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Created June 25, 2021 00:36
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Pub-Sub for Alloy
open util/ordering[Time]
let unchanged[x, t, t'] {x.t = x.t'}
sig Time {}
sig Msg {}
sig Pub {
-- really a topic, but then we're double-using T as a letter
, msgs: Msg -> Time
fact "Each message is only part of one topic" {
all m: Msg |
one p: Pub |
m in p.msgs.Time
sig Sub {
-- subscribers
, subscribed: Pub -> Time -- what topics subscribed to at T
, received: Msg -> Time -- what messages we've seen
fun publisher[m: Msg]: Pub {
-- Which Pub published the message. There will only be one
fun origin[m: Msg]: Time {
-- The time we initially published the message.
-- NOTE: this works b/c only one publisher can publish a given message
fun received_at[s: Sub, m: Msg]: Time {
-- The first time a subscriber received the message.
fun subs_for_msg[m: Msg]: set Sub {
-- All of the subs that were subscribed to a topic at the moment
-- a publisher sent a message. Needed to make sure that NEW subscriptions
-- don't received the message.
-- Question: if a subscriber leaves *and comes back* before we message them,
-- should they receive the message? That sounds like a user requirement problem!
//fact "All signatures are used" {
// all p: Pub |
// some p.msgs.Time
fact "Published msgs are monotonic" {
-- maybe this should be an assertion?
all p: Pub, t': Time - last |
p.msgs.t' in p.msgs.(t'.next)
pred subscribe[s: Sub, p: Pub, t, t': Time] {
(s -> p) !in subscribed.t
subscribed.t' = subscribed.t + (s -> p)
pred unsubscribe[s: Sub, p: Pub, t, t': Time] {
(s -> p) in subscribed.t
subscribed.t' = subscribed.t - (s -> p)
pred publish[p: Pub, m: Msg, t, t': Time] {
(m -> t) !in p.msgs
-- exactly one change!
msgs.t' = msgs.t + (p -> m)
pred receive[s: Sub, m: Msg, t, t': Time] {
-- should be s: SET Sub
s in subs_for_msg[m] -- needed to prevent "delayed subscription" getting msgs
(m -> t) in s.subscribed.t.msgs
(m -> t) !in s.received
received.t' = received.t + (s -> m)
-- unchanged[msgs, t, t']
fact Trace {
-- Currently we let msgs appear at random: the monotonicity fact
-- makes sure that they don't "disappear".
no Pub.msgs.first
no Sub.received.first
all t: Time - last |
let t' = |
(some p: Pub, s: Sub {
s.subscribe[p, t, t']
s.unsubscribe[p, t, t']
-- unchanged[msgs, t, t']
unchanged[received, t, t']
}) or
(some m: Msg, s: Sub {
s.receive[m, t, t']
unchanged[subscribed, t, t']
-- unchanged[received, t, t']
}) or { --stutter step
unchanged[subscribed, t, t']
unchanged[received, t, t']
pred messages_received_out_of_order[s: Sub, m, m': Msg] {[m'.origin]
some t: Time {
(m -> t) !in s.received
(m' -> t) in s.received
-- possible error: subs subscribe to the pub AFTER message,
-- and then receive it anyway
-- We want to rule that out, so here's a predicate to catch that.
pred messages_only_sent_to_subscribed_topics[s: Sub, m: Msg] {
all t: Time {
(m -> t) in s.received => (m.publisher -> origin[m]) in s.subscribed
pred messages_only_from_subscribed_topics[s: Sub, m: Msg] {
all t: Time { -- possibly unnecessary: can do it with a relation trick
-- We can't write
-- (m -> t) in s.received => (m.publisher -> t) in s.subscribed
-- Because that would fail if we unsubscribe after receiving a message.
(m -> t) in s.received => (m.publisher -> s.received_at[m]) in s.subscribed
assert Properties {
all s: Sub, m: Msg {
messages_only_sent_to_subscribed_topics[s, m]
messages_only_from_subscribed_topics[s, m]
check Properties for 4 but 10 Time
check {all s: Sub, m: Msg | messages_only_sent_to_subscribed_topics[s, m]} for 4
check {all s: Sub, m: Msg | messages_only_from_subscribed_topics[s, m]} for 4
run {some m, m': Msg, s: Sub | messages_received_out_of_order[s, m, m']} for 4
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