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iGh0st / Utilitesetup
Created July 10, 2014 16:19
Utilite Set-up task list
1.Verify root access
/*Drag & Drop sudo
This is a trick from this thread on the Ubuntu Forums.
Create a launcher with the following command:
gksudo "gnome-open %u"
When you drag and drop any file on this launcher (it's useful to put it on the desktop or on a panel), it will be opened as Root with its own associated application. This is helpful especially when you're editing config files owned by Root, since they will be opened as read only by default with gedit, etc
iGh0st / Utiliterootaccess
Created July 10, 2014 14:37
Setting up root on utilite
Just set your own root password:
utilite@utilite-ubuntu-desktop:~$ whoami
utilite@utilite-ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo -i
[sudo] password for utilite: /* enter password for the utilite user
root@utilite-ubuntu-desktop:~# whoami
root@utilite-ubuntu-desktop:~# passwd root
Enter new UNIX password: /* enter password for the root user
iGh0st / Kali-arm
Created July 10, 2014 14:35
Offensive Security Kali Linux ARM build scripts. We use these to build our official Kali Linux ARM images,
as can be found at
- These scripts have been tested on a Kali Linux 32 and 64 bit installations only, after making sure
that all the dependencies have been installed.
- Make sure you run the script first, which installs all required dependencies.
iGh0st / Ultimate Pentesting PwnBox (2013) – Utilite Pro
Created July 10, 2014 14:28
Instructions on setting up Utilite mini computer to run Kali.
/*We’re always on the lookout for and interesting ARM hardware for Kali Linux. Whether it’s a Galaxy Note or a USB stick sized SS808, we want to see Kali run on it. You can therefore imagine our excitement, when we first laid our eyes on the Utilite pro.
Utilite Pro is a quad core ARM cortex-A9 machine with up to 4 GB of RAM, up to 512 GB mSATA SSD, HDMI and DVI-D output, dual (2x) 1GB nics, a built in wireless card and 4 USB ports. And its fanless. With those type of specs, this little beauty was unlikely to skip our radars. We wanted Kali Linux on that baby, real bad.
We took this opportunity to create and publish the Offensive Security Kali Linux contributed ARM images, and thought we’d demonstrate the use of these scripts, and show you how to get Kali linux on the Utilite Pro. From there, the options are endless.
The Utilite Pro came with Ubuntu preinstalled. The first thing we wanted to do, is update the machines uBoot bootloader image, to allow for support of 1.8V microSD cards.*\
iGh0st /
Created July 7, 2014 21:47
Google Toolbar
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Copyright (c) 2010 Jeff Bryner
#python script to gather googletoolbar traffic and snoop on it.
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
iGh0st /
Created June 25, 2014 16:45
We all know port scanning is the bread and butter of the enumeration faze. There is no denying that nmap sets the standard for port scanning on both windows and UNIX systems. However full range UDP and TCP port scans (65k ports) take a long time to finish. There is another scanner which excels at speed; unicornscan is an asynchronous stateless p…
while getopts ":s:e:p:x:t:" OPTIONS
iGh0st /
Created June 25, 2014 16:43
(1) Set wireless devices to monitor mode, (2) destroy/revert monitor interfaces and (3) use macchanger to fake the mac addresses of these various devices. In practice typing all these commands over and over is very tedious (especially if you want to use macchanger each time). This little script does all of that: (a) Monitor Mode + Random MAC, (…
#Save all monitor interfaces in a list
xterm -geometry 0x0 -e "iwconfig |grep "Mode:Monitor" >> /tmp/mon.txt" & wait
echo "-----------------------------------------------"
echo "* MacMon v1.5 -- b33f *"
iGh0st /
Created June 25, 2014 16:40
his is a script to write shellcode to a binary file. When creating exploits it is common occurrence to create a copy of the shellcode in a binary file. This process is tedious and time consuming so I thought to myself “There should be an app for that!” hehe. The script has some error tolerance for sloppy-copy use. It should filter out junk chara…
while getopts ":i:o:t:" OPTIONS
case $OPTIONS in
iGh0st /
Created June 25, 2014 16:39
This is a prototype encryption and decryption program based on the stenography challenge in HackFu 2012. The program also creates two intermittent files "BinBits.txt" and "HexBits.txt" just for debugging sake so I could compare these files when testing the program
import binascii
import random
import optparse
# Help Menu
if __name__=="__main__":
iGh0st / wmic_info.bat
Created June 25, 2014 16:38
script which can be dropped on the target machine and which will use WMIC to extract the following information: processes, services, user accounts, user groups, network interfaces, Hard Drive information, Network Share information, installed Windows patches, programs that run at startup, list of installed software, information about the operatin…
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /s /b %WINDIR%\system32\*htable.xsl') do set "var=%%A"
wmic process get CSName,Description,ExecutablePath,ProcessId /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic service get Caption,Name,PathName,ServiceType,Started,StartMode,StartName /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic USERACCOUNT list full /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic group list full /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic nicconfig where IPEnabled='true' get Caption,DefaultIPGateway,Description,DHCPEnabled,DHCPServer,IPAddress,IPSubnet,MACAddress /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic volume get Label,DeviceID,DriveLetter,FileSystem,Capacity,FreeSpace /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic netuse list full /format:"%var%" >> out.html
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn /format:"%var%" >> out.html