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Created June 28, 2012 16:06
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Save ibayer/3012195 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
glmnet cd python implementation
def enet_coordinate_descent2(w, l2_reg, l1_reg, X, y, max_iter):
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_features = X.shape[1]
norm_cols_X = (X ** 2).sum(axis=0)
Xy =,y)
gradient = np.zeros(n_features)
feature_inner_product = np.zeros(shape=(n_features, n_features))
active_set = set(range(n_features))
value_enet_f = 0
for n_iter in range(max_iter):
for ii in active_set:
w_ii = w[ii]
# initial calculation
if n_iter == 0:
feature_inner_product[:, ii] =[:, ii], X)
gradient[ii] = Xy[ii] -[:, ii], w)
tmp = gradient[ii] + w_ii * norm_cols_X[ii]
w[ii] = fsign(tmp) * max(abs(tmp) - l2_reg, 0) \
/ (norm_cols_X[ii] + l1_reg)
# update gradients, if coef changed
if w_ii != w[ii]:
for j in active_set:
if n_iter >= 1 or j <= ii:
gradient[j] -= feature_inner_product[ii, j] * \
(w[ii] - w_ii)
# debug
#value_enet_f = check_convergence(y, X, w, value_enet_f)
#print value_enet_f
#remove inactive features
tmp_s = set.copy(active_set)
for j in tmp_s:
if w[j] == 0:
return w
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be careful that a set will not always be ordered so you might do some jumps in the memory layout when looping over the active set

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