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Forked from lotem/luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
Created January 27, 2022 05:49
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# luna_pinyin.custom.yaml
# 【朙月拼音】模糊音定製模板
# 佛振配製 :-)
# 位置:
# ~/.config/ibus/rime (Linux)
# ~/Library/Rime (Mac OS)
# %APPDATA%\Rime (Windows)
# 於重新部署後生效
- erase/^xx$/ # 第一行保留
# 模糊音定義
# 需要哪組就刪去行首的 # 號,單雙向任選
#- derive/^([zcs])h/$1/ # zh, ch, sh => z, c, s
#- derive/^([zcs])([^h])/$1h$2/ # z, c, s => zh, ch, sh
#- derive/^n/l/ # n => l
#- derive/^l/n/ # l => n
# 這兩組一般是單向的
#- derive/^r/l/ # r => l
#- derive/^ren/yin/ # ren => yin, reng => ying
#- derive/^r/y/ # r => y
# 下面 hu <=> f 這組寫法複雜一些,分情況討論
#- derive/^hu$/fu/ # hu => fu
#- derive/^hong$/feng/ # hong => feng
#- derive/^hu([in])$/fe$1/ # hui => fei, hun => fen
#- derive/^hu([ao])/f$1/ # hua => fa, ...
#- derive/^fu$/hu/ # fu => hu
#- derive/^feng$/hong/ # feng => hong
#- derive/^fe([in])$/hu$1/ # fei => hui, fen => hun
#- derive/^f([ao])/hu$1/ # fa => hua, ...
# 韻母部份
#- derive/^([bpmf])eng$/$1ong/ # meng = mong, ...
#- derive/([ei])n$/$1ng/ # en => eng, in => ing
#- derive/([ei])ng$/$1n/ # eng => en, ing => in
# 樣例足夠了,其他請自己總結……
# 反模糊音?
# 誰說方言沒有普通話精確、有模糊音,就能有反模糊音。
# 示例爲分尖團的中原官話:
#- derive/^ji$/zii/ # 在設計者安排下鳩佔鵲巢,尖音i只好雙寫了
#- derive/^qi$/cii/
#- derive/^xi$/sii/
#- derive/^ji/zi/
#- derive/^qi/ci/
#- derive/^xi/si/
#- derive/^ju/zv/
#- derive/^qu/cv/
#- derive/^xu/sv/
# 韻母部份,只能從大面上覆蓋
#- derive/^([bpm])o$/$1eh/ # bo => beh, ...
#- derive/(^|[dtnlgkhzcs]h?)e$/$1eh/ # ge => geh, se => sheh, ...
#- derive/^([gkh])uo$/$1ue/ # guo => gue, ...
#- derive/^([gkh])e$/$1uo/ # he => huo, ...
#- derive/([uv])e$/$1o/ # jue => juo, lve => lvo, ...
#- derive/^fei$/fi/ # fei => fi
#- derive/^wei$/vi/ # wei => vi
#- derive/^([nl])ei$/$1ui/ # nei => nui, lei => lui
#- derive/^([nlzcs])un$/$1vn/ # lun => lvn, zun => zvn, ...
#- derive/^([nlzcs])ong$/$1iong/ # long => liong, song => siong, ...
# 這個辦法雖從拼寫上做出了區分,然而受詞典制約,候選字仍是混的。
# 只有真正的方音輸入方案纔能做到!但「反模糊音」這個玩法快速而有效!
# 模糊音定義先於簡拼定義,方可令簡拼支持以上模糊音
- abbrev/^([a-z]).+$/$1/ # 簡拼(首字母)
- abbrev/^([zcs]h).+$/$1/ # 簡拼(zh, ch, sh)
# 以下是一組容錯拼寫,《漢語拼音》方案以前者爲正
- derive/^([nl])ve$/$1ue/ # nve = nue, lve = lue
- derive/^([jqxy])u/$1v/ # ju = jv,
- derive/un$/uen/ # gun = guen,
- derive/ui$/uei/ # gui = guei,
- derive/iu$/iou/ # jiu = jiou,
# 自動糾正一些常見的按鍵錯誤
- derive/([aeiou])ng$/$1gn/ # dagn => dang
- derive/([dtngkhrzcs])o(u|ng)$/$1o/ # zho => zhong|zhou
- derive/ong$/on/ # zhonguo => zhong guo
- derive/ao$/oa/ # hoa => hao
- derive/([iu])a(o|ng?)$/a$1$2/ # tain => tian
# 分尖團後 v => ü 的改寫條件也要相應地擴充:
# - "xform/([nljqxyzcs])v/$1ü/"
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