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Last active May 31, 2023 05:09
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RIMI: Instruction-level Memory Isolation for Embedded Systems on RISC-V Documentation

RIMI Documentation

This is dev environment setup for RIMI.

Optional: We use VS Code ( for the IDE.

RISCV GCC Toolchain Setup

Get the riscv toolchain, clone from (

$ git clone 

Do recursive update for each submodule

$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain 
$ git submodule update --init --recursive 

Install the tools needed for building the toolchain:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev 

Build for GCC 32bit environment, then add /opt/riscv/bin to PATH.

$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32g --with-abi=ilp32d 
$ make 
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin 

RISCV Tools Environment Setup

Get the riscv tools, clone the riscv-tool repository at (

$ git clone
$ cd riscv-tools 

Copy the as

$ cp 

We need to set Spike to use default ISA as RV32G. Open then replace the line

build_project riscv-isa-sim --prefix=$RISCV --with-isa=rv32ima 


build_project riscv-isa-sim --prefix=$RISCV --with-isa=rv32g 

Now initialize the submodules

$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ export RISCV=/opt/riscv/bin
$ ./

Now we have working GCC, Spike and PK. To test it, try compile a simple hello world program.

$ riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc hello.c

Now run using Spike on top of PK.

$ spike pk a.out

This should be working by now.

Creating Custom Instruction / Spike Modification

Inside riscv-tools repository, we have riscv-opcodes which able to generate our opcode mask. Open the riscv-opcodes/opcodes file. We assign our instruction inside this file as

slw      rd rs1       imm12 14..12=7 6..2=0x00 1..0=3
ssw     imm12hi rs1 rs2 imm12lo 14..12=7 6..2=0x08 1..0=3

The we generate the mask for these instruction using

$ cat opcodes-pseudo opcodes opcodes-rvc opcodes-rvc-pseudo opcodes-custom | ./parse-opcodes -c > ~/temp.h

Now inside ~/temp.h we have our MATCH and MASK for our custom instruction.

#define MATCH_SLW 0x7003
#define MASK_SLW 0x707F
#define MATCH_SSW 0x7023
#define MASK_SSW 0x707F

We add these definition on riscv-isa-sim/riscv/encoding.h. And also duplicating the lw.h and sw.h inside riscv-isa-sim/riscv/insns as slw.h and ssw.h.

We create new access type for our instruction at memtracer.h

enum access_type {


More detailed version can be explain by jinjae. Or use the his patch.

Modifying The Proxy Kernel

First, add the CSR encoding into riscv-pk/machine/encoding.h

#define CSR_SETISOLATION 0x404

Modify the setup_pmp() to match our region. Also, we set our CSR value here.

void setup_pmp(void)
		uintptr_t pmpc = PMP_TOR | PMP_R | PMP_W | PMP_X;
		pmpc |= ((pmpc << 8) | (pmpc << 16));
	asm volatile ("la t0, 1f\n\t"
	"csrrw t0, mtvec, t0\n\t"
	"csrw pmpaddr0, %1\n\t"
	"csrw pmpcfg0, %0\n\t"
	"csrw pmpaddr1, %2\n\t"
	"csrw pmpaddr2, %3\n\t"
	".align 2\n\t"
	"1: csrw mtvec, t0"
	: : "r" (pmpc), "r" (0x8041B000>>2), "r" (0xFFC00000>>2), "r"(0xFFFFFFFF) : "t0");


Modify the pk_vm_init() to allocate space for shadow stack

uintptr_t pk_vm_init()
  // HTIF address signedness and va2pa macro both cap memory size to 2 GiB
  mem_size = MIN(mem_size, 1U << 31);
  size_t mem_pages = mem_size >> RISCV_PGSHIFT;
  free_pages = MAX(8, mem_pages >> (RISCV_PGLEVEL_BITS-1));

  extern char _end;
  first_free_page = ROUNDUP((uintptr_t)&_end, RISCV_PGSIZE);
  first_free_paddr = first_free_page + free_pages * RISCV_PGSIZE;

  root_page_table = (void*)__page_alloc();
  __map_kernel_range(DRAM_BASE, DRAM_BASE, first_free_paddr - DRAM_BASE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC);

  current.mmap_max = current.brk_max = 
 MIN(DRAM_BASE, mem_size - (first_free_paddr - DRAM_BASE)); //
 size_t stack_size = MIN(mem_pages >> 5, 2048) * RISCV_PGSIZE;
 size_t stack_bottom = __do_mmap(current.mmap_max - stack_size, stack_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_FIXED, 0, 0);
 kassert(stack_bottom != (uintptr_t)-1);
 //half of stack is shadow stack, this will split stack into 2 parts
 size_t shadow_stack_size = stack_size >> 1; 
 size_t shadow_stack_top = stack_bottom + stack_size;
 size_t shadow_stack_bottom = shadow_stack_top - shadow_stack_size;
 current.stack_top = stack_bottom + stack_size - shadow_stack_size;
 //current.stack_top = stack_bottom + stack_size;
 write_csr(sptbr, ((uintptr_t)root_page_table >> RISCV_PGSHIFT) | SATP_MODE_CHOICE);

  uintptr_t kernel_stack_top = __page_alloc() + RISCV_PGSIZE;
  return kernel_stack_top;

Adding supervisor interface to machine trap handler

void mcall_trap(uintptr_t* regs, uintptr_t mcause, uintptr_t mepc)
      retval = mcall_change_domain(arg0);

And we put this custom function interface inside mtrap.c

static uintptr_t mcall_change_domain(uint32_t value)
	//Change the value of our CSR.
	write_csr(0x404, value);

While in supervisor mode, before entering the user mode, we call our custom interface to change region.

static void rest_of_boot_loader(uintptr_t kstack_top)
  load_elf(args.argv[0], &current);

  //Call the our interface, change the CSR value to 2
  asm("li a7, 9");
  asm("li a0, 2");
  run_loaded_program(argc, args.argv, kstack_top);

Then rebuild the PK using

$ ./

Setup LLVM

Install all the required tools

$ sudo apt-get -y install \
  binutils build-essential libtool texinfo \
  gzip zip unzip patchutils curl git \
  make cmake ninja-build automake bison flex gperf \
  grep sed gawk python bc \
  zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev libmpc-dev \
  libglib2.0-dev libfdt-dev libpixman-1-dev 

Clone the riscv-llvm

$ git clone riscv-llvm

Then build the 32 bit riscv-llvm

$ pushd riscv-llvm
$ ln -s ../../clang llvm/tools || true
$ mkdir _build
$ cd _build
$ cmake --build . --target install
$ popd

Modifying The LLVM

Adding lw1 and sw1 in .../llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVISelDAGToDAG.cpp

   void RISCVDAGToDAGISel::doPeepholeLoadStoreADDI() {
       // Only attempt this optimisation for I-type loads and S-type stores.
       switch (N->getMachineOpcode()) {
       case RISCV::LB:
       case RISCV::LH:
       case RISCV::LW:
       case RISCV::LBU:
       case RISCV::LHU:
       case RISCV::LWU:
       case RISCV::SLW:
       case RISCV::LD:
       case RISCV::FLW:
       case RISCV::FLD:
         BaseOpIdx = 0;
         OffsetOpIdx = 1;
       case RISCV::SB:
       case RISCV::SH:
       case RISCV::SW:
       case RISCV::SSW:

Adding lw1 and sw1 in .../llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/

   def LB  : Load_ri<0b000, "lb">, Sched<[WriteLDB, ReadMemBase]>;
   def LH  : Load_ri<0b001, "lh">, Sched<[WriteLDH, ReadMemBase]>;
   def LW  : Load_ri<0b010, "lw">, Sched<[WriteLDW, ReadMemBase]>;
   def SLW  : Load_ri<0b111, "slw">, Sched<[WriteLDW, ReadMemBase]>;
   def LBU : Load_ri<0b100, "lbu">, Sched<[WriteLDB, ReadMemBase]>;
   def LHU : Load_ri<0b101, "lhu">, Sched<[WriteLDH, ReadMemBase]>;

   def SB : Store_rri<0b000, "sb">, Sched<[WriteSTB, ReadStoreData, ReadMemBase]>;
   def SH : Store_rri<0b001, "sh">, Sched<[WriteSTH, ReadStoreData, ReadMemBase]>;
   def SW : Store_rri<0b010, "sw">, Sched<[WriteSTW, ReadStoreData, ReadMemBase]>;
   def SSW : Store_rri<0b111, "ssw">, Sched<[WriteSTW, ReadStoreData, ReadMemBase]>;
   // Assembler Pseudo Instructions (User-Level ISA, Version 2.2, Chapter 20)
   def PseudoLB  : PseudoLoad<"lb">;
   def PseudoLBU : PseudoLoad<"lbu">;
   def PseudoLH  : PseudoLoad<"lh">;
   def PseudoLHU : PseudoLoad<"lhu">;
   def PseudoLW  : PseudoLoad<"lw">;
   def PseudoSLW  : PseudoLoad<"slw">;

   def PseudoSB  : PseudoStore<"sb">;
   def PseudoSH  : PseudoStore<"sh">;
   def PseudoSW  : PseudoStore<"sw">;
   def PseudoSSW  : PseudoStore<"ssw">;
   let EmitPriority = 0 in {
   def : InstAlias<"lb $rd, (${rs1})",
                   (LB  GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"lh $rd, (${rs1})",
                   (LH  GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"lw $rd, (${rs1})",
                   (LW  GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"slw $rd, (${rs1})",
                   (SLW  GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"lbu $rd, (${rs1})",
                   (LBU  GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"lhu $rd, (${rs1})",
                   (LHU  GPR:$rd, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;

   def : InstAlias<"sb $rs2, (${rs1})",
                   (SB  GPR:$rs2, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"sh $rs2, (${rs1})",
                   (SH  GPR:$rs2, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"sw $rs2, (${rs1})",
                   (SW  GPR:$rs2, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   def : InstAlias<"ssw $rs2, (${rs1})",
                   (SSW  GPR:$rs2, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
   defm : LdPat<sextloadi8, LB>;
   defm : LdPat<extloadi8, LB>;
   defm : LdPat<sextloadi16, LH>;
   defm : LdPat<extloadi16, LH>;
   defm : LdPat<load, LW>, Requires<[IsRV32]>;
   defm : LdPat<load, SLW>, Requires<[IsRV32]>;
   defm : LdPat<zextloadi8, LBU>;
   defm : LdPat<zextloadi16, LHU>;

   /// Stores

   multiclass StPat<PatFrag StoreOp, RVInst Inst, RegisterClass StTy> {
     def : Pat<(StoreOp StTy:$rs2, GPR:$rs1), (Inst StTy:$rs2, GPR:$rs1, 0)>;
     def : Pat<(StoreOp StTy:$rs2, AddrFI:$rs1), (Inst StTy:$rs2, AddrFI:$rs1, 0)>;
     def : Pat<(StoreOp StTy:$rs2, (add GPR:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)),
               (Inst StTy:$rs2, GPR:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)>;
     def : Pat<(StoreOp StTy:$rs2, (add AddrFI:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)),
               (Inst StTy:$rs2, AddrFI:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)>;
     def : Pat<(StoreOp StTy:$rs2, (IsOrAdd AddrFI:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)),
               (Inst StTy:$rs2, AddrFI:$rs1, simm12:$imm12)>;
   defm : StPat<truncstorei8, SB, GPR>;
   defm : StPat<truncstorei16, SH, GPR>;
   defm : StPat<store, SW, GPR>, Requires<[IsRV32]>;
   defm : StPat<store, SSW, GPR>, Requires<[IsRV32]>;
   defm : LdPat<sextloadi32, LW>;
   defm : LdPat<extloadi32, LW>;
   defm : LdPat<sextloadi32, SLW>;
   defm : LdPat<extloadi32, SLW>;
   defm : LdPat<zextloadi32, LWU>;
   defm : LdPat<load, LD>;
   /// Stores
   defm : StPat<truncstorei32, SW, GPR>;
   defm : StPat<truncstorei32, SSW, GPR>;

Modifying llvm to not save return address to original stack frame and to not use X31 register in .../llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVRegisterInfo.cpp

   BitVector RISCVRegisterInfo::getReservedRegs(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
     markSuperRegs(Reserved, RISCV::X0); // zero
     markSuperRegs(Reserved, RISCV::X2); // sp
     markSuperRegs(Reserved, RISCV::X3); // gp
     markSuperRegs(Reserved, RISCV::X4); // tp
     //markSuperRegs(Reserved, RISCV::X31); // added

Modifying function prologue and epilogue in .../llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCVFrameLowering.cpp

  void RISCVFrameLowering::emitPrologue(MachineFunction &MF,MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
  unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(
      MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaOffset(nullptr, -RealStackSize));
  BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
  void RISCVFrameLowering::emitEpilogue(MachineFunction &MF, MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
  // Restore the stack pointer using the value of the frame pointer. Only
  // necessary if the stack pointer was modified, meaning the stack size is
  // unknown.
  if (RI->needsStackRealignment(MF) || MFI.hasVarSizedObjects()) {
    assert(hasFP(MF) && "frame pointer should not have been eliminated");
    adjustReg(MBB, LastFrameDestroy, DL, SPReg, FPReg, -FPOffset,
  const RISCVInstrInfo *TII = STI.getInstrInfo();



Setup Benchmark Environment

Make sure these tools already set up.

  • riscv-llvm
  • riscv-gnu-toolchain
  • riscv-pk

Clone the RIMI benchmark Repository

$ git clone

Update the beebs repository for RIMI Benchmarking

$ source

Now open the, update the environment variables to match with our current RISCV toolchain configuration.

export RISCV=/opt/riscv
export PK=$RISCV/riscv32-unknown-elf/bin/pk
export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$PATH
export RISCV_XLEN=32

Now we can proceed to benchmarking process.

Run Benchmark

Run the benchmark using

$ source

This will generate the logs and instruction histogram for each test in results.

In order to collect and summarize all of the test result for visualization

$ python

Then we can calculate the code size using

$ source
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pcotret commented Feb 18, 2022

Got an error while compiling riscv-tools (Debian 11 OS):

$ ./             
Starting RISC-V Toolchain build process

Removing existing riscv-isa-sim/build directory
Configuring project riscv-isa-sim
Building project riscv-isa-sim
../fesvr/ In member function ‘uint32_t dtm_t::get_xlen()’:
../fesvr/ error: ‘runtime_error’ is not a member of ‘std’
  488 |     throw std::runtime_error("FESVR DTM Does not support 128-bit");
      |                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
../fesvr/ error: ‘runtime_error’ is not a member of ‘std’
  505 |   throw std::runtime_error("FESVR DTM can't determine XLEN. Aborting");
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
../fesvr/ warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
  506 | }
      | ^
gmake: *** [Makefile:313: dtm.o] Error 1

However, riscv-tools repository is no longer maintained.
Tried with a fork and updated submodules, the Spike compilation got right.

Other point: the repository with RIMI benchmarks ( isn't available. Is it still possible to share it?

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