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Last active October 7, 2020 23:40
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  • Save ianjsikes/7578a03a6c06c2a2c5abe2805f4510d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ianjsikes/7578a03a6c06c2a2c5abe2805f4510d0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Node.js script to convert Giffyglyph's Monster Maker JSON into Roll20 JSON to be imported using VTTES
#! /usr/bin/env node
/** @returns {string} */
const generateUUID = (function () {
'use strict'
var a = 0,
b = []
return function () {
var c = new Date().getTime() + 0,
d = c === a
a = c
for (var e = new Array(8), f = 7; 0 <= f; f--) {
e[f] = '-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.charAt(c % 64)
c = Math.floor(c / 64)
c = e.join('')
if (d) {
for (f = 11; 0 <= f && 63 === b[f]; f--) {
b[f] = 0
} else {
for (f = 0; 12 > f; f++) {
b[f] = Math.floor(64 * Math.random())
for (f = 0; 12 > f; f++) {
c += '-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.charAt(b[f])
return c
const generateRowID = () => {
'use strict'
return generateUUID().replace(/_/g, 'Z')
* Unofficial Roll20 import script for GiffyGlyph's Monster Maker
* Script by @ianjsikes
const GGMM = {
* @param {string} str
* @returns {string}
caps: (str) => str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1),
* @param {{
* rating: string;
* custom: {
* rating: string | null;
* proficiency: number | null;
* xp: number | null;
* }
* }} challenge
* @returns {number}
challengeToProficiency: (challenge) => {
if (challenge.rating === 'custom') {
return challenge.custom.proficiency
if (challenge.rating.includes('/')) return 2
let cr = parseInt(challenge.rating)
if (cr === 0) return 2
return Math.floor((cr - 1) / 4) + 2
* @param {string} expr
* @returns {number}
evalMath: (expr) => {
return Math.floor(Function(`"use strict";return (${expr})`)())
* @param {number} num
* @param {number} die
* @returns {string}
getDice: (num, die) => {
let avg = die / 2 + 0.5
let numDice = Math.floor(num / avg)
if (numDice * avg === num) {
return `${numDice}d${die}`
return `${numDice}d${die} + ${Math.round(num - numDice * avg)}`
* @param {GGMMMonster} monster
* @param {string} shortcode
* @returns {string}
parseShortcode: (monster, shortcode) => {
let expr = shortcode
let die = null
// Check for the random die syntax [hp, d4]
let matches = shortcode.match(/(.*)\, ?d(\d+)$/)
if (matches) {
expr = matches[1]
die = parseInt(matches[2])
let [_, code] = expr.match(/[^a-z\-]*([a-z\-]+)[^a-z\-]*/) || []
if (!code) {
throw new Error(`Unable to parse ${shortcode}`)
let getVal = (code) => {
if (code === 'level') return monster.level
if (code.startsWith('attack')) return monster.attack
if (code === 'damage') return monster.damage
if (code === 'ac') return
if (code === 'hp') return monster.hp
if (code.startsWith('dc-primary')) return monster.dcs[0]
if (code.startsWith('dc-secondary')) return monster.dcs[0]
if (code === 'xp') return monster.xp
if (code === 'proficiency') return monster.proficiencyBonus
if (code === 'cr') return monster.challengeRating
if (code.endsWith('-mod')) {
let stat = code.slice(0, 3)
return Math.floor((monster.abilityScores[stat] - 10) / 2)
if (code.endsWith('-score')) {
let stat = code.slice(0, 3)
return monster.abilityScores[stat]
if (code.endsWith('-save')) {
let stat = code.slice(0, 3)
return monster.savingThrows[stat]
let val = getVal(code)
if (val === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Unable to parse ${shortcode}`)
let computedExpr = GGMM.evalMath(expr.replace(code, val))
if (computedExpr === undefined || computedExpr === null || isNaN(computedExpr)) {
throw new Error(`Unable to parse ${shortcode}`)
let str = `${computedExpr}`
if (code === 'attack') {
str = `${computedExpr < 0 ? '-' : '+'}${str}`
if (code === 'dc-primary' || code === 'dc-secondary') {
str = `DC ${str}`
if (die !== null) {
str = `${str} (${GGMM.getDice(computedExpr, die)})`
return str
* @param {GGMMMonster} monster
* @param {string} text
* @returns {string}
parseText: (monster, text) => {
if (!text) return ''
return text.replace(/\[[^\[\]]+\]/g, (substr) => {
try {
return GGMM.parseShortcode(monster, substr.slice(1, -1))
} catch (error) {
return substr
class GGMMMonster {
* @param {object} data
constructor(data) {
if (data.vid !== GGMM_VERSION_ID) {
throw new Error(
`Giffyglyph Monster Maker schema version mismatch. Expected ${GGMM_VERSION_ID}, found ${data.vid}`
} = data
get quickstart() {
return === 'quickstart'
/** @returns {string} */
get name() {
let d =
/** @returns {string} */
get size() {
get tags() {
/** @returns {string} */
get type() {
/** @returns {string} */
get alignment() {
/** @returns {string} */
get level() {
/** @returns {string} */
get role() {
/** @returns {string} */
get rank() {
/** @returns {string | null} */
get image() {
/** @returns {[number, number]} */
get dcs() {
const bonus = GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].spellDCs
return GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level] => dc + bonus)
/** @returns {number | null} */
get attack() {
if (!this.quickstart) return null
return (
GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].attack + GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].attack + GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].attack
/** @returns {number | null} */
get damage() {
if (!this.quickstart) return null
return Math.round(
GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].damage * GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].damage * GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].damage
/** @returns {number} */
get ac() {
if (this.quickstart) {
return (
GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].ac +
GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].ac +
GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].ac +
( || 0)
return || 0
/** @returns {string | null} */
get acType() {
/** @returns {number} */
get hp() {
if (this.quickstart) {
let hitpoints = GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].hp * GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].hp
if (this.rank === 'solo') {
hitpoints *= || 4
hitpoints /= || 1
} else {
hitpoints *= GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].hp
hitpoints +=
hitpoints = Math.floor(hitpoints)
return hitpoints
return || 0
/** @returns {string | null} */
get hpFormula() {
if (this.rank === 'solo') {
let hp = Math.floor(
(GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].hp * GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].hp) / ( || 1)
return `${hp} per player`
/** @returns {string} */
get speed() {
let s =
let str = s.normal
if (s.burrow) str += ', burrow ' + s.burrow
if (s.climb) str += ', climb ' + s.climb
if ( str += ', fly ' +
if (s.swim) str += ', swim ' + s.swim
if (s.other) str += ', ' + s.other
return str
/** @returns {{ str: number; dex: number; con: number; int: number; wis: number; cha: number; }} */
get abilityScores() {
if (this.quickstart) {
let scores = GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].abilityModifiers.reduce((obj, mod, idx) => {
let score = mod * 2 + 10
let abilityName =[idx].ability
return { ...obj, [abilityName]: score }
}, {})
return scores
return {
/** @returns {{ str: number; dex: number; con: number; int: number; wis: number; cha: number; }} */
get savingThrows() {
let scores = this.abilityScores
if (this.quickstart) {
let savesByLevel = GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level]
(num) => num + GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].savingThrows + GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].savingThrows
let saves = {}
saves[[0].ability] = savesByLevel[0]
saves[[1].ability] = savesByLevel[1]
saves[[2].ability] = savesByLevel[1]
saves[[3].ability] = savesByLevel[2]
saves[[4].ability] = savesByLevel[2]
saves[[5].ability] = savesByLevel[2]
return saves
return, { ability }, idx) => {
let mod = Math.floor((scores[ability] - 10) / 2)
return { ...obj, [ability]: mod + 2 }
}, {})
/** @returns {number} */
get proficiencyBonus() {
if (this.quickstart) return GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].proficiencyBonus
return GGMM.challengeToProficiency(
/** @returns {number} */
get xp() {
if (this.quickstart) return GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].xp
/** @returns {{ [key: string]: number }} */
get skills() {
let scores = this.abilityScores
if (this.quickstart) {
let data = {}
const prof = GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].proficiencyBonus
for (const skill of {
let name
let score
if ( {
name =
score = scores[skill.custom.ability]
} else {
name =
score = scores[GGMM_DATA.skillToStat[name]]
let mod = Math.floor((score - 10) / 2)
data[name] = mod + (skill.proficiency === 'expertise' ? 2 * prof : prof)
if (name === 'stealth') {
data[name] += GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].stealth
} else if (name === 'perception') {
data[name] += GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].perception
const role = GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role]
if (data['stealth'] === undefined) {
data['stealth'] =
GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].initiative + GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].stealth + (role.stealth ? prof : 0)
if (data['perception'] === undefined) {
data['perception'] =
GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level].initiative +
GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].perception +
(role.perception ? prof : 0)
return data
let data = {}
for (const skill of {
let name
let score
if ( {
name =
score = scores[skill.custom.ability]
} else {
name =
score = scores[GGMM_DATA.skillToStat[name]]
let mod = Math.floor((score - 10) / 2)
data[name] = mod * (skill.proficiency === 'expertise' ? 2 : 1)
return data
/** @returns {number} */
get initiative() {
if (this.quickstart) {
const { initiative, proficiencyBonus } = GGMM_DATA.statsByLevel[this.level]
return (
initiative +
GGMM_DATA.ranks[this.rank].initiative +
(GGMM_DATA.roles[this.role].initiative ? proficiencyBonus : 0)
return this.abilityScores.dex
/** @returns {string} */
get damageVulnerabilities() {
return => (v.type === 'custom' ? v.custom : v.type)).join(', ')
/** @returns {string} */
get damageResistances() {
return => (r.type === 'custom' ? r.custom : r.type)).join(', ')
/** @returns {string} */
get damageImmunities() {
return => (i.type === 'custom' ? i.custom : i.type)).join(', ')
/** @returns {string} */
get conditionImmunities() {
return => (c.type === 'custom' ? c.custom : c.type)).join(', ')
/** @returns {string} */
get senses() {
const skills = this.skills
let arr = Object.entries(
.map(([sense, range]) => {
if (range === null) return null
if (sense === 'other') return range
return `${sense} ${range}`
.filter((s) => s !== null)
let perception = skills.perception + 10
arr.push(`passive Perception ${perception}`)
return arr.join(', ')
/** @returns {string} */
get languages() {
return => ( === 'custom' ? l.custom :', ')
/** @returns {string} */
get challengeRating() {
if (this.quickstart) {
return GGMM_DATA.mlToCr[this.rank][this.level]
if ( === 'custom') {
/** @returns {{ name: string; detail: string }[]} */
get traits() {
let traits = []
if (this.rank === 'solo') {
if ( > 1) {
name: `Phase Transition (Transformation)`,
detail: `When reduced to 0 hit points, remove all on-going effects on yourself as you transform and start a new phase transition event.`,
} else {
name: `Phase Transition`,
detail: `At 66% and 33% hit points, you may remove all on-going effects on yourself and start a new phase transition event.`,
let paragonActions = this.paragonActions
if (paragonActions !== 0) {
name: `Paragon Actions`,
detail: `You may take ${
paragonActions === 'players' ? 'one Paragon Action per player (minus 1)' : `${paragonActions} Paragon Action`
} per round to either move or act.`,
name: `Level ${this.level} ${GGMM.caps(this.rank)} ${GGMM.caps(this.role)}`,
detail: `Attack: [attack], Damage: [damage]
Attack DCs: Primary [dc-primary], Secondary [dc-secondary]`,
return => {
return {
detail: GGMM.parseText(this, trait.detail),
/** @returns {{ name: string; detail: string }[]} */
get actions() {
return => {
return {
detail: GGMM.parseText(this, action.detail),
/** @returns {number | "players"} */
get paragonActions() {
if (!this.quickstart) return 0
if ( === 'custom') {
if (this.rank === 'elite') {
return 1
if (this.rank === 'solo') {
return 'players'
return 0
/** @returns {{ name: string; detail: string }[]} */
get reactions() {
return => {
return {
detail: GGMM.parseText(this, reaction.detail),
/** @returns {number | null} */
get legendaryActionsPerRound() {
/** @returns {{ name: string; detail: string }[]} */
get legendaryActions() {
return => {
return {
detail: GGMM.parseText(this, action.detail),
/** @returns {number | null} */
get lairActionsInitiative() {
/** @returns {{ name: string; detail: string }[]} */
get lairActions() {
return => {
return {
detail: GGMM.parseText(this, action.detail),
/** @returns {string | null} */
get note() {
return ([0] || {}).detail
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const options = {
pro: false,
const main = async () => {
let filepath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), process.argv[2])
const file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')
let data = JSON.parse(file)
let monsterDataArr = []
if (!data.blueprint && ! && !data.vault) {
throw new Error('Invalid JSON structure')
if (data.blueprint) {
monsterDataArr = [data.blueprint]
} else if ( {
monsterDataArr = []
} else if (data.vault) {
monsterDataArr = => m.blueprint)
for (const monsterData of monsterDataArr) {
createMonster(monsterData, path.dirname(filepath))
let createMonster = (monsterData, outputPath) => {
let char = new GGMMMonster(monsterData)
let obj = {
schema_version: 2,
oldId: generateUUID(),
avatar: ``,
bio: `${char.note}`,
gmnotes: ``,
defaulttoken: ``,
tags: JSON.stringify([...char.tags, char.rank, char.role, char.level].map((x) => String(x))),
controlledby: ``,
inplayerjournals: ``,
attribs: [],
abilities: [],
if (char.quickstart && {
name: 'AttackRoll',
description: '',
istokenaction: true,
action: `!ggmm attack --id=@{selected|character_id}`,
order: -1,
name: 'DamageRoll',
description: '',
istokenaction: true,
action: `!ggmm damage --id=@{selected|character_id}`,
order: -1,
name: 'SaveAction',
description: '',
istokenaction: true,
action: `!ggmm save --id=@{selected|character_id}`,
order: -1,
let set = (name, val, max = '') => {
if (val === null) return
if (val === undefined) {
console.log(`Attempt to set undefined value for ${name} on ${}`)
current: val,
id: generateUUID(),
set('npc_options-flag', '0')
set('npc', 1)
set('l1mancer_status', 'completed')
set('rtype', '{{always=1}} {{r2=[[1d20')
set('wtype', '@{whispertoggle}')
set('dtype', 'full')
set('init_tiebreaker', '@{dexterity}/100')
set('global_save_mod_flag', 1)
set('global_skill_mod_flag', 1)
set('global_attack_mod_flag', 1)
set('global_damage_mod_flag', 1)
set('charname_output', '{{charname=@{character_name}}}')
set('npc_name_flag', 0)
set('showleveler', 0)
set('invalidXP', 0)
set('reaction_flag', 0)
if (char.quickstart) {
set('ggmm_level', char.level)
set('ggmm_rank', char.rank)
set('ggmm_role', char.role)
set('ggmm_attack', char.attack)
set('ggmm_damage', char.damage)
set('ggmm_dc_primary', char.dcs[0])
set('ggmm_dc_secondary', char.dcs[1])
set('cd_bar1_m', char.hp)
set('cd_bar1_v', char.hp)
let size = char.size
let sizeToTokenSize = {
tiny: 0.5,
small: 1,
medium: 1,
large: 2,
huge: 3,
gargantuan: 4,
set('token_size', sizeToTokenSize[size] || 1)
set('npc_sizebase', char.size)
set('npc_typebase', char.type)
set('npc_alignmentbase', char.alignment)
set('npc_type', `${char.size} ${char.type}, ${char.alignment}`)
if (char.acType) set('npc_actype', char.acType)
let hp = char.hp
let hpFormula = char.hpFormula
set('hp', '', hp)
set('npc_hpbase', `${hp}${hpFormula ? ` (${hpFormula})` : ''}`)
set('npcd_hp', hp)
if (hpFormula) {
set('npc_hpformula', hpFormula)
set('npcd_hpformula', `(${hpFormula})`)
set('npc_speed', char.speed)
set('initiative_bonus', char.initiative)
let scores = char.abilityScores
let saves = char.savingThrows
for (let stat of ['strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'intelligence', 'wisdom', 'charisma']) {
let s = stat.slice(0, 3)
let score = scores[s]
set(`${stat}_base`, score)
set(`${stat}`, score)
set(`${stat}_mod`, Math.floor((score - 10) / 2))
let save = saves[s]
if (save !== undefined) {
set(`npc_${s}_save`, save)
set(`npcd_${s}_save`, save)
set(`npc_${s}_save_flag`, 1)
set(`npc_${s}_save_base`, save)
set('npc_saving_flag', 1)
let skills = char.skills
for (let skill in skills) {
let val = skills[skill]
if (!skill) throw new Error('NO SKILLLLLL')
let _skill = skill.replace(' ', '_')
set(`${_skill}_bonus`, val)
set(`npc_${_skill}`, val)
set(`npc_${_skill}_base`, val)
set(`npc_${_skill}_flag`, 1)
set('npc_skills_flag', 1)
set('npc_vulnerabilities', char.damageVulnerabilities)
set('npc_resistances', char.damageResistances)
set('npc_immunities', char.damageImmunities)
set('npc_condition_immunities', char.conditionImmunities)
set('npc_senses', char.senses)
set('npc_languages', char.languages)
set('npc_challenge', char.challengeRating)
set('npc_xp', char.xp)
set('npcspellcastingflag', 0)
set('npc_spelldc', char.dcs[0])
set('npc_spellattackmod', char.attack)
set('npcreactionsflag', char.reactions.length ? 1 : 0)
set('npc_legendary_actions', char.legendaryActionsPerRound)
for (const trait of char.traits) {
let id = generateRowID()
set(`repeating_npctrait_${id}_desc`, trait.detail)
for (const action of char.actions) {
let id = generateRowID()
set(`repeating_npcaction_${id}_description`, action.detail)
for (const reaction of char.reactions) {
let id = generateRowID()
// TODO: Why don't reaction descriptions show?
set(`repeating_npcreaction_${id}_description`, reaction.detail)
for (const action of char.legendaryActions) {
let id = generateRowID()
set(`repeating_npcaction-l_${id}_description`, action.detail)
obj.defaulttoken = JSON.stringify({
width: (sizeToTokenSize[size] || 1) * 70,
height: (sizeToTokenSize[size] || 1) * 70,
bar1_value: char.hp,
bar1_max: char.hp,
represents: obj.oldId,
imgsrc: '/images/character.png',
let newPath = path.join(outputPath, `GGMM_${}.json`)
fs.writeFileSync(newPath, JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2), 'utf8')
const GGMM_DATA = {
skillToStat: {
acrobatics: 'dex',
'animal handling': 'wis',
arcana: 'int',
athletics: 'str',
deception: 'cha',
history: 'int',
insight: 'wis',
intimidation: 'cha',
investigation: 'int',
medicine: 'wis',
nature: 'int',
perception: 'wis',
performance: 'cha',
persuasion: 'cha',
religion: 'int',
'sleight of hand': 'dex',
stealth: 'dex',
survival: 'wis',
ranks: {
minion: {
ac: -1,
attack: -2,
hp: 0.2,
damage: 0.75,
savingThrows: -2,
spellDCs: -2,
initiative: -2,
perception: -2,
xp: 0.25,
stealth: -2,
standard: {
ac: 0,
attack: 0,
hp: 1,
damage: 1,
savingThrows: 0,
spellDCs: 0,
initiative: 0,
perception: 0,
xp: 1,
stealth: 0,
elite: {
ac: 2,
attack: 2,
hp: 2,
damage: 1.1,
savingThrows: 2,
spellDCs: 2,
initiative: 2,
perception: 2,
xp: 2,
stealth: 2,
solo: {
ac: 2,
attack: 2,
hp: 'players',
damage: 1.2,
savingThrows: 2,
spellDCs: 2,
initiative: 4,
perception: 4,
xp: 'players',
stealth: 2,
roles: {
controller: {
ac: -2,
savingThrows: -1,
hp: 1,
attack: 0,
damage: 1,
speed: 0,
perception: false,
stealth: false,
initiative: true,
defender: {
ac: 2,
savingThrows: 1,
hp: 1,
attack: 0,
damage: 1,
speed: -10,
perception: true,
stealth: false,
initiative: false,
lurker: {
ac: -4,
savingThrows: -2,
hp: 0.5,
attack: 2,
damage: 1.5,
speed: 0,
perception: true,
stealth: true,
initiative: false,
scout: {
ac: -2,
savingThrows: -1,
hp: 1,
attack: 0,
damage: 0.75,
speed: 10,
perception: true,
stealth: true,
initiative: true,
sniper: {
ac: 0,
savingThrows: 0,
hp: 0.75,
attack: 0,
damage: 1.25,
speed: 0,
perception: false,
stealth: true,
initiative: false,
striker: {
ac: -4,
savingThrows: -2,
hp: 1.25,
attack: 2,
damage: 1.25,
speed: 0,
perception: false,
stealth: false,
initiative: false,
supporter: {
ac: -2,
savingThrows: -1,
hp: 0.75,
attack: 0,
damage: 0.75,
speed: 0,
perception: false,
stealth: false,
initiative: true,
statsByLevel: {
'−5': {
ac: 11,
hp: 1,
attack: -1,
damage: 1,
spellDCs: [8, 5],
initiative: 0,
proficiencyBonus: 0,
savingThrows: [1, 0, -1],
abilityModifiers: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1],
xp: 0,
'−4': {
ac: 12,
hp: 1,
attack: 0,
damage: 1,
spellDCs: [9, 6],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 0,
savingThrows: [2, 1, -1],
abilityModifiers: [2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1],
xp: 0,
'−3': {
ac: 13,
hp: 4,
attack: 1,
damage: 1,
spellDCs: [10, 7],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 1,
savingThrows: [3, 1, 0],
abilityModifiers: [2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1],
xp: 2,
'−2': {
ac: 13,
hp: 8,
attack: 1,
damage: 1,
spellDCs: [10, 7],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 1,
savingThrows: [3, 1, 0],
abilityModifiers: [2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1],
xp: 6,
'−1': {
ac: 13,
hp: 12,
attack: 1,
damage: 1,
spellDCs: [10, 7],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 1,
savingThrows: [3, 1, 0],
abilityModifiers: [2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1],
xp: 12,
0: {
ac: 14,
hp: 16,
attack: 2,
damage: 1,
spellDCs: [10, 7],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 1,
savingThrows: [4, 2, 0],
abilityModifiers: [3, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1],
xp: 25,
1: {
ac: 14,
hp: 26,
attack: 3,
damage: 2,
spellDCs: [11, 8],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 2,
savingThrows: [5, 3, 0],
abilityModifiers: [3, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1],
xp: 50,
2: {
ac: 14,
hp: 30,
attack: 3,
damage: 4,
spellDCs: [11, 8],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 2,
savingThrows: [5, 3, 0],
abilityModifiers: [3, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1],
xp: 112,
3: {
ac: 14,
hp: 33,
attack: 3,
damage: 5,
spellDCs: [11, 8],
initiative: 1,
proficiencyBonus: 2,
savingThrows: [5, 3, 0],
abilityModifiers: [3, 2, 1, 1, 0, -1],
xp: 175,
4: {
ac: 15,
hp: 36,
attack: 4,
damage: 8,
spellDCs: [12, 9],
initiative: 2,
proficiencyBonus: 2,
savingThrows: [6, 3, 1],
abilityModifiers: [4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0],
xp: 275,
5: {
ac: 16,
hp: 60,
attack: 5,
damage: 10,
spellDCs: [13, 10],
initiative: 2,
proficiencyBonus: 3,
savingThrows: [7, 4, 1],
abilityModifiers: [4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0],
xp: 450,
6: {
ac: 16,
hp: 64,
attack: 5,
damage: 11,
spellDCs: [13, 10],
initiative: 2,
proficiencyBonus: 3,
savingThrows: [7, 4, 1],
abilityModifiers: [4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0],
xp: 575,
7: {
ac: 16,
hp: 68,
attack: 5,
damage: 13,
spellDCs: [13, 10],
initiative: 2,
proficiencyBonus: 3,
savingThrows: [7, 4, 1],
abilityModifiers: [4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0],
xp: 725,
8: {
ac: 17,
hp: 72,
attack: 6,
damage: 17,
spellDCs: [14, 11],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 3,
savingThrows: [8, 5, 1],
abilityModifiers: [5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 975,
9: {
ac: 18,
hp: 102,
attack: 7,
damage: 19,
spellDCs: [15, 12],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 4,
savingThrows: [9, 5, 2],
abilityModifiers: [5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 1250,
10: {
ac: 18,
hp: 107,
attack: 7,
damage: 21,
spellDCs: [15, 12],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 4,
savingThrows: [9, 5, 2],
abilityModifiers: [5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 1475,
11: {
ac: 18,
hp: 111,
attack: 7,
damage: 23,
spellDCs: [15, 12],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 4,
savingThrows: [9, 5, 2],
abilityModifiers: [5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 1800,
12: {
ac: 18,
hp: 115,
attack: 8,
damage: 28,
spellDCs: [15, 12],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 4,
savingThrows: [10, 6, 2],
abilityModifiers: [6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 2100,
13: {
ac: 19,
hp: 152,
attack: 9,
damage: 30,
spellDCs: [16, 13],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 5,
savingThrows: [11, 7, 2],
abilityModifiers: [6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 2500,
14: {
ac: 19,
hp: 157,
attack: 9,
damage: 32,
spellDCs: [16, 13],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 5,
savingThrows: [11, 7, 2],
abilityModifiers: [6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 2875,
15: {
ac: 19,
hp: 162,
attack: 9,
damage: 35,
spellDCs: [16, 13],
initiative: 3,
proficiencyBonus: 5,
savingThrows: [11, 7, 2],
abilityModifiers: [6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0],
xp: 3250,
16: {
ac: 20,
hp: 167,
attack: 10,
damage: 41,
spellDCs: [17, 14],
initiative: 4,
proficiencyBonus: 5,
savingThrows: [12, 7, 3],
abilityModifiers: [7, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1],
xp: 3750,
17: {
ac: 21,
hp: 210,
attack: 11,
damage: 43,
spellDCs: [18, 15],
initiative: 4,
proficiencyBonus: 6,
savingThrows: [13, 8, 3],
abilityModifiers: [7, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1],
xp: 4500,
18: {
ac: 21,
hp: 216,
attack: 11,
damage: 46,
spellDCs: [18, 15],
initiative: 4,
proficiencyBonus: 6,
savingThrows: [13, 8, 3],
abilityModifiers: [7, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1],
xp: 5000,
19: {
ac: 21,
hp: 221,
attack: 11,
damage: 48,
spellDCs: [18, 15],
initiative: 4,
proficiencyBonus: 6,
savingThrows: [13, 8, 3],
abilityModifiers: [7, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1],
xp: 5500,
20: {
ac: 22,
hp: 226,
attack: 12,
damage: 51,
spellDCs: [19, 16],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 6,
savingThrows: [14, 9, 3],
abilityModifiers: [8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 6250,
21: {
ac: 22,
hp: 276,
attack: 13,
damage: 53,
spellDCs: [20, 17],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 7,
savingThrows: [15, 9, 4],
abilityModifiers: [8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 8250,
22: {
ac: 22,
hp: 282,
attack: 13,
damage: 56,
spellDCs: [20, 17],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 7,
savingThrows: [15, 9, 4],
abilityModifiers: [8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 10250,
23: {
ac: 22,
hp: 288,
attack: 13,
damage: 58,
spellDCs: [20, 17],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 7,
savingThrows: [15, 9, 4],
abilityModifiers: [8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 12500,
24: {
ac: 23,
hp: 294,
attack: 14,
damage: 61,
spellDCs: [20, 17],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 7,
savingThrows: [16, 10, 4],
abilityModifiers: [9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 15500,
25: {
ac: 24,
hp: 350,
attack: 15,
damage: 63,
spellDCs: [21, 18],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 8,
savingThrows: [17, 11, 4],
abilityModifiers: [9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 18750,
26: {
ac: 24,
hp: 357,
attack: 15,
damage: 66,
spellDCs: [21, 18],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 8,
savingThrows: [17, 11, 4],
abilityModifiers: [9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 22500,
27: {
ac: 24,
hp: 363,
attack: 15,
damage: 68,
spellDCs: [21, 18],
initiative: 5,
proficiencyBonus: 8,
savingThrows: [17, 11, 4],
abilityModifiers: [9, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1],
xp: 26250,
28: {
ac: 25,
hp: 369,
attack: 16,
damage: 71,
spellDCs: [22, 19],
initiative: 6,
proficiencyBonus: 8,
savingThrows: [18, 11, 5],
abilityModifiers: [10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 30000,
29: {
ac: 26,
hp: 432,
attack: 17,
damage: 73,
spellDCs: [23, 20],
initiative: 6,
proficiencyBonus: 9,
savingThrows: [19, 12, 5],
abilityModifiers: [10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 33750,
30: {
ac: 26,
hp: 439,
attack: 17,
damage: 76,
spellDCs: [23, 20],
initiative: 6,
proficiencyBonus: 9,
savingThrows: [19, 12, 5],
abilityModifiers: [10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 38750,
31: {
ac: 26,
hp: 446,
attack: 17,
damage: 78,
spellDCs: [23, 20],
initiative: 6,
proficiencyBonus: 9,
savingThrows: [19, 12, 5],
abilityModifiers: [10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 44500,
32: {
ac: 26,
hp: 453,
attack: 18,
damage: 81,
spellDCs: [24, 21],
initiative: 7,
proficiencyBonus: 9,
savingThrows: [20, 13, 5],
abilityModifiers: [11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 51000,
33: {
ac: 27,
hp: 522,
attack: 19,
damage: 83,
spellDCs: [25, 22],
initiative: 7,
proficiencyBonus: 10,
savingThrows: [21, 13, 6],
abilityModifiers: [11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 58750,
34: {
ac: 27,
hp: 530,
attack: 19,
damage: 86,
spellDCs: [25, 22],
initiative: 7,
proficiencyBonus: 10,
savingThrows: [21, 13, 6],
abilityModifiers: [11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 67750,
35: {
ac: 27,
hp: 537,
attack: 19,
damage: 88,
spellDCs: [25, 22],
initiative: 7,
proficiencyBonus: 10,
savingThrows: [21, 13, 6],
abilityModifiers: [11, 8, 5, 4, 3, 2],
xp: 77750,
mlToCr: {
minion: {
'-5': '0',
'-4': '0',
'-3': '0',
'-2': '0',
'-1': '0',
0: '0',
1: '1/8',
2: '1/4',
3: '1/2',
4: '1/2',
5: '1/2',
6: '1/2',
7: '1',
8: '1',
9: '1',
10: '1',
11: '2',
12: '2',
13: '2',
14: '3',
15: '3',
16: '3',
17: '4',
18: '4',
19: '4',
20: '4',
21: '5',
22: '6',
23: '7',
24: '8',
25: '9',
26: '10',
27: '10',
28: '11',
29: '12',
30: '12',
standard: {
'-5': '0',
'-4': '0',
'-3': '0',
'-2': '0',
'-1': '0',
0: '1/8',
1: '1/4',
2: '1/2',
3: '1',
4: '1',
5: '2',
6: '2',
7: '3',
8: '4',
9: '4',
10: '4',
11: '5',
12: '5',
13: '6',
14: '7',
15: '7',
16: '8',
17: '8',
18: '9',
19: '10',
20: '11',
21: '12',
22: '13',
23: '14',
24: '15',
25: '16',
26: '17',
27: '18',
28: '19',
29: '20',
30: '21',
elite: {
'-5': '0',
'-4': '0',
'-3': '0',
'-2': '0',
'-1': '1/8',
0: '1/4',
1: '1/2',
2: '1',
3: '2',
4: '3',
5: '3',
6: '4',
7: '4',
8: '5',
9: '6',
10: '7',
11: '7',
12: '8',
13: '9',
14: '10',
15: '10',
16: '11',
17: '12',
18: '13',
19: '14',
20: '15',
21: '16',
22: '17',
23: '18',
24: '19',
25: '20',
26: '21',
27: '22',
28: '23',
29: '24',
30: '25',
solo: {
'-5': '0',
'-4': '0',
'-3': '0',
'-2': '1/8',
'-1': '1/4',
0: '1/2',
1: '1',
2: '2',
3: '3',
4: '4',
5: '5',
6: '6',
7: '7',
8: '8',
9: '9',
10: '10',
11: '11',
12: '12',
13: '13',
14: '14',
15: '15',
16: '16',
17: '17',
18: '18',
19: '19',
20: '20',
21: '21',
22: '22',
23: '23',
24: '24',
25: '25',
26: '26',
27: '27',
28: '28',
29: '29',
30: '30',
main().catch((err) => console.error(err))
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