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Last active June 1, 2024 16:22
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  • Save ibnishak/7827cf469b171f295e77aa6ad99f71e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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echo "update and upgrades"
apt update
apt upgrade
echo "Installing essentials"
apt install git curl fzf ripgrep fd bat exa zsh jq neovim termux-api
echo "changing shells"
chsh zsh
mkdir -p ~/bin ~/.config/chezmoi ~/.cache/zsh_z
echo "Installing chezmoi"
#echo "Finding latest chezmoi release"
#mkdir chezmoi && cd chezmoi
#du=$(curl | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' | rg linux_arm64.tar.gz)
#echo "Downloading chezmoi. This might take time."
#curl -s -L --create-dirs -o chezmoi.tar.gz $du
#echo "Extracting chezmoi"
#tar -xf ./chezmoi.tar.gz
#echo "Moving chezmoi to ~/bin"
#mv chezmoi ~/bin
#echo "Cleaning up"
#rm -rf ~/chezmoi
curl -sfL | sh
echo "Writing chezmoi toml"
cat << eof > ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
editor = "nvim"
shebang = "#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/env bash"
echo "exporting user for chezmoi"
export USER=richi
echo "Chezmoi init"
~/bin/chezmoi init
~/bin/chezmoi apply
echo "Installing antibody"
curl -sfL | sh -s - -b ~/bin
echo "Installing zsh plugins"
~/bin/antibody bundle < ~/.config/zsh/lib/plugins_list.txt > ~/.config/zsh/lib/plugins.zsh
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