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Last active December 22, 2019 11:19
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☄️ ArcaneTinkerer | Turn items in commands ☄️

Default Actions

Actions that doesn't require any other plugin installed to work

Player Command

  • Makes the player execute a command
  • Arguments
    • command
  • Example: [PLAYERCOMMAND] balance

Console Command

  • Executes a command as the console
  • Arguments
    • command
  • Example: [PLAYERCOMMAND] eco give %player_name% 1000


  • [SOUND]
  • Plays a sound to every online player
  • Arguments
    • sound (a list with all available sounds can be found here)
    • volume
    • pitch
  • Example: [SOUND] ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER;2.0;2.0

Sound Broadcast

  • Plays a sound to every online player
  • Arguments
    • sound (a list with all available sounds can be found here)
    • volume
    • pitch


  • Sends a message to the player
  • Arguments
    • message
  • Example: [MESSAGE] &fHello &a%player_name%&f!

Center Message

  • Sends a centered message to the player (This is not guaranteed to display perfectly)
  • Arguments
    • message
  • Example: [CENTERMESSAGE] &fHello &a%player_name%&f!


  • Sends a message to every online player
  • Arguments
    • message
  • Example: [BROADCAST] &fHellp &aeveryone&f!

Center Broadcast

  • Sends a centered message to every online player (This is not guaranteed to display perfectly)
  • Arguments
    • message
  • Example: [CENTERBROADCAST] &fHello &aeveryone&f!

JSON Message

  • Sends a JSON message to the player. Executes Minecraft's /tellraw command, so usage may change between versions
  • Arguments
    • json
  • Example: [JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"Go to Google","color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""}}

JSON Broadcast

  • Sends a JSON message to every player on the server. Executes Minecraft's /tellraw command, so usage may change between versions
  • Arguments
    • json
  • Example: [JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"Go to Google","color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""}}

Title Message

  • Sends a title message to the player
  • Arguments
    • title
    • subtitle
    • fade-in ticks
    • display ticks
    • fade-out ticks
  • Example: [TITLEMESSAGE] Hello;%player_name%;20;60;20

Title Broadcast

  • Sends a title message to every player
  • Arguments
    • title
    • subtitle
    • fade-in ticks
    • display ticks
    • fade-out ticks
  • Example: [TITLEBROADCAST] Hello;Players;20;60;20

ActionBar Message

  • Sends a message to the player through the actionbar
  • Arguments
    • message
  • Example: [ACTIONBARMESSAGE] &cThis shows in the actionbar

ActionBar Broadcast

  • Sends a message to every player in the server through the actionbar
  • Arguments
    • message
  • Example: [ACTIONBARBROADCAST] &cEveryone sees this in the actionbar

TokenEnchant Actions

Requires TokenEnchant to work

Give TokenEnchant Tokens 1.1

  • Give the player tokenenchant tokens
  • Arguments
    • amount
  • Example: [GIVETETOKENS] 100

Vanilla actions

Give XP 1.1

  • [GIVEXP]
  • Give the player xp points or levels by adding a L at the end
  • Arguments
    • amount
  • Example: [GIVEXP] 20 [GIVEXP] 5L

Vault Actions

Requires Vault to work

Give Vault Money 1.1

  • Give the player money using vault
  • Arguments
    • amount
  • Example: [GIVEVAULTMONEY] 100
# ArcaneTinkerer v1.0 by Fortified Dev (GabyTM & LemmoTresto)
# The plugin depends on PlaceholderAPI and ActionUtil
# • PlaceholderAPI -
# • ActionUtil -
# • Discord -
no_items: "&cCouldn't find any items to tinker"
no_permission: "&cYou can't use this command!"
players_only: "&cOnly player can run this command."
reload: "&aThe plugin has been successfully reloaded!"
title: '&5Arcane Tinkerer'
# The sound played to the player, set to 'null' or comment out to disable
# A list with the valid sounds for each version can be found here
# The button that is used to convert the items in actions
# • material - (required) the material
# • damage - (optional) the material damage or data value (for older versions)
# • glow - (optional) make the item glow (true / false, default - false) (v1.1+)
# • display_name - (optional) the item display name
# • lore - (optional) the item lore
material: ANVIL
damage: 0
display_name: '&5Click to tinker'
- '&7Add some cool lore'
# The border around the gui (same customization options as above)
damage: 7
display_name: ' '
# Pattern packs are used to give access to multiple patterns using one permission (v1.1+)
# • identifier - the pack id, must be unique and is used for the permission ('arcanetinkerer.pack.ID HERE')
# • patterns list - the patterns list, the pattern name is case sensitive (eg 'pattern' isn't the same as 'Pattern')
- arcaneAxe
# The first line is the pattern identifier and it MUST be unique, as well as the priority
# The permission 'arcanetinkerer.pattern.ID HERE' is required in order to get access to a pattern
# • priority - (required) lower number = higher priority
# • amount - (optional) the amount of items required in order to pass the checks
# • type - (optional) the check type, available options: name or lore (default - name)
# • materials - (required) the materials list that would be accepted for this pattern
# • expression - (required) the expression used to check the item name or lore (color codes are ignored)
# • actions - (required) he actions that will be executed if the item pass the checks
priority: 1
amount: 1
type: name
# Accepted formats for each version:
# - STONE,1
# Note! DAMAGE is optional
# Materials list:
# • Latest -
# • 1.13.2 -
# • 1.12.2 -
# • 1.11.2 -
# • 1.10.2 -
# • 1.9.4 -
# • 1.8.8 -
# More info about regex can be found here
expression: '.*Arcane Axe.*'
# A complete list can be found here
- '[CONSOLECOMMAND] eco give %player_name% 100' # or '[GIVEVAULTMONEY] 100' if Vault is installed
- '[MESSAGE] &7You have been given &d100&5$ &7in exchange for your &5Arcane Axe'
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