF Efficient linkage map construction using R/ASMap
aSPU HTML aSPU with GWAS Summary Statistics
assertive HTML 2. Checking function inputs
assertive HTML 3. Checklists of checks
assertive HTML A1. Exercise answers
assertive HTML 1. Introduction
assertr HTML Assertive R Programming with assertr
atsd HTML How to use the atsd package to fetch data from ATSD
attribrisk PDF An Introduction to Attributable Risk
AutoModel HTML AutoModel
AzureML HTML Accessing Microsoft Azure Machine Learning web services in R
babar HTML Comparing distributions with nested sampling
babar PDF Fitting a single data curve
babar PDF Comparing two growth curves
BACA HTML An Introduction to the BACA package
BacArena HTML Vignette Title
backpipe HTML Backpipe Operations
backShift HTML backShift demo
BayesFactor HTML Demos and comparisons
BayesFactor HTML Vignette menu
BayesFactor HTML User's manual
BayesFactor HTML Odds and probabilities
BayesFactor HTML Prior checks
bayesGDS PDF Estimating Bayesian Hierarchical Models using bayesGDS
bayesGDS PDF Small test example 1
bayesGDS PDF Small test example 2
bayesmeta HTML bayesmeta introduction
BayesSingleSub HTML Using the BayesSingleSub package, version 0.6.2+
bbmle PDF Examples for enhanced mle code
bbmle PDF quasi: notes on quasi-likelihood/qAIC analysis inR
Bchron HTML Bchron
bcpa PDF Behavioral Change Point Analysis
bcRep PDF bcRep: Advanced Analysis of B Cell Receptor Repertoire Data
bdscale HTML Business-Day Scaling
bedr HTML bedr
BEQI2 PDF BEQI2: An Introduction
BEQI2 PDF BEQI2: Installation Guide
bigmemory PDF The Bigmemory Project Overview
binomen HTML binomen introduction
bio3d HTML bio3d Vignettes
biogas PDF Getting started with the biogas package
biogas PDF Predicting methane and biogas production
bioinactivation HTML bioinactivation: Software for modelling microbial inactivation
biom HTML BIOM support in R main vignette
biorxivr HTML Using biorxivr
bizdays HTML Setting default calendar in .Rprofile
bizdays HTML Using bizdays
BlandAltmanLeh HTML BlandAltmanLeh Intro
blocksdesign HTML An Introduction to the blocksdesign package
bnclassify PDF Introduction
bnclassify PDF Comments on runtime
bnclassify PDF Techical information
bodenmiller HTML High Dimensional Single Cell Data Exploration
bold HTML bold vignette
boostr HTML User Inputs
boostr HTML Introduction
boxr HTML boxr: A high-level R interface for the API
BrailleR HTML History
BrailleR HTML Example 1: Histograms
BrailleR HTML Example 2: Basic numerical summaries
BrailleR HTML Example 3: Univariate Description
BrailleR HTML Example 4: A single continuous response with one grouping factor
BrailleR HTML GettingStarted
broom HTML Tidy bootstrapping with dplyr+broom
broom HTML Introduction to broom
broom HTML broom and dplyr
broom HTML kmeans with dplyr+broom
brotli HTML Text Compression in R: brotli, gzip, xz and bz2
brotli PDF Comparison of Brotli, Deflate, Zopfli, LZMA, LZHAM and Bzip2 Compression Algorithms
bst PDF Classification of Cancer Types Using Gene Expression Data (Long)
bst PDF Classification of UCI Machine Learning Datasets (Long)
bst PDF Classification of UCI Machine Learning Datasets (Short)
bst PDF Classification of Cancer Types Using Gene Expression Data (Short)
bst PDF Cancer Classification Using Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics Data
BTYD PDF Buy 'Til You Die - A Walkthrough
captioner HTML Using captioner
captr HTML Using captR
caretEnsemble HTML Vignette Title
caRpools HTML The caRpools package - Analysis of pooled CRISPR Screens
cartography HTML cartography
cate PDF cate vignette
causaldrf PDF Using causaldrf
causalsens PDF causalsens: Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Effects
cda HTML design
cda HTML theory
cdfquantreg HTML cdf quantile regresson introduction
cdfquantreg HTML IPCC data example
cdfquantreg HTML Juror & Stree data example
censusr HTML Vignette Title
checkmate HTML checkmate
checkpoint HTML Using checkpoint for reproducible research
ChemoSpec PDF An R Package for Chemometric Analysis of Spectra (NMR, IR etc)
chipPCR PDF Supplement to: "chipPCR: an R Package to Pre-Process Raw Data of Amplification Curves"
CHNOSZ PDF Equilibrium in CHNOSZ
CHNOSZ PDF Hot-spring proteins in CHNOSZ
CHNOSZ PDF An introduction to CHNOSZ
CHNOSZ PDF Winding journey down (in Gibbs energy)
choroplethr HTML a) Introduction
choroplethr HTML b) US State Choropleths
choroplethr HTML c) US County Choropleths
choroplethr HTML d) Country Choropleths
choroplethr HTML e) Mapping Census Data
choroplethr HTML f) Mapping World Bank Data
choroplethr HTML g) Animated Choropleths
choroplethr HTML h) Creating Your Own Maps
choroplethr HTML i) Creating Administrative Level 1 Maps
circlize PDF Introduction to circlize package
circlize PDF Circular phylogenetic tree
circlize PDF How to make Chord Diagram
circlize PDF Make genomic plots
circlize PDF Some interesting graphics
circlize PDF Visualize relations by Chord diagram
ckanr HTML ckanr vignette
clarifai HTML Using clarifai
clarifai HTML Using clarifai
classyfire HTML Classyfire Cheat Sheet
cleangeo HTML cleangeo quickstart guide
clifro HTML Working with clifro stations
clifro HTML Choosing a clifro datatype
clifro HTML Choosing a clifro station
clifro HTML Introduction to clifro
climwin HTML climwin
clusrank PDF Clustered Rank-based Tests
ClustVarLV PDF Getting started with ClustVarLV. version 1.4.1
coala HTML Using coala for ABC
coala HTML Introduction
coala HTML Extending coala
coala HTML Installing ms, msms and seqgen
coala HTML Introduction
codyn HTML Community stability metrics
codyn HTML Temporal diversity indices
codyn HTML codyn: Community Dynamic Metrics
coenocliner PDF An R coenocline simulation package
compareGroups PDF compareGroups
confidence PDF Confidence-package: An Introduction
COPASutils HTML An overview of the COPASutils package
copula HTML Archimedean Liouville Copulas
copula HTML MLE and Quantile Evaluation for a Clayton AR(1) Model with Student Marginals
copula HTML Generalized Inverse Gaussian Archimedean Copulas
copula HTML Nested Archimedean Lévy Copulas
copula HTML The Copula GARCH Model
copula HTML Densities of Two-Level Nested Archimedean Copulas
copula HTML Log-Likelihood Visualization for Archimedean Copulas
copula HTML Quasi-Random Numbers for Copula Models
copula HTML Copula Constructions for Tail-Dependence Matrices
copula HTML Wild Animals: Examples of Nonstandard Copulas
copula PDF Franknacopula
copula PDF copula
copula PDF Rho_AMH_beautiful
corrgram PDF Examples for the corrgram package
corrplot HTML An Introduction to the corrplot package
cosinor HTML Usage
covmat PDF Vignette Title
covr HTML How does covr work anyway
cowplot HTML Changing the axis positions
cowplot HTML Introduction to cowplot
cowplot HTML Plot annotations
cowplot HTML Arranging plots in a grid
cowplot HTML Shared legends
cowsay HTML cowsay tutorial
credule HTML Credit Curve Bootstrapping
crimelinkage HTML Crime Series Identification and Clustering
crimelinkage HTML Statistical Methods for Crime Series Linkage
Crossover PDF Crossover - A search algorithm and GUI for cross-over designs
crunch HTML Analyzing data with crunch
crunch HTML Array Variables
crunch HTML Datasets: creating, loading, and manipulating
crunch HTML Manipulating variables and deriving new ones
crunch HTML Getting started with crunch
crunch HTML Variable Order
crunch HTML Variables: cleaning and defining metadata
ctmm HTML Autocorrelated Kernel Density Estimation
ctmm HTML Variograms and Model Selection
ctsem PDF Continuous time structural equation modelling with ctsem
curl HTML The curl package: a modern R interface to libcurl
cycleRtools HTML Core Functions
D2C HTML D2C Vignette
d3heatmap HTML Introduction to d3heatmap
DAAG PDF Sampling Properties of Regression Diagnostics
DAAG PDF Sampling Properties of Variable Selection
Dark HTML Workflow
Dark HTML Vignette Title
datacheckr HTML An Introduction to datacheckr
datafsm HTML Introduction to datafsm
dataRetrieval PDF Introduction to the dataRetrieval package
datastepr HTML Data Stepping
data.table HTML Vignette Title
data.table HTML Vignette Title
data.table HTML Vignette Title
data.table HTML Vignette Title
data.table PDF Frequently asked questions
data.table PDF Quick introduction
data.tree HTML Example applications of data.tre
data.tree HTML Quick introduction to data.tree
ddR HTML User Guide
decompr HTML decompr
dendextend HTML Hierarchical cluster analysis on famous data sets
dendextend HTML Frequently asked questions
dendextend HTML A quick introduction to dendextend (start here)
dendextend HTML Introduction to dendextend
dendsort HTML Example Figures from the dendsort manuscript
denovolyzeR HTML denovostats_intro
desiR PDF Gene ranking with desirability functions
desplot HTML Plotting field maps with the desplot package
devtools HTML Devtools dependencies
diagonals HTML Fat Diagonals
diezeit HTML Introduction to diezeit
discreteRV HTML Working with discreteRV
DLMtool PDF Data Limited Methods toolkit
DNAprofiles HTML Exceedance probabilities for likelihood ratios
doRNG PDF doRNG-unitTests
doRNG PDF Using the package doRNG
dotwhisker HTML dwplot: Dot-and-Whisker Plots of Regression Results
dotwhisker HTML dotwhisker: Remaking the Examples from Kastellec and Leoni (2007)
dpcR HTML dpcR package - an overview
dplR PDF An introduction to dplR
dplR PDF Time Series Analysis in dplR
dplR PDF Crossdating in dplR
dplyr HTML Data frames
dplyr HTML Databases
dplyr HTML Hybrid evaluation
dplyr HTML Introduction to dplyr
dplyr HTML Adding a new SQL backend
dplyr HTML Non-standard evaluation
dplyr HTML Two-table verbs
dplyr HTML Window functions and grouped mutate/filter
drat HTML Combining Drat and Travis CI
drat HTML Drat Frequently Asked Questions
drat HTML Drat Basics for Package Authors: Distributing Packages
drat HTML Drat Basics for Package Users: Installing or Updating Packages
drat HTML Why Drat?
drLumi PDF drLumi
DT HTML An Introduction to the DT Package
DVHmetrics PDF Analyzing dose-volume histograms using DVHmetrics
DVHmetrics PDF Using the DVHmetrics web application
dynsim PDF An overview of dynsim
easypower HTML Factorial ANOVA Examples
easyVerification HTML easyVerification
EBglmnet PDF An Introduction to EBglmnet
ecb HTML Vignette Title
EcoSimR HTML Co-Occurrence null models
EcoSimR HTML Size Ratio null models
EcoSimR HTML Niche Overlap
EcoSimR HTML Null Model Plug-Ins
ECOSolveR HTML ECOSolveR Examples
EEM HTML Introduction to EEM package
eeptools HTML Tools for Education Data in R
EFDR HTML Enhanced False Discovery Rate (EFDR) tutorials
ega HTML ega Vignette
EGRET PDF Introduction to the EGRET package
EGRETci HTML Introduction to EGRET Confidence Intervals
eHOF PDF Hierarchical logistic regression with package HOF
elastic HTML elastic introduction
elastic HTML Search
EMbC PDF The EMbC R-package: quick reference
enigma HTML enigma vignette
enpls PDF enpls: R Package for Ensemble Partial Least Squares Regression
ensurer HTML The ensurer
epandist HTML Introduction to epandist
EpiBayes PDF Disease Freedom with EpiBayes
EpiBayes PDF Disease Freedom with EpiBayes
EpiBayes PDF Disease Freedom with EpiBayes
EpiModel HTML EpiModel Introduction
ergm HTML ERGM terms cross-reference
ergm PDF ergm Example
ESGtoolkit PDF ESGtoolkit
eurostat HTML eurostat Markdown Vignette
eva HTML Introduction to 'eva' and its capabilities
exams PDF Automatic Generation of Exams in R
exams PDF Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: Moodle Quizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond
ExomeDepth PDF ExomeDepth
expp HTML Blue Tits Case study
ExtDist HTML Distributions-Beta
ExtDist HTML Distributions-Normal
ExtDist HTML Distributions-Index
ExtDist PDF Parameter-Estimation-and-Distribution-Selection-by-ExtDist
eyetrackingR HTML Estimating time windows of divergence
eyetrackingR HTML Performing a growth curve analysis
eyetrackingR HTML Performing an onset-contingent analysis
eyetrackingR HTML Preparing your data for eyetrackingR
eyetrackingR HTML Performing a window analysis
ezec HTML Vignette Title
ezknitr HTML Package ezknitr
FAOSTAT PDF Download and harmonize FAOSTAT and WDI data: the FAOSTAT package
fastR PDF Errata
fastR PDF Updates to R Programming in FASt
FeatureHashing HTML FeatureHashing
FeatureHashing HTML Sentiment Analysis via FeatureHashing
fgpt PDF An Introduction to fgpt
flexsurv PDF flexsurv user guide
flexsurv PDF Supplementary examples of using flexsurv
flowr HTML Installation, Configuration and FAQs
flowr HTML Overview
flowr HTML Tutorial on Building Pipelines
flows HTML flows
forestplot HTML Introduction to forest plots
formatR HTML An Introduction to formatR
fpCompare PDF fpCompare: reliable comparison of floating point numbers
frailtypack HTML Package summary
fslr HTML An R Markdown Vignette with knitr
fulltext HTML Article formats
fulltext HTML fulltext introduction
fulltext HTML Getting full text
FuzzyNumbers PDF A Guide to the FuzzyNumbers Package
gamclass PDF Key Ideas and Issues (Set 1 Figures)
gamclass PDF Model Output Can Deceive (Set 10)
gamclass PDF Ordination (Set 11)
gamclass PDF Limits of Statistical Learning (Set 2)
gamclass PDF Data-Based Generalization (Set 3)
gamclass PDF Linear Models (Set 4)
gamclass PDF Generalized Linear Models (Set 5)
gamclass PDF Generalized Additive Models (Set 6)
gamclass PDF Time Series (Set 7)
gamclass PDF Tree-based regression (Set 8)
gamclass PDF Discrimination and Classification (Set 9)
gapmap HTML An Introduction to the gapmap package
gapmap HTML An example with a TCGA dataset
GenCAT HTML GenCAT Package
gender HTML Predicting Gender Using Historical Data
geojsonio HTML CRS and Bounding Boxes
geojsonio HTML geojsonio vignette
geojsonio HTML maps with geojsonio
geoknife HTML geoknife package
GeoLight HTML "GeoLight2.0"
gesis HTML Programmatic access to the GESIS Data Catalogue (DBK)
GetoptLong PDF Parsing command-line arguments by Getopt::Long
GetoptLong PDF Simple variable interpolation in R
GGally HTML ggscatmat
GGally HTML ggmatrix
GGally HTML ggnetworkmap
GGally HTML ggpairs
GGally HTML ggscatmat
ggdendro HTML Create Dendrograms and Tree Diagrams using 'ggplot2'
gge HTML Genotype plus Genotype-By-Block-of-Environments Biplots
ggenealogy PDF ggenealogy: Visualization tools for genealogical data
ggExtra HTML Package ggExtra
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggfortify HTML Introduction to ggfortify package
ggplot2 HTML Extending ggplot2
ggplot2 HTML Aesthetic specifications
ggRandomForests PDF randomForestSRC-Regression
ggRandomForests PDF randomForestSRC-Survival
ggswissmaps HTML Vignette Title
ggthemes HTML Introduction to ggthemes
ggvis HTML Axes and legends
ggvis HTML ggvis cookbook
ggvis HTML Data hierarchy
ggvis HTML ggvis vs ggplot2
ggvis HTML ggvis basics
ggvis HTML Interactivity
ggvis HTML Marks
ggvis HTML ggvis basics
ggvis HTML Properties and scales
ggvis HTML ggvis vs vega/d3
gistr HTML gistr vignette
gitlabr PDF gitlabr Quick Start Guide
gjam HTML Generalized joint distribution modeling - gjam
glarma PDF The glarma package
glmm PDF Using glmm
glmnet HTML An Introduction to Glmnet
glmnet PDF Fitting the Penalized Cox Model
GlobalOptions PDF Generate global option function
glycanr HTML Vignette title
glycanr HTML Vignette title
gmailr HTML Sending Messages With Gmailr
GMCM PDF An Introduction to GMCM
gMCP PDF gMCP Quick Start Guide
gMCP PDF A Graphical Approach to Weighted Multiple Test Procedures
gMCP PDF Graphical approaches for multiple endpoint problems using weighted parametric tests
Gmisc HTML Descriptives statistics for Table 1
Gmisc HTML Transition-class - basic usage
Gmisc HTML transitionPlot - basic usage
googleAuthR HTML googleAuthR
googlesheets HTML googlesheets Basic Usage
googleVis HTML Using Roles and Intervals via googleVis
googleVis HTML Using Trendlines with googleVis
googleVis HTML Markdown example with knitr and googleVis
googleVis HTML Demonstration of googleVis
googleVis PDF Using Google Charts with R
GOplot HTML GOplot_0.1
gpuR PDF A Short Introduction to the gpuR Package
graticule HTML Graticule
gridExtra HTML arrangeGrob: arranging multiple grobs on a page
gridExtra HTML ngonGrob: regular polygons and ellipses in grid graphics
gridExtra HTML tableGrob: displaying tables as grid graphics
growthcurver HTML Growthcurver Vignette
gsDesign PDF Template for time-to-event group sequential design
gsDesign PDF Template instructions for time-to-event group sequential design
gvc HTML gvc
HarmonicRegression PDF Using HarmonicRegression
haven HTML Date times
hazus HTML Package Demo: hazus
hddplot PDF Feature Selection Bias in Classification of High Dimensional Data
hdnom HTML Nomograms for High-Dimensional Data
hdr HTML hdr package
heatmap3 PDF Introduction for heatmap3 package
heemod HTML Simple Markov models (homogenous)
heemod HTML An Introduction to heemod
heemod HTML Time-varying Markov models (non-homogenous)
hierband HTML Using the hierband package
hierfstat HTML The Hierfstat Package
HighDimOut HTML Using Outlier Detection Algorithms to Analyze NBA Players
highr HTML Customization of the highr package
highr HTML Internals of the highr package
hisse HTML Running hisse
HiveR PDF HiveR: 2D and 3D Hive Plots for R
homomorpheR HTML MLE using Homomorphic Computation
homomorpheR HTML Introduction to Homomorphic Computation
hot.deck PDF Using Multiple Hot Deck Data for Inference
hpoPlot HTML Plotting HPO Phenotypes
htmltab HTML htmltab case studies
htmlTable HTML How-to use htmlTable
htmlTable HTML Tables with htmlTable and some alternatives
htmlwidgets HTML Advanced
htmlwidgets HTML Introduction
htmlwidgets HTML Sizing
httr HTML Best practices for writing an API package
httr HTML httr quickstart guide
humaniformat HTML Introduction to humaniformat
HydeNet HTML Decision Network (Influence Diagram) Analyses in HydeNet
HydeNet HTML Getting Started with HydeNet
HydeNet HTML Building and Customizing HydeNet Plots
HydeNet HTML Working with HydeNetwork Objects
hyfo PDF hyfo easy start
hysteresis HTML An Introduction to the hysteresis package
iBUGS PDF An Introduction to iBUGS
icd9 HTML Introducing icd9
import HTML import
inbreedR HTML inbreedR step by step
inferference HTML inferference_intro
inferference HTML inferference_plots
Information HTML Information Package Vignette
InformationValue HTML Vignette Title Subtitle
intergraph HTML Short intergraph tutorial
internetarchive HTML Internet Archive API Client
interplot HTML Vignette Title
iptools HTML Introduction to iptools
iptools HTML Datasets in the iptools package
ISOpureR PDF Guide for using ISOpureR
itsadug HTML ACF functions in 'itsadug'
itsadug HTML Quick overview of plot functions
jaatha HTML Using Jaatha for Demographic Inference
jaatha HTML Introduction to Jaatha
JacobiEigen PDF The Classical Jacobi Algorithm
jiebaR HTML Quick Start Guide
jrvFinance HTML jrvFinance Usage
js HTML Working with JavaScript in R
jsonlite HTML Getting started with JSON and jsonlite
jsonlite HTML Fetching JSON data from REST APIs
jsonlite HTML Combining pages of JSON data with jsonlite
jsonlite PDF Simple JSON RPC with OpenCPU
jsonlite PDF A mapping between JSON data and R objects
jug HTML Jug
kelvin HTML Kelvin curves
KFAS PDF KFAS: Exponential Family State Space Models in R
kfigr HTML kfigr-intro
kitagawa PDF Comparison of response functions
Kmisc HTML Introduction to Kmisc
knitcitations PDF An introduction to knitcitations
knitLatex HTML lTab
knitLatex HTML sTab
knitLatex HTML xTab
knitr HTML Custom Print Methods
knitr HTML Not an Introduction to knitr
knitr PDF knitr Reference Card
knitr HTML Display Tables with the JavaScript Library DataTables
knitr HTML Templating with knit_expand()
knitr HTML An R HTML Vignette with knitr
knitr HTML An R Markdown Vignette with knitr
knitr HTML R Markdown with the Docco Classic Style
knitr HTML R Markdown with the Docco Linear Style
knitrBootstrap HTML Cars example
knitrBootstrap HTML Illusions example
knitrBootstrap HTML Map examples
knitrBootstrap HTML Math expressions example
knitrBootstrap HTML 2D Graphs
knockoff HTML Analysis of HIV Drug Resistance Data
knockoff HTML Using the Knockoff Filter
knockoff HTML SDP Knockoffs
kyotil PDF kyotil
labelrank HTML Vignette Title
lasvmR HTML lasvmR
latex2exp HTML Vignette Title
lawn HTML lawn introduction
lazyeval HTML Benchmarks
lazyeval HTML Chained promises
lazyeval HTML Lazyeval: a new approach to NSE
lctools PDF Spatial Autocorrelation
lctools PDF Spatial Inequalities with R
ldamatch HTML ldamatch demos
ldatuning HTML Number of topics
LDAvis PDF LDAvis details
lfe PDF Multicollinearity, identification, and estimable functions
lfe PDF How lfe works
lfe PDF Convergence rate with examples
lifecontingencies PDF An introduction to lifecontingencies package
lifecontingencies PDF Mortality projection using lifecontingencies package
lifecontingencies PDF Multiple decrements tables with lifecontingencies package
lifecontingencies PDF Intro to the lifecontingencies R package
liftr HTML Dockerize R Markdown Documents
lightsout HTML Package lightsout
likelihoodAsy PDF Likelihood Asymptotics in R
linbin HTML Example applications
linbin HTML Introduction to linbin
lineup HTML R/lineup user guide
lintr HTML Creating new linters
list HTML Combined Lists
littler HTML Littler Examples
lme4 HTML lmer Performance Tips
lme4 PDF Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models using lme4
lme4 PDF PLS vs GLS for LMMs
lme4 PDF Computational Methods
localsolver HTML An introduction to 'localsolver' library
LocFDRPois HTML Introduction to the LocalFDRPois package
LogisticDx PDF plotGlm
logisticPCA HTML An Introduction to the 'logisticPCA' R Package
longpower PDF Power calculations for longitudinal data
loo HTML Example
loopr HTML Looping
ltbayes HTML User-Defined Models
ltbayes HTML Plots from Johnson & Kuhn (2014)
lubridate HTML Lubridate
lucid PDF Lucid printing of floating-point vectors
luzlogr HTML intro-luzlogr
LW1949 HTML Introduction to LW1949
maddison HTML Vignette Title
magrittr HTML Introducing magrittr
MALDIquant PDF MALDIquant: Quantitative Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data
MALDIquantForeign PDF MALDIquantForeign: Import/Export routines for MALDIquant
manifestoR PDF Working with the manifestoR package
mapmisc PDF Examples of map layers
mapmisc PDF Overview of mapping with mapmisc
markdown HTML Some Markdown Examples
markdown HTML HTML Output from Markdown Examples
markophylo HTML Markov Chain Analysis on Phylogenetic Trees
markovchain PDF An introduction to markovchain package
markovchain PDF Crash Introduction to markovchain R package
MarkowitzR PDF Asymptotic Distribution of the Markowitz Portfolio
MarkowitzR PDF Using the MarkowitzR Package
matchingMarkets PDF Structural Estimators and Algorithms for the Analysis of Stable Matchings
matchingR HTML Matching Algorithms in R and C++: An Introduction to matchingR
matchingR HTML Matching Algorithms in R and C++: Computational Performance
matlib HTML Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Properties
matlib HTML Eigenvalues: Spectral Decomposition
matlib HTML Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and Regression
matlib HTML Solving Linear Equations
matrixStats HTML matrixStats: Summary of functions
MaxentVariableSelection PDF 'MaxentVariableSelection' vignette
MazamaSpatialUtils HTML Introduction to MazamaSpatialUtils
mbbefd PDF Introduction to Exposure Rating
mbbefd PDF The MBBEFD package
mclust HTML A quick tour of mclust
mcmcse PDF Using mcmcse
mcprofile HTML An introduction to the mcprofile package
medicalrisk HTML medicalrisk: Calculating risk and comorbidities from ICD-9-CM codes
megaptera PDF Supermatrix construction with megaptera
memgene PDF MEMGENE tutorial
merTools HTML Prediction Intervals from merMod Objects
merTools HTML An Introduction to merTools
MetaCycle HTML Introduction to implementation steps of MetaCycle
metafolio PDF An introduction to the metafolio R package
metaMix PDF metaMix User Guide
metricsgraphics HTML Introduction to metricsgraphics
mi PDF An Example of mi Usage
miniCRAN HTML Using miniCRAN to identify package dependencies
miniCRAN HTML Using miniCRAN to create and maintain a local CRAN repository
miniCRAN HTML Using repositories other than CRAN with miniCRAN
MInt HTML MInt - A package for learning direct interaction networks.
mirt HTML Online Vignettes
mirtCAT HTML Online Vignettes
miscset PDF User Manual
mixedMem PDF mixedMem
mkin HTML Example evaluation of FOCUS Example Dataset D
mkin HTML Example evaluation of FOCUS Laboratory Data L1 to L3
mkin HTML Performance benefit by using compiled model definitions in mkin
mkin PDF Example evaluation of FOCUS dataset Z
mkin PDF Routines for fitting kinetic models with one or more state variables to chemical degradation data
mldr PDF Working with Multilabel Datasets in R: The mldr Package
mlr HTML mlr
mlsjunkgen HTML mlsjunkgen
MM2S PDF MM2S An Introduction (HowTo)
modules HTML Modules in R
molaR HTML Using molaR
mongolite HTML Getting started with MongoDB in R
monitoR PDF monitoR Quick Start
monographaR HTML A quick guide to monographaR
MonoPhy HTML MonoPhy Tutorial
moonBook HTML Vignette Title
morse HTML Tutorial
morse PDF Models
MortalitySmooth PDF MortalitySmooth: Additional examples
mosaic HTML Graphics with the mosaic package
mosaic HTML Less Volume, More Creativity
mosaic HTML Resources Related to the mosaic Package
mosaic HTML Using plotModel
mosaic PDF Minimal R
mosaic PDF Randomization-based inference
mountainplot PDF Introduction to the mountainplot package
moveHMM PDF Guide to using moveHMM
MPSEM PDF Phylogenetic modeling in R
MPTinR PDF MPTinR: Analysis of Multinomial Processing Tree Models
multiplex PDF Working with Two-Mode Networks in multiplex
multirich HTML Vignette Title
mvMORPH PDF mvMORPH: an R package for fitting multivariate evolutionary models
MVN PDF MVN: An R Package for Assessing Multivariate Normality
mvnfast HTML synlik_vignette
mvQuad HTML mvQuad_intro
mvtboost HTML Tree Boosting with Multivariate Outcomes
mvtboost HTML MVTBoost Example 2: Well-being
mwaved HTML mWaveD - Multichannel Wavelet Deconvolution with Long Memory Errors
mycor PDF package mycor
myTAI HTML Advanced Phylotranscriptomics Analyses
myTAI HTML Enrichment Analyses
myTAI HTML Gene Expression Analysis
myTAI HTML Intermediate Phylotranscriptomics Analyses
myTAI HTML Introduction to the myTAI package
myTAI HTML Taxonomic Information
NAM HTML Introduction to NAM
nCal PDF nCal: Nonlinear Calibration
ncappc HTML ncappc
ndtv PDF Using ndtv
nestedRanksTest HTML Using nestedRanksTest
networkreporting HTML getting started
networkreporting HTML network scale-up
neuroim HTML Working with Image Volumes
neuroim HTML The neuroim package
neuroim HTML Regions of Interest
nhanesA HTML Introducing nhanesA
nicheROVER HTML An Ecologist's Guide to nicheROVER
NIPTeR HTML Vignette Title
NlsyLinks PDF FAQ for NLSYLinks
NlsyLinks PDF The NLS Investigator
NlsyLinks PDF ACE Models with the NLSY
NMF PDF NMF-unitTests
NMF PDF An introduction to the package NMF
NMF PDF NMF: generating heatmaps
NNLM HTML Fast and versatile NMF
NNTbiomarker HTML The biomarker crisis
NNTbiomarker HTML Using the NNTbiomarker package
NNTbiomarker HTML The debugTools component
nonlinearTseries HTML Quickstart
NORTARA HTML Vignette Title
nplr PDF R package nplr
nullabor HTML An Introduction to the nullabor package
oai HTML oai introduction
OasisR HTML Vignette Title
OECD PDF Reproducible and programmatic access to OECD data
olctools HTML Introduction to olctools
opencpu PDF OpenCPU Whitepaper
opencpu PDF The OpenCPU Server PDF Manual
openssl HTML Fun with bignum: how RSA encryption works
openssl HTML Cryptographic Hashing in R
openssl HTML Generating Secure Random Numbers in R
openxlsx PDF Examples
openxlsx PDF Formatting Examples
optigrab HTML Vignette Title
optigrab HTML Vignette Title
optiRum HTML optiRum
optiRum HTML Presentation components
optparse PDF optparse Command Line Option Parsing
OrgMassSpecR HTML OrgMassSpecR Examples
orsifronts HTML orsifronts
OrthoPanels HTML Introduction to OrthoPanels
OutbreakTools PDF Handling disease outbreak data
packcircles HTML Graph-based circle-packing
packcircles HTML Introduction
pacman HTML Introduction to pacman
pacman HTML pacman Functions: Quick Reference
pagenum HTML Using the pagenum package
pageviews HTML Accessing Wikimedia Pageviews Data
palr HTML Colour palettes
pander HTML Capturing evaluation information with evals
pander HTML Using pander with knitr
pander HTML Rendering markdown with pander
pander HTML Rendering tables with pandoc.table
PANICr HTML Panel Analysis of Nonstationarity in Idiosyncratic and Common Components
papeR HTML Using papeR with Markdown
papeR PDF Using papeR with LaTeX
ParallelForest HTML Introduction to the ParallelForest Package
patchDVI PDF Using Sweave and patchDVI with Japanese text
patchDVI PDF The patchDVI package
pbo HTML Using the PBO package
pcaBootPlot HTML How to use pcaBootPlot
pcadapt HTML pcadapt
pcev PDF Principal Component of Explained Variance
PDQutils PDF Using the PDQutils Package
peakPick HTML Vignette Title
Perc HTML Introduction to Perc Package
pez PDF pez-intro
PGRdup PDF Introduction
phangorn PDF Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction
phangorn PDF Constructing phylogenetic trees
phangorn PDF Advanced features
phangorn HTML Splits and Networx
phonenumber HTML phonenumber
phylobase PDF phylo4: classes and methods for phylogenetic trees and data
physiology HTML Compare Ideal Weight Formulae
piecewiseSEM HTML Vignette Title
pixiedust HTML Advanced Magic with pixiedust
pixiedust HTML Creating Magic with pixiedust
pixiedust HTML Sprinkles
pkgmaker PDF pkgmaker-unitTests
pkgmaker PDF Overview of Utilities in the pkgmaker Package
planar HTML decay_rates
planar HTML fresnel
planar HTML gaussian beam
plotly HTML Plotly DSL
plotROC HTML plotROC Examples
plspm PDF Introduction to plspm
pmc HTML Vignette Title
pmmlTransformations HTML Vignette Title
polidata HTML Vignette Title
pollstR HTML Vignette Title
polyfreqs HTML An introduction to polyfreqs
popEpi HTML Standardised incidence and mortality ratios
popEpi HTML survtab examples
PopGenReport PDF PopGenReport Introduction
PopGenReport PDF Tutorial landgenreport
poppr HTML Multilocus Genotype Analysis
poppr PDF Algorightms and Equations
poppr PDF Migration from poppr version 1
poppr PDF Data import and manipulation
poweRlaw PDF 1. An introduction to the poweRlaw package
poweRlaw PDF 2. Examples using the poweRlaw package
poweRlaw PDF 3. Comparing distributions with the poweRlaw package
poweRlaw PDF 4. Journal of Statistical Software Article
PP HTML Getting started with PP
precrec HTML Introduction to precrec
prism HTML Download and plot PRISM data
prospectr PDF prospectr: a R package for processing and calibration sampling of vis-NIR spectroscopic data
PSAboot HTML Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis
PSAboot HTML Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis
psd PDF DFT benchmarks: fft vs FFT
psd PDF Normalization of power spectral density estimates
psd PDF An overview of psd
psData HTML psData Markdown Vignette made with knitr
pseval HTML introduction
pumilioR HTML Setting up Pumilio for pumilioR and usage
pvar PDF The brief intro into the package
pweight HTML iGWAS example - Coronary Artery Disease
pweight HTML Pweight Basics
pxweb HTML pxweb
qdap PDF Cleaning Text & Debugging
qdap HTML An Introduction to qdap
qdap PDF qdap-tm Package Compatibility
qicharts HTML controlharts
qicharts HTML runcharts
qlcData HTML Specifying orthography
qlcData HTML Specifying orthography tokenization
qlcMatrix HTML Transforming data into sparse matrices
QoLR HTML Using QoLR package
qqman HTML Intro to the qqman package
qrmtools HTML Fitting and Predicting VaR based on an ARMA-GARCH Process
qrmtools HTML Worst Value-at-Risk under Known Margins
qrmtools HTML Estimating the Risk Measures VaR and ES with Various Estimators
qtlcharts HTML List of chart customization options
qtlcharts HTML R/qtlcharts Developer Guide
qtlcharts HTML Interactive QTL charts within R Markdown
qtlcharts HTML R/qtlcharts User Guide
qualvar HTML Indices of Qualitative variation
quanteda HTML Literature
quanteda HTML Design Principles and Development Plans
quanteda HTML Getting Started Guide
QuantumClone HTML Release
QuantumClone HTML Use case
quipu PDF Quipu tutorial
R2admb PDF basic examples of R2admb/AD Model Builder use
R6 HTML Debugging methods in R6 objects
R6 HTML Introduction to R6 classes
R6 HTML Reference and R6 class performance tests
R6 HTML Portable R6 classes
radiomics HTML Texture Analysis
raincpc HTML Package Demo: raincpc
rainfreq HTML Package Demo: rainfreq
ramify HTML introduction
randomizeR PDF Comparing randomizaton procedures
randomizr HTML Design and Analysis of Experiments with Randomizr
rangeMapper HTML Different biodiversity hotspots and their congruence
rangeMapper HTML Geographical variation in the relationship between range size and body size
rangeMapper HTML The influence of grid size on the relationship between species richness and body size
rangeMapper HTML The influence of range size on the relationship between species richness and body size
rbhl HTML rbhl vignette
rbison HTML Other functions
rbison HTML rbison introduction
Rblpapi HTML Introducing Rblpapi
rclinicaltrials HTML basics
RClone PDF RClone part 2
RClone PDF RClone part 1
RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 HTML The 'extrafont' package
RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 HTML The geom_stepribbon
RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 HTML Dataset requirements for Kaplan-Meier plot
RCMIP5 HTML Atmospheric CO2
RcppFaddeeva HTML voigt
RcppOctave PDF RcppOctave-unitTests
RcppOctave PDF RcppOctave
RcppShark HTML Vignette Title
rcrossref HTML Crossref filters
rcrossref HTML Crossref vignette
Rd2roxygen HTML Rd2roxygen: Convert Rd to roxygen documentation and utilities to enhance R documentation
rddtools HTML Morocco
rddtools HTML Data entry
Rdistance PDF Rdistance_BeginnerTutorial
Rdistance PDF Rdistance_CustomDetectionFunction
Rdistance PDF Rdistance_BeginnerTutorial
RDML HTML Using RDML package
rDVR HTML rDVR basics
readr HTML Column types
readr HTML Locales
rebird HTML rebird vignette
reconstructr HTML Introduction to reconstructr
recosystem HTML Recommender System with recosystem Package
reda HTML Introduction to reda by Examples
REDCapR HTML Basic REDCapR Operations
REDCapR HTML Security Database
REDCapR HTML Troubleshooting REDCap API Calls
RefManageR HTML RMarkdown Citations - Alphabetic Style
RefManageR HTML RHTML Citations Example
RefManageR HTML RMarkdown Citations Example
RefManageR PDF RefManageR User Manual
refset HTML refset
rentrez HTML Vignette Title
repijson HTML Vignette Title
repo HTML Getting started with repo
rerddap HTML rerddap introduction
reval HTML quickstart
RevEcoR HTML RevEcoR
rex HTML Server Log Parsing
rex HTML Stackoverflow Usage Examples
rex HTML URL Validation
rfishbase HTML rfishbase 2.0
RGA HTML Authorization
RGA HTML Management API
RGA HTML Reporting API
rgbif HTML Cleaning data using GBIF issues
rgbif HTML rgbif introduction
rgeolocate HTML IP Geolocation with rgeolocate
rgl HTML User Interaction in WebGL
rgl HTML rgl Overview
rglobi HTML Introduction to the rglobi package
rhandsontable HTML rhandsontable Introduction
rio HTML Import, Export, and Convert Data Files
rivr HTML quickstart
rivr HTML technical-vignette
rjade HTML Introduction to Jade Templating in R
RJafroc PDF Analysis of Data Acquired Using ROC Paradigm and Its Extensions
r.jive HTML Vignette Title
Rknots HTML Rknots
rmdformats HTML rmdformats usage
rmongodb HTML Advanced Topics in the rmongodb Package
rmongodb HTML Introduction to the rmongodb Package
rmongodb PDF rmongodb Cheat Sheet
rnbn HTML rnbn vignette
rnetcarto HTML Getting Started with rnetcarto
RNeXML HTML The nexml S4 Object
RNeXML HTML Handling Metadata in RNeXML
RNeXML HTML Extending NeXML to simmap
rngtools PDF rngtools-unitTests
rnn HTML Recurrent Neural Network
rnoaa HTML buoy vignette
rnoaa HTML HOMR metadata
rnoaa HTML NOAA NCDC dataset attributes
rnoaa HTML ncdc vignette
rnoaa HTML ncdc workflow
rnoaa HTML Sea ice vignette
rnoaa HTML NOAA storms
rnoaa HTML SWDI vignette
RODBCext HTML Parameterized SQL queries
rotations PDF Introduction to rotations
rotl HTML Vignette Title
rotl HTML Vignette Title
roxygen2 HTML Collation order
roxygen2 HTML Text formatting reference sheet
roxygen2 HTML Package namespace
roxygen2 HTML Generating Rd files
roxygen2 HTML Rd keywords
roxygen2 HTML Introduction to roxygen2
rpf HTML Custom Item Models (HTML)
rpf HTML Item Factor Analysis diagnostics (HTML)
rpf HTML Basic 1 dimensional plots (HTML)
rpivotTable HTML Vignette Title
rpivotTable HTML Vignette Title
rplexos HTML rplexos: Process and read PLEXOS files
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rplos HTML rplos introduction
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rprime HTML Parsing summary
rprime HTML Quick start demonstration
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RSAGA PDF Introduction to Terrain Analysis with RSAGA: Landslide Susceptibility Modeling
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rsatscan HTML Simulation
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RSelenium HTML RSelenium basics
RSelenium HTML RSelenium: Headless browsing.
RSelenium HTML RSelenium: Driving OS/Browsers local and remote
RSelenium HTML Shiny Testing
rsnps HTML rsnps tutorial
RSNPset PDF rsnpset
rspa PDF The rspa package
rsunlight HTML rsunlight vignette
rtimes HTML NYTimes Civil Rights
rtimes HTML rtimes vignette
rucm HTML Unobserved Component Models in R
rUnemploymentData HTML a) State Unemployment Data
rUnemploymentData HTML b) County Unemployment Data
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runjags PDF Using the runjags package
rvertnet HTML rvertnet introduction
rvest HTML Selectorgadget
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RxODE HTML RxODE Modeling Syntax
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SAGA PDF SAGA tutorial
SALTSampler HTML Vignette Title
samplesize4surveys HTML Power and sample size in complex surveys
satellite HTML Vignette Title
scatterD3 HTML Introduction
SCGLR PDF Introduction to SCGLR
SchemaOnRead HTML SchemaOnRead Vignettes
schumaker HTML Schumaker Spline
scmamp HTML Data loading and manipulation with scmamp
scmamp HTML Statistical Assessment of the Differences
scrm HTML scrm-Arguments
scrm HTML scrm-TreesForApe
sdcMicro PDF Guidelines for statistical disclosure control using sdcMicro
SDR PDF Using Subgroup Discovery algorithms in R: The SDR package
searchConsoleR HTML Vignette Title
secr PDF Data input for secr
secr PDF Spatially explicit capture–recapture in R
secrdesign PDF Sampling design for spatially explicit capture–recapture
secrlinear PDF Spatially Explicit Capture–Recapture for Linear Habitats
seqHMM PDF Mixture Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Data: the seqHMM Package in R
sequences PDF Brief overview of the 'sequences' package
seroincidence HTML R Package - seroincidence
seroincidence PDF Seroincidence package installation manual
seroincidence PDF Seroincidence package methodology
seroincidence PDF Seroincidence package tutorial
settings HTML Option settings management with the settings package
SharpeR PDF Using the SharpeR Package
SharpeR PDF Notes on the Sharpe ratio
shinyjs HTML Package shinyjs
shinystan HTML Deploying to
shinystan HTML Basics
shotGroups PDF Analyzing shooting precision and accuracy using shotGroups
SIBER HTML Introduction to SIBER
simcausal PDF simcausal Package: Simulations with Complex Longitudinal Data
SimDesign HTML Online Vignettes
simmer HTML Introduction to simmer
simmer HTML Terminology
simmer HTML Advanced trajectory usage
simmr HTML simmr
simPH PDF An overview of simPH
simTool HTML simTool
simTool HTML JSS Essay
sinaplot HTML sinaplot
skellam PDF The Skellam Distribution
sla PDF Introduction to sla
SLOPE HTML Using the SLOPE package
smacof PDF SMACOF in R
smcfcs HTML smcfcs
snht PDF Pairwise SNHT
snht PDF snht: Robust and non-robust SNHT tests for changepoint detection.
snplist PDF snplist
snp.plotter HTML Using snp.plotter
snpStatsWriter HTML snpStatsWriter vignette
sodium HTML How does cryptography work
sodium HTML Introduction to Sodium for R
softImpute HTML An Introduction to softImpute
solr PDF Local Solr setup
solr PDF Solr vignette
SOMbrero HTML SOMbrero package
SOMbrero HTML A basic vignette on grids in SOMbrero
SOMbrero HTML SOM for contingency tables
SOMbrero HTML SOM for numeric data
SOMbrero HTML SOM for dissimilarity data
sorvi HTML sorvi Markdown Vignette
sorvi PDF netresponse
sotkanet HTML sotkanet R vignette
soundecology HTML Differences of ACI values between seewave and soundecology
soundecology HTML Changes in the Acoustic Diversity Index
soundecology HTML An Introduction to the soundecology package
spacetime HTML Spatial and spatio-temporal objects in Google charts
spacetime PDF spacetime: Spatio-Temporal Data in R
spacetime PDF Spatio-temporal overlay and aggregation
spacetime PDF Spatio-temporal objects to proxy a PostgreSQL table
spacetime PDF Subsetting of spacetime objects
SpaDES HTML 01 Introduction to SpaDES
SpaDES HTML 02 Building modules in SpaDES
SpaDES HTML 03 Plotting with SpaDES
sparseHessianFD HTML sparseHessian example
sparseMVN HTML Using sparseMVN
sparseMVN PDF sparseMVN timing comparison
SpatialPosition HTML Introduction to the SpatialPosition package
SpatialPosition HTML Stewart Potentials: a Use Case
spcadjust HTML CUSUM Chart based on Linear Regression Models with Estimated Parameters
spcadjust HTML CUSUM Chart based on Logistic Regression Models with Estimated Parameters
spcadjust HTML CUSUM Chart with estimated In-Control State
spcadjust HTML EWMA Chart with estimated In-Control State
spcadjust HTML Extensions
spcadjust HTML Shewhart Chart with estimated In-Control State
spdep HTML Spatial weights objects as sparse matrices and graphs
spdep PDF The Problem of Spatial Autocorrelation
spdep PDF Moran Eigenvectors
spdep PDF Creating Neighbours
spdep PDF North Carolina SIDS data set
spdynmod PDF spdynmod slides
spocc HTML Introduction to the spocc package
spoccutils HTML Introduction to spoccutils
sprinter PDF A vignette for R package sprinter
spThin HTML spThin example
ss3sim HTML An introduction to ss3sim
ss3sim HTML Creating new ss3sim functions
ss3sim HTML Creating new ss3sim model setups
ss3sim HTML Modifying existing ss3sim model setups
SSRMST HTML Vignette Title
statar HTML Data.frames function
statar HTML Graph
statar HTML Panel data
statar HTML Summary function
StMoMo PDF StMoMo: An R Package for Stochastic Mortality Modelling
stplanr HTML Vignette Title
stplanr HTML Vignette Title
stplanr HTML Introducing stplanr
stringgaussnet PDF User's guide
stringr HTML Introduction to stringr
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stubthat HTML stubthat
SuperExactTest HTML SuperExactTest User Guide
SurvRank HTML SurvRank
survSNP PDF survSNP
sValues PDF Brief Introduction to the sValues Package
svdvis PDF svdvis Vignette
sweidnumbr HTML sweidnumbr
synlik HTML synlik_vignette
systemicrisk HTML Example: Hierarchical Models
systemicrisk HTML Some Introductory Examples
syuzhet HTML Introduction to the Syuzhet Package
tableone HTML Introduction to tableone
tableone HTML Using standardized mean differences
tabplot HTML Timings with tabplot
tabplot HTML Visualization of large datasets with tabplot
tagcloud PDF Tag and Word Clouds
taxize HTML Key functions
taxize HTML taxize vignette
tcR HTML tcR vignette
TESS PDF Bayesian Diversification Rate Analysis
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textreg PDF Using the textreg package
textreuse HTML Text alignment
textreuse HTML Introduction to the textreuse packages
textreuse HTML Minhash and locality-sensitive hashing
textreuse HTML Pairwise comparisons for document similarity
TiddlyWikiR HTML Getting started with TiddlyWikiR
tidyjson HTML Vignette Title
tidyr HTML Tidy data
tigerstats HTML R: Descriptive Statistics
tigerstats HTML R: Inferential Statistics
tigerstats HTML Using barchartGC()
tigerstats HTML Using binomtestGC()
tigerstats HTML Using lattice's bwplot()
tigerstats HTML Using chisqtestGC()
tigerstats HTML Using lattice's densityplot()
tigerstats HTML Using mosaic's favstats()
tigerstats HTML Using lattice's histogram()
tigerstats HTML Teaching with Tigerstats
tigerstats HTML Using lmGC(), predict() and plot()
tigerstats HTML Using pbinomGC()
tigerstats HTML Using pnormGC()
tigerstats HTML Using polyfitGC(), predict() and plot()
tigerstats HTML Using proptestGC()
tigerstats HTML Using qnorm()
tigerstats HTML Using qnormGC()
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traits HTML BETYdb Tutorial
traits HTML traits Intro
transcribeR HTML Transcribing Audio with transcribeR
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vartors HTML Workflow of vartors package
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vtreat HTML vtreat overfit
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WeightedCluster PDF WeightedCluster Preview
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WikidataR HTML urltools
wikipediatrend HTML Using Wikipediatrend
WikipediR HTML urltools
wildlifeDI PDF Analysis of dynamic interactions in wildlife
wiod HTML wiod
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wordbankr HTML Vignette Title
wrassp HTML An introduction to the wrassp package
WRS2 PDF WRS2: Robust Statistical Methods
wsrf HTML A Quick Start Guide for wsrf
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xgboost HTML Discover your data
xgboost HTML Xgboost presentation
xgboost PDF xgboost: eXtreme Gradient Boosting
XNomial HTML XNomial
xseq PDF xseq – Assessing Functional Impact on Gene Expression of Mutations in Cancer
xtable PDF xtable margintable
xtable PDF xtable Gallery
yakmoR HTML yakmoR
yCrypticRNAs HTML yCrypticRNAs
yummlyr HTML Accessing API with YummlyR
zooaRch HTML zooaRch
zoon HTML Building modules
zoon HTML Basic zoon usage
zoon HTML Interactive zoon usage
ztable HTML ztable

There are 818 packages and 1218 vignettes.

Here is a list of package vignettes _possibly_ built with **knitr** on CRAN.
```{r fetch-pkgs, include=FALSE}
pkgs = available.packages(contrib.url('', 'source'))
deps = tools::package_dependencies('knitr', pkgs, which = 'all', reverse = TRUE)[['knitr']]
deps = setdiff(deps, 'R.rsp') # packages that do not use knitr
deps = sort(c(deps, 'knitr'))
```{r vig-list, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=TRUE, cache.extra=deps, message=FALSE, error=FALSE}
vigs = lapply(deps, function(pkg) {
url = sprintf('', pkg)
txt = readLines(url)
i = grep('<td>Vignettes:</td>', txt)
if (length(i) > 1) stop('something is wrong on the CRAN page of ', pkg)
if (length(i) == 0) return()
j = grep('</td>', txt)
txt = txt[seq(i + 1, min(j[j > i]) - 1)]
pat = '<a href="([^"]+)">(.+?)</a><br/>'
txt = grep(pat, txt, value = TRUE)
x1 = sub(pat, '\\1', txt) # link
x2 = sub(pat, '\\2', txt) # title
x2 = gsub('\\', '', x2, fixed = TRUE) # mcprofile has something weird in the title
package = pkg,
type = toupper(tools::file_ext(x1)),
vignette = sprintf('[%s](', x2, pkg, x1)
vigs =, vigs)
vigs = rbind(vigs, cbind(package = setdiff(deps, vigs[, 1]), type = '', vignette = ''))
```{r output, results='asis', echo=FALSE}
res = knitr::kable(vigs, align = c('r', 'l', 'l'), output = FALSE)
res = gsub('^\\|\\s*|\\s*\\|$', '', res)
res[2] = gsub('^(-+):', '\\1-', res[2])
cat(res, sep = '\n')
There are `r length(deps)` packages and `r sum(nzchar(vigs[, 2]))` vignettes.
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