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Last active March 27, 2023 22:23
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Unsorted features of ServiceNow

Workflow column renderer

/ It is based on ui_macro.

Ajax - request source


The value is a URL the request is coming from.

Dictionary utils

GlideTableDescriptor - mostly closed.



TableDrop SI?

GlideDBObjectManager (TableUtils wraps it).



GlideDBUtil.promoteColumn(sourceTable, targetTable, column, promoteCheck)
Moves (promotes) a column from one table to another in the table hierarchy, optionally verifying the relationship between source and target tables.
If the move is a promotion, this will move all columns from the child tables that have the same column name as the target column name.
Otherwise, it will only move the column from the source table to the target table.
    * @param sourceTable (string) - The table currently containing the column to be promoted.
    * @param targetTable (string) - The table that will have the column after promotion.
    * @param column (string) - The column to be promoted.
    * @param promoteCheck (boolean) -  This method should verify that the source table is a child of the target table.

Icons in ServiceNow


JOIN condition in GlideRecord query

This syntax is allowed to supply JOIN condtion for a query. Source is AssociateCIToTask script include.


Usage of GlideOverlay

onAfterClose onAfterLoad

/* URL composition
		var url = new GlideURL("");
		url.set("sysparm_crSysId", chgReqId);
		url.set("sysparm_view", "associate_ci");
		url.set("sysparm_add_to", addToTable);
		url.set("sysparm_stack", "no");
		url.set("sysparm_table", latestClassAdded);
		url.set("sysparm_parent_class", parentClass);
var cmdbciOverlay = new GlideOverlay({
	id : "cm_add_affected_cis",
	title : getMessage("Add Affected Configuration Items"),
	iframe : url,
	closeOnEscape : true,
	showClose : true,
	onAfterClose: refreshAffectedCIs,
	onAfterLoad: resizeIframe,	//Once PRB632264 is fixed by platform we can comment this line
	height : "90%",
	width : "90%"

Updating datetime field

There is no need to instantiate a separate GlideDateTime object using constructor. Use GlideElement reference and getGlideObject() method.


Notifications from Parent table don't run for child table.

Yes, it's true. Most probably, because notifications trigger based on events (event Insert/Update notification). Even processing doesn't consider table hierarchy.

Client side code sharing

This trick works. I define a utility class in one onload script and use it in others.

/* Client script on order 10. */
function onLoad() {
	/* Loading utility client functions for Change request */

function ChangeClientUtils() {
	this.isInPast = function(dt) {
		if(!dt) {
			// no field value
			return false;
		var x = getDateFromFormat(dt, g_user_date_time_format);
		var now =;
		return x < now;
	this.isGoLiveStartInPast = function() {
		return this.isInPast(g_form.getValue('start_date'));
	this.isGoLiveEndInPast = function() {
		return this.isInPast(g_form.getValue('end_date'));		
	this.isStartEndInSequence = function() {
		var s = getDateFromFormat(g_form.getValue('start_date'), g_user_date_time_format);
		var e = getDateFromFormat(g_form.getValue('end_date'), g_user_date_time_format);
		return s < e;
	this.isRetrospective = function() {
		return g_form.getBooleanValue('u_retrospective');
	this.isEmergency = function() {
		return g_form.getValue('type') == 'Emergency';

Get field choices (GlideChoiceListGenerator)

Noticed in OOTB:

var x = new GlideChoiceListGenerator('incident', 'state');
var c = x.get();
>> [New : 1, In Progress : 2, On Hold : 3, Resolved : 6, Closed : 7, Canceled : 8]

And here is the list of remarkable attributes:

  • activeOnly
  • setActiveOnly
  • inactiveOnly
  • setInactiveOnly
  • dependentValue
  • setDependentValue
  • recordList
  • getRecordList
  • none
  • setNone
  • cache
  • setCache
  • get
  • scripted
  • isScripted
  • all
  • setAll
  • extensions
  • setExtensions
  • choiceList
  • getChoiceList

When jobs are running long in Schedules (sys_trigger)

...and, for example, Update Set retrieval is queued forever

a. Go to /, refresh (UI Action link), locate the oldest job and kill it.

Force multi-line text area for fields < 256 chars

Dictionary attribute: is_multi_text=true|false

Credits to Cris L.

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