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Last active May 20, 2021 21:44
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TLA+ Type Introspection for safe operations!
This works because of undocumented behavior in TLC:
`Sequences` operators have overrides that also works on strings.
So you take the Head of a string to get the first character.
Please don't use this in an actual spec, it's for demonstration purposes only.
Also, this is likely to get patched out soon. See (
ALSO also it breaks on lots of stuff, like it says `TypeOf(1..3) = "int"`
TypeOf(TLCEval(1..3)) works properly but I'd rather not make this more useable
---- MODULE Introspection ----
EXTENDS Integers, TLC, Sequences
LOCAL Range(f) == {f[x] : x \in DOMAIN f}
RECURSIVE ComplexTypeOf(_)
TypeOf(x) ==
LET fc == Head(ToString(x))
IN CASE fc \in {"T", "F"} -> "bool"
[] fc = "{" -> "set"
[] fc \in {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"} -> "int"
[] fc = "<" -> "seq"
[] fc = "\"" -> "str" \*"\* <- fix github's syntax highlighter
[] fc \in {"[", "("} -> "fun" \* Could also be a struct, see ComplexTypeOf
ComplexTypeOf(x) ==
LET type == TypeOf(x) \* type == Print(x, TypeOf(x))
CASE type \in {"bool", "str", "int"} -> <<type>>
[] type = "set" ->
IF x = {} THEN <<"set", "empty">> ELSE
LET elem == CHOOSE e \in x: TRUE
IN <<"set", TypeOf(elem)>>
[] type = "seq" ->
<<"seq", TypeOf(x[1])>>
[] type = "fun" ->
LET dom_type == ComplexTypeOf(DOMAIN x)[2]
ran_type == ComplexTypeOf(Range(x))[2]
\* We know both are sets, so [2] is what it's a set OF
\* Todo better introspection, like for structs with heterogenous ranges
IF dom_type = "str" THEN <<"struct", ran_type>>
ELSE <<type, dom_type, ran_type>>
SafeEq(a, b) ==
TypeOf(a) = TypeOf(b) /\ a = b
SafeIn(a, set) ==
LET type == ComplexTypeOf(set) IN
/\ type[1] = "set"
/\ TypeOf(a) = type[2]
/\ a \in set
TestTypeOf == <<
TypeOf(1 :> 2 @@ 2 :> 4),
TestComplexTypeOf == <<
ComplexTypeOf([BOOLEAN -> BOOLEAN]),
ComplexTypeOf({"a", "b", "c"}),
ComplexTypeOf([a |-> 1, b |-> 2]),
ComplexTypeOf(1 :> 2 @@ 3 :> 4)
TestSafeEq == <<
SafeEq(1, 2), SafeEq(1, "a"), SafeEq(2, 2), SafeEq(2, {2})
TestSafeIn == <<
SafeIn(1, 2), SafeIn(1, {1, 2}), SafeIn(1, {"a", "b"})
\* this fails: ,SafeIn({1}, {{"a"}, {"b"}})
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