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import startServer from "verdaccio";
const PORT = 4873
const STORAGE = "./storage";
const CONFIG = {
storage: STORAGE,
uplinks: {
"npmjs": {
"url": ""
pbhogan / AspectRatioPanel.cs
Last active August 13, 2024 07:02
Unity UI-Toolkit Aspect Ratio Preserving Panel
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
/// <summary>
/// A hash combiner that is implemented with the Fowler/Noll/Vo algorithm (FNV-1a). This is a mutable struct for performance reasons.
/// Taken from
/// </summary>
public struct FnvHash
/// <summary>
/// The starting point of the FNV hash.
/// </summary>
public const ulong Offset = 14695981039346656037;
binaryfoundry / wavelets.js
Last active April 25, 2020 17:45
Haar Wavelets
class WaveletBase {
constructor() {
this.forward = 1;
this.inverse = 2;
split(vec, N) {
var half = N >> 1;
var vc = vec.slice();
roguesleipnir / SearchForProperties.cs
Last active April 7, 2021 11:20
Quick search for components and serialized properties in prefabs.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
public class SearchForProperties : EditorWindow {
MonoScript targetComponent;
string propertyString;
bool hideVariants;
yassineaboukir / Electron app decompiling
Created June 12, 2019 01:10
Obtain the source code of Electron applications
# Open terminal and install asar node module globally
$ npm install -g asar
# Go into the app’s directory, in our case it’s Slack
$ cd /Applications/
# Create a directory to paste the content of app
Split82 / UnityShadersCheatSheet.shader
Created April 17, 2018 10:07
Unity Shaders Cheat Sheet
Shader "Name" {
Properties {
_Name ("display name", Range (min, max)) = number
_Name ("display name", Float) = number
_Name ("display name", Int) = number
_Name ("display name", Color) = (number,number,number,number)
_Name ("display name", Vector) = (number,number,number,number)
phi-lira / UniversalPipelineTemplateShader.shader
Last active October 12, 2024 18:02
Template shader to use as guide to create Universal Pipeline ready shaders. This shader works with Universal Render Pipeline 7.1.x and above.
// When creating shaders for Universal Render Pipeline you can you the ShaderGraph which is super AWESOME!
// However, if you want to author shaders in shading language you can use this teamplate as a base.
// Please note, this shader does not necessarily match perfomance of the built-in URP Lit shader.
// This shader works with URP 7.1.x and above
Shader "Universal Render Pipeline/Custom/Physically Based Example"
// Specular vs Metallic workflow
[HideInInspector] _WorkflowMode("WorkflowMode", Float) = 1.0
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace Cluster {
public class CollisionCall : MonoBehaviour {
public LayerMask layerMask = -1;
Arakade / gist:9dd844c2f9c10e97e3d0
Created January 3, 2015 16:54
Call from OnDrawGizmos() to draw text at Unity3D glocal position in Editor
static void drawString(string text, Vector3 worldPos, Color? colour = null) {
if (colour.HasValue) GUI.color = colour.Value;
var view = UnityEditor.SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView;
Vector3 screenPos =;
Vector2 size = GUIContent(text));
GUI.Label(new Rect(screenPos.x - (size.x / 2), -screenPos.y + view.position.height + 4, size.x, size.y), text);