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Securedrop TLA+ specification review

People who take my TLA+ Class get a free specification review. Cory Myers asked for a review of his Reply.tla spec, reproduced from the PR below, and has graciously agreed to let me make it public. The review itself is here.

Note this is a "light" review: I'm looking for general TLA+ antipatterns and techniques that don't require me to deeply understand the problem domain. This represents about an hour of review.

\* JOB_RETRIES: How many times should API jobs be retried? 0 for naïve API
\* calls without retries; 2 for 3 total attempts; etc.
\* {In,Out}Replies: Sets of the (zero-indexed, consecutive, natural-number)
\* primary keys of Reply objects "incoming" (someone else sent; we're
\* downloading) and "outgoing" (we're sending), respectively. (The two
\* sets MUST be disjoint: the case where a failed outgoing reply is
\* "recovered" by downloading a subsequent "incoming" reply emerges in
\* the model.)
InReplies = {0}
OutReplies = {1}
\* For{Local,Remote}Deletion: Sets of the (zero-indexed, natural-number)
\* primary keys of replies subject to local and/or remote deletion,
\* respectively. (The two sets MAY intersect: the model covers cases
\* in which local and remote deletion race.)
ForLocalDeletion = {}
ForRemoteDeletion = {}
## Introduction
This TLA+ module models (abstractions of) the following components of the
SecureDrop Client:
- the unified `securedrop_client.db.Reply` object proposed in
freedomofpress/securedrop-engineering#8; and
- `securedrop_client.queue.RunnableQueue`, with respect to:
- `securedrop_client.api_jobs.downloads.DownloadReplyJob`;
- `securedrop_client.api_jobs.uploads.SendReplyJob`; and
- `securedrop_client.api_jobs.sources.DeleteConversationJob` as it pertains
to an individual `Reply` object.
Specifically, this module models the scenarios possible under the following
events, according to the parameters tunable in `Reply.cfg`:
1. The Client attempts to send one or more replies.
2. The Client attempts to download one or more replies, any of which may be a
reply that the Client previously failed to send.
3. The Client attempts to delete one or more replies.
4. The Client learns that one or more replies has been deleted on the server.
Importantly, this model does not favor _desirable_ combinations or sequences of
these events. Instead, the model defines the rules for what is possible at each
moment (tick) in time, and the resulting state-graph proves what is therefore
possible across time. Desirable and undesirable sequences have equal
probabilistic weight[1], which lets the model check whether our rules---that is,
both our intentions and our assumptions, across components---are valid and
---- MODULE Reply ----
EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals, Sequences, TLC
InReplies, OutReplies,
ForLocalDeletion, ForRemoteDeletion
Replies == InReplies \union OutReplies
\* ---- HELPERS ----
\* Pythonically: {f[k] for k in f.keys()}, where f.keys() is equivalent to
\* DOMAIN f.
Range(f) == {f[x]: x \in DOMAIN f}
\* Pythonically: len(f.keys()), where f.keys() is as above.
Size(f) == Cardinality(DOMAIN f)
\* Pythonically: id in q.
Contains(q, id) == \E el \in Range(q): = id
\* ---- TYPES ----
\* The unified Reply model proposed in freedomofpress/securedrop-engineering#8.
\* We have to build it up from primitive types...
Id == Nat
\* ...through unions of allowed values. Note that we union Deletion
\* explicitly into both SharedStates and TerminalStates, because it's
\* a testable feature of this model, not a necessary constraint, that
\* the Deletion states are both shared (between incoming and outgoing replies)
\* and possibly terminal (meaning that their persistence is not considered
\* a stutter or deadlock).
Deletion == {"DeletedLocally"}
SharedStates == {"Ready"} \union Deletion
TerminalStates == {
} \union Deletion
\* ...and into typed structs, which TLA+ will let us enforce with invariants.
\* For example, a dead reply has only a type, nothing more, because we need
\* a way to show a reply is "gone" even though we can't remove it from a
\* function (mapping) once we've added it (
DeadReply == [type: {DEAD}]
\* ...while an incoming reply has both a type and set of possible states...
InReply ==
type: {"in"},
state: {
} \union SharedStates
\* ...and an outgoing reply has both a type and a *different* (though
\* intersecting) set of possible states.
OutReply ==
type: {"out"},
state: {
} \union SharedStates
\* Finally: dead, incoming, and outgoing replies all count as type Reply.
Reply ==
DeadReply \union
InReply \union
\* The pool is our abstract database: the set of all Reply records we've
\* known about in this model run.
\* This is the set of IDs for which we've processed deletion operations in
\* this model run. It's an implementation detail of the model only.
\* A reply is alive if it (a) exists and (b) is not dead.
IsAlive(id) ==
/\ id \in DOMAIN pool
/\ pool[id] \notin DeadReply
\* A reply is available if it (a) is alive and (b) has not been locally deleted.
IsAvailable(id) ==
/\ IsAlive(id)
/\ pool[id].state \notin Deletion
\* Check whether the reply is (a) alive and (b) in the from-state.
IsInState(id, from) ==
/\ IsAlive(id)
/\ pool[id].state = from
\* Copy pool to pool', but move the value at `id` to the to-state.
Set(id, to) == pool' = [pool EXCEPT ![id].state = to]
\* If the reply at `id` is in the from-state, move it to the to-state.
Trans(id, from, to) ==
/\ IsInState(id, from)
/\ Set(id, to)
\* Copy pool to pool', but replace the value at `id` with the dead reply.
\* NB. We can't do ![id] = DeadReply because the type DeadReply will be
\* evaluated as the set {DeadReply}.
Delete(id) == pool' = [pool EXCEPT ![id] = [type |-> DEAD]]
\* Abstract API jobs. Jobs have an `id` (like, a `type`, and a
\* decrementing `ttl` for retry behavior.
\* DeleteJob is an abstraction of
\* securedrop_client.api_jobs.source.DeleteConversationJob to model its effects
\* on an individual Reply object, since this model does not include the concepts
\* of sources or conversations.
DeleteJob == [id: Id, type: {"Delete"}, ttl: Nat]
DownloadReplyJob == [id: Id, type: {"DownloadReply"}, ttl: Nat]
SendReplyJob == [id: Id, type: {"SendReply"}, ttl: Nat]
Job ==
DeleteJob \union
DownloadReplyJob \union
\* The abstract RunnableQueue, sans prioritization
\* ( The current job is
\* Head(queue).
\* Completed jobs from `queue` are appended to `done`, so that we can prove
\* what's happened to them in each model run.
\* A job is expired if its `ttl` (remaining retries) reaches 0.
IsExpired(job) == job.ttl = 0
\* ---- INVARIANTS ----
\* By marking these operators as "INVARIANT" in "Reply.cfg", TLA+ will check
\* that they're *always* true: at every moment (tick) in the model.
\* Think of this as abstract runtime type-checking
\* ( We have one invariant for each
\* of our major data structures.
\* The pool contains only records enumerated in the constant set Replies and
\* of type Reply.
PoolTypeOK ==
/\ DOMAIN pool \subseteq Replies
/\ pool \in [DOMAIN pool -> Reply]
\* Both queues are sequences of type Job.
QueueTypeOK ==
/\ queue \in Seq(Job)
/\ done \in Seq(Job)
\* ---- QUEUE ACTIONS ----
\* These are actions because they modify the value of some variable x' at the
\* next tick as well as check its value x at the current tick.
\* The user initiated deletion of a reply. If it exists, and if we haven't
\* already started processing its deletion, enqueue a DeleteJob.
LocalDelete(id) ==
/\ id \in DOMAIN pool
/\ id \notin deleting
/\ deleting' = deleting \union {id}
/\ queue' = Append(queue, [
id |-> id,
type |-> "Delete",
/\ UNCHANGED<<done, pool>>
\* The server informed us of deletion of a reply. If it's not dead and gone
\* already, it is now: remote deletion supervenes on *whatever* else we might
\* be doing, including local deletion.
RemoteDelete(id) ==
/\ IsAlive(id)
/\ Delete(id)
/\ UNCHANGED<<deleting, done, queue>>
\* Create the job-record pair for `id`, based crudely on whether it's enumerated
\* in the set of incoming or outgoing replies.
Enqueue(id) ==
dir == IF id \in InReplies THEN "in" ELSE "out"
state == IF id \in InReplies THEN "DownloadPending" ELSE "SendPending"
job == IF id \in InReplies THEN "DownloadReply" ELSE "SendReply"
/\ pool' = pool @@ (id :> [
type |-> dir,
state |-> state
/\ queue' = Append(queue, [
id |-> id,
type |-> job,
\* If `job` isn't expired, we can retry it by resetting Head(queue) to `job`.
Retry(job) ==
/\ ~IsExpired(job)
/\ queue' = <<[
id |->,
type |-> job.type,
ttl |-> job.ttl - 1
]>> \o Tail(queue)
/\ UNCHANGED<<done, pool>>
\* If Head(queue) succeeded, move it to `done` and advance `queue`.
QueueNext ==
/\ done' = Append(done, Head(queue))
/\ queue' = Tail(queue)
\* --- REPLY STATES ---
\* These actions reimplement the per-reply state machine first explicated in
\* <>. Each
\* state corresponds to an operator, which evaluates the conditions
\* that govern its possible transitions and then applies one. A state
\* corresponding to an API job has an equal chance of succeeding versus failing
\* up to JOB_RETRIES times.
DeleteInterrupt(job) ==
/\ Set(, "DeletedLocally")
/\ UNCHANGED<<done, queue>>
DeletedLocally(job) ==
\/ /\ Delete(
/\ QueueNext
\/ Retry(job)
\/ /\ IsExpired(job)
/\ QueueNext
DownloadPending(job) ==
/\ Trans(, "DownloadPending", "Downloading")
/\ UNCHANGED<<done, queue>>
\* DownloadReplyJob in progress:
Downloading(job) ==
\/ /\ Trans(, "Downloading", "Downloaded")
/\ UNCHANGED<<done, queue>>
\/ Retry(job)
\/ /\ IsExpired(job)
/\ Trans(, "DownloadPending", "DownloadFailed")
/\ QueueNext
Downloaded(job) ==
/\ \/ Trans(, "Downloaded", "Ready")
\/ Trans(, "Downloaded", "DecryptionFailed")
/\ QueueNext
SendPending(job) ==
/\ Trans(, "SendPending", "Sending")
/\ UNCHANGED<<done, queue>>
\* SendReplyJob in progress:
Sending(job) ==
\/ /\ Trans(, "Sending", "Ready")
/\ QueueNext
\/ Retry(job)
\/ /\ IsExpired(job)
/\ Trans(, "Sending", "SendFailed")
/\ QueueNext
\* ---- ACTIONS ----
\* These actions are the heart of the model: how the per-reply state machine
\* reimplemented above is processed for multiple replies, jobs, and their
\* interactions and failure modes.
vars == <<
pool, deleting,
queue, done
\* Invoked for some reply `id` that has (a) apparently failed to send but (b)
\* been reported by the server for downloading. See also f0040bc and
\* <>.
FailureRecovery ==
\E id \in DOMAIN pool:
/\ IsInState(id, "SendFailed")
/\ pool' = [pool EXCEPT ![id] = [
state |-> "DownloadPending",
type |-> "in"
/\ queue' = Append(queue, [
id |-> id,
type |-> "DownloadReply",
/\ UNCHANGED<<deleting, done>>
\* Run the state machine for the reply `id` specified by the current
\* `job` at Head(queue).
ProcessJob ==
LET job == Head(queue)
IF IsAvailable( THEN
\/ /\ job \in DownloadReplyJob
/\ \/ DownloadPending(job)
\/ Downloading(job)
\/ Downloaded(job)
\/ /\ job \in SendReplyJob
/\ \/ SendPending(job)
\/ Sending(job)
\/ /\ job \in DeleteJob
/\ \/ DeleteInterrupt(job)
\/ DeletedLocally(job)
/\ QueueNext
\* Process the queue when non-empty.
QueueRun ==
\/ /\ Len(queue) > 0
/\ ProcessJob
/\ UNCHANGED deleting
\/ UNCHANGED vars \* nothing changes if there's nothing to do
\* ---- MODEL SETUP ----
Init ==
/\ deleting = {}
/\ pool = <<>>
/\ queue = <<>>
/\ done = <<>>
\* On every tick, do one of the following, with equal probability to maximize
\* the state-space:
Next ==
\* (a) enqueue the next unprocessed reply enumerated in the constant set
\* Replies
\/ \E id \in Replies:
/\ id = Size(pool)
/\ Enqueue(id)
/\ UNCHANGED deleting
\* (b) (maybe) recover a reply that previously "failed" to send;
\/ FailureRecovery
\* (c) run the queue; or
\/ QueueRun
\* (d) initiate local or remote deletion from the constant sets
\* {Local,Reply}Deletion.
\/ \E id \in ForLocalDeletion: LocalDelete(id)
\/ \E id \in ForRemoteDeletion: RemoteDelete(id)
\* Putting it all together, we start at Init and execute Next with weak fairness
\* over the set of `vars`.
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)
\* ---- PROPERTIES ---
\* By marking these operators as "PROPERTIES" in "Reply.cfg", TLA+ will check
\* that they are true over the lifetime of the model run: the Temporal Logic of
\* our Actions ( As with our
\* invariants, we have one property governing each of our major data structures.
\* It is eventually always (thereafter, without regression) true that all
\* replies are either dead or in a terminal state.
PoolLiveness ==
<>[](\A r \in Range(pool):
\/ r \in DeadReply
\/ r.state \in TerminalStates
\* It is eventually always (thereafter, without regression) true that all jobs
\* have been processed.
QueueLiveness == <>[](Len(queue) = 0)
## Appendix
The following property DeletionWins does *not* hold, for example under the
sequence SendReplyJob (fails) --> DeleteJob (succeeds) --> DownloadReplyJob
ToBeDeleted == ForLocalDeletion \union ForRemoteDeletion
IsDeleted(id) ==
\/ ~IsAlive(id)
\/ ~IsAvailable(id)
DeletionWins ==
<>[](\A id \in ToBeDeleted: IsDeleted(id))

The spec is well organized and documented, which makes looking at it much easier. Here are some things I noticed:

InReplies and OutReplies

Lines 13-20 of Reply.cfg:

\* {In,Out}Replies: Sets of the (zero-indexed, consecutive, natural-number)
\* primary keys of Reply objects "incoming" (someone else sent; we're
\* downloading) and  "outgoing" (we're sending), respectively.  (The two
\* sets MUST be disjoint: the case where a failed outgoing reply is
\* "recovered" by downloading a subsequent "incoming" reply emerges in
\* the model.)
InReplies = {0}
OutReplies = {1}

First a quick thing: you can do multiline comments (* like this *).

Any, the spec specifies the sets must be disjoint. You can enforce this at the spec level with an ASSUME:

\* cfg
CONSTANTS  InReplies, OutReplies

\* tla
ASSUME InReplies \intersect OutReplies = {}

One thing I'm not clear on: why do we have separate constants in the first place? We can make the spec more general by just specifying the number of replies, and letting Enqueue nondeterministically determine whether we add an in or an out.

\* cfg

Replies == 0..(NumReplies - 1) \* Keep it 0-based

\* tla
Enqueue(id) ==
  \/ /\ queue' = Append(queue, [id |-> id, type |-> "DownloadReply"])
     /\ pool' = "See next review"
  \/ /\ queue' = Append(queue, [id |-> id, type |-> "SendReply"])
     /\ ...

This will check the case where there's an equal number of each, as well as the case where there's a different number. If you want to guarantee there's an equal number of replies, you probably want pool to instead be a set, so you can grow it as you need it. Then each value in Replies would map to both an in and an out reply.

Is pool a set or function?

Line 186:

PoolTypeOK ==
    /\ DOMAIN pool \subseteq Replies
    /\ pool \in [DOMAIN pool -> Reply]

PoolTypeOK could be better written as

PoolTypeOK ==
  \E seen \in SUBSET Replies:
    pool \in [seen -> Reply]

I had to confirm TLC will accept this, though. Generally changing the domain of a function (sequences excepted) is an antipattern. That's usually a sign you need a set instead: make id an additional field of Reply and then add an invariant saying Reply ids are unique.

(this also lets you "delete" replies entirely, a thing you can't easily do with functions, as noted in line 79)

If the set of potential Replies is going to be fixed, though, you can still use a function. Then replies that haven't happened yet can be represented with a null model value.


PoolTypeOk ==
  pool \in [Replies -> Reply \union {NoReply}

Init ==
  pool = [r \in Replies |-> NoReply]

Then you don't need to constantly check if a reply is in DOMAIN pool; they always are there. Instead, IsAlive (L121) just comes

IsAlive(id) ==
  pool[id] \notin DeadReply \union {NoReply}

Small things


Lots of places where DeadReply being a singleton set instead of the value is a problem, like IsAlive and Delete, and only one place where it makes things more convenient, which is Reply (L109). I'd favor the common case.

DeadReply == [type |-> DEAD]
Reply == {DeadReply} \union InReply \union OutReply

Note you can also write Reply as

Reply == UNION {InReply, OutReply, {DeadReply}}


Should be a CASE statement.

ProcessJob ==
    LET job == Head(queue)
        IF IsAvailable( THEN
          CASE job \in DownloadReplyJob ->
             \/ DownloadPending(job)
             \/ Downloading(job)
             \/ Downloaded(job)
          [] job \in SendReplyJob ->
             \/ SendPending(job)
             \/ Sending(job)
          [] job \in DeleteJob ->
             \/ DeleteInterrupt(job)
             \/ DeletedLocally(job)
        /\ QueueNext
        /\ UNCHANGED pool


Could be written as <>[](queue = <>>).

Similarly, L358 could be written as queue # <<>>.


Is the variable done used anywhere in the spec? If not, it should be marked as an auxiliary variable. Alternatively, you can use an immutable queue for queue.

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