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route53domains:RegisterDomain | |
route53domains:RenewDomain | |
route53domains:TransferDomain | |
ec2:ModifyReservedInstances | |
ec2:PurchaseHostReservation | |
ec2:PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering | |
ec2:PurchaseScheduledInstances | |
rds:PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering | |
dynamodb:PurchaseReservedCapacityOfferings | |
s3:PutObjectRetention | |
s3:PutObjectLegalHold | |
s3:BypassGovernanceRetention | |
s3:PutBucketObjectLockConfiguration | |
elasticache:PurchaseReservedCacheNodesOffering | |
redshift:PurchaseReservedNodeOffering | |
savingsplans:CreateSavingsPlan | |
aws-marketplace:AcceptAgreementApprovalRequest | |
aws-marketplace:Subscribe | |
shield:CreateSubscription | |
acm-pca:CreateCertificateAuthority | |
es:PurchaseReservedElasticsearchInstanceOffering | |
outposts:CreateOutpost | |
snowball:CreateCluster | |
s3-object-lambda:PutObjectLegalHold | |
s3-object-lambda:PutObjectRetention | |
glacier:InitiateVaultLock | |
glacier:CompleteVaultLock | |
es:PurchaseReservedInstanceOffering | |
backup:PutBackupVaultLockConfiguration | |
bedrock:CreateProvisionedModelThroughput | |
bedrock:UpdateProvisionedModelThroughput |
costs 7$ an hour and seems like a good addition to this list. (adds up to about 5K/month)
There is a free trial developer edition, but the "edition" parameter is optional in the API call and the default value is ENTERPRISE_EDITION. 🤦
I saw those in the IAM changelogs. Sounds dangerous ;-)
Thanks @shotty1 ! Added.
Thanks @tdmalone, added!
@tdmalone FYI you can't use that with an SCP, you can only have wildcards at the END of a SCP. I tried similar with *ReservedInstance*
and it does not work.
In an SCP, the wildcard characters (*) and (?) in an Action or NotAction element can be used only by itself
or at the end of the string. It can't appear at the beginning or middle of the string. Therefore,
"servicename:action*" is valid, but "servicename:*action" and "servicename:some*action" are both invalid in SCPs.
Thanks @shotty1 , added.
Provisioned Throughput pricing
An application developer, buys one model unit of Anthropic Claude Instant with 1-month commitment for their text summarization use case.
Total monthly cost incurred is 1 model unit * $39.60 * 24 hours * 31 days = $29,462.40
Thanks @sam-cox-tracebit, added.
Nice list - makes a good basis for an SCP in AWS Organizations covering, for example, otherwise unrestricted dev accounts.