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Dariusz Więckiewicz idarek

View GitHub Profile
# Rewrite polish characters in URL to non-polish
# like /zabłąkany/ to /zablakany/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)ą(.*)$ /$1a$2 [L,R=302]
RewriteRule ^(.*)ć(.*)$ /$1c$2 [L,R=302]
RewriteRule ^(.*)ę(.*)$ /$1e$2 [L,R=302]
RewriteRule ^(.*)ł(.*)$ /$1l$2 [L,R=302]
RewriteRule ^(.*)ń(.*)$ /$1n$2 [L,R=302]
RewriteRule ^(.*)ó(.*)$ /$1o$2 [L,R=302]
idarek /
Last active August 5, 2024 10:35 — forked from STiXzoOR/
Teamviewer 15 ID Changer for macOS (Python 3)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# System: macOS 12+
# Version: TeamViewer v15.x.x
# Python: 3.x.x
# Command: sudo python3
import os
idarek /
Last active March 21, 2023 15:47
TeamViewer ID changer (works with TV 15.32.3+ and macOS 12.6)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import platform
import random
import re
import string
import sys
/* */
enScroll=!1,enFdl=!1,extCurrent=void 0,filename=void 0,targetText=void 0,splitOrigin=void 0;const lStor=localStorage,sStor=sessionStorage,doc=document,docEl=document.documentElement,docBody=document.body,docLoc=document.location,w=window,s=screen,nav=navigator||{},extensions=["pdf","xls","xlsx","doc","docx","txt","rtf","csv","exe","key","pps","ppt","pptx","7z","pkg","rar","gz","zip","avi","mov","mp4","mpe","mpeg","wmv","mid","midi","mp3","wav","wma"];function a(e,t,n,o){const j="G-XXXXXXXXXX",r=()=>Math.floor(Math.random()*1e9)+1,c=()=>Math.floor(,F=()=>(sStor._p||(sStor._p=r()),sStor._p),E=()=>r()+"."+c(),_=()=>(lStor.cid_v4||(lStor.cid_v4=E()),lStor.cid_v4),m=lStor.getItem("cid_v4"),v=()=>m?void 0:enScroll==!0?void 0:"1",p=()=>(sStor.sid||(sStor.sid=c()),sStor.sid),O=()=>{if(!sStor._ss)return sStor._ss="1",sStor._ss;if(sStor.getItem("_ss")=="1")return void 0},a="1",g=()=>{if(sStor.sct)if(enScroll==!0)return sStor.sct;else x=+sStor.getItem("sct")+ +a,sSto
Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “ “,”_” }
Private Sub FieldName_LostFocus()
If Not IsNull(FieldName) Then
With FieldName
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(FieldName)
End With
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
RunCommand acCmdSpelling

Forked from kapilhp/ with my modifications as commentes on the main Gist.

An account of how to create a USB disk that will boot a Linux 4.19 kernel (based off Chrome OS' most recent working kernel) on an Asus C100PA with a Debian ("buster") root file system. This may also work on other veyron-* devices.

Setup USB Disk

In this first step we will create a Chrome OS GPT partition table on USB drive that looks like this:

      start        size    part  contents