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Last active June 27, 2022 18:53
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Tiny markdown to html converter in TypeScript
* @packageDocumentation
* Provides the main method used to convert markdown to html.
import { isString } from '@remirror/core';
* Converts the provided markdown to HTML.
export function markdownToHtml(markdown: string): string {
return parse(markdown);
interface Rule {
regex: RegExp;
replacer: StringReplacerFunction | string;
function parse(text: string): string {
// clean input
text = text
.replace(/[\b\v\f\r]/g, '')
.replace(/\\./g, (match) => `&#${match.charCodeAt(1)};`);
let temp = block(text);
if (temp === text && !temp.match(/^\s*$/i)) {
temp = inlineBlock(temp)
// handle paragraphs
.replace(/((.|\n)+?)(\n\n+|$)/g, (match, text) => tag('p', text));
return temp.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, (_, code) =>
String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(code, 10)),
* Process the markdown with the rules provided.
function processMarkdown(
text: string,
rules: Rule[],
parse: ParseMatchFunction,
) {
for (const rule of rules) {
const { regex, replacer } = rule;
const content = regex.exec(text);
// No content found for the current rule therefore we can move to the next
// one.
if (!content) {
// Keep track of where the original content ended in relation to the text
// provided.
const endOfContentIndex = content.index + content[0].length;
const textBeforeHtmlReplacement = parse(text.slice(0, content.index));
const textAfterHtmlReplacement = parse(text.slice(endOfContentIndex));
// The replacement text that has been transformed to HTML.
let htmlReplacement: string;
if (isString(replacer)) {
// String `Replacer`s only support replacing the first digit - like `$1`.
htmlReplacement = replacer.replace(
(_, firstDigit) => content[firstDigit],
} else {
// With function `Replacer`s the whole match and all content is provided
const [fullMatch,] = content;
htmlReplacement = replacer(fullMatch,;
return `${textBeforeHtmlReplacement}${htmlReplacement}${textAfterHtmlReplacement}`;
// No matches found in loop so we can return the text unchanged.
return text;
function inline(text: string): string {
return processMarkdown(
// - Bold => `**bold**`
// - Italic => `*italic*` | `_italic_`
// - Bold and Italic => `**_mixed_**` TODO this doesn't check for
// correctly matching tags.
regex: /([*_]{1,3})((.|\n)+?)\1/g,
replacer: (_, tokens, content) => {
tokens = tokens.length;
content = inline(content);
if (tokens > 1) {
content = tag('strong', content);
if (tokens % 2) {
content = tag('em', content);
return content;
// - Underline => `~underline~`
// - Strikethrough => `~~strike-through~~`
// - Delete => `~~~delete~~`
regex: /(~{1,3})((.|\n)+?)\1/g,
replacer: (_, tokens, content) =>
tag(['u', 's', 'del'][tokens.length - 1], inline(content)),
// - Replace remaining lines with a break tag => `<br />`
{ regex: / {2}\n|\n {2}/g, replacer: '<br />' },
function inlineBlock(text = '', shouldInline = true) {
// A collection of all the tags created so far.
const gatheredTags: string[] = [];
function injectInlineBlock(text: string): string {
return text.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, (match, code) =>
injectInlineBlock(gatheredTags[Number.parseInt(code, 10) - 1]),
text = text
// inline code block
(_, text) => `\\${gatheredTags.push(tag('code', encodeHtml(text)))}`,
// inline media (a / img / iframe)
/[!&]?\[([!&]?\[.*?\)|[^\]]*?)]\((.*?)( .*?)?\)|(\w+:\/\/[\w!$'()*+,./-]+)/g,
(match, text, href, title, link) => {
if (link) {
return shouldInline
? `\\${gatheredTags.push(tag('a', link, { href: link }))}`
: match;
if (match[0] === '&') {
text = text.match(/^(.+),(.+),([^ \]]+)( ?.+?)?$/);
return `\\${gatheredTags.push(
tag('iframe', '', {
width: text[1],
height: text[2],
frameborder: text[3],
class: text[4],
src: href,
return `\\${gatheredTags.push(
match[0] === '!'
? tag('img', '', { src: href, alt: text, title })
: tag('a', inlineBlock(text, false), { href, title }),
text = injectInlineBlock(shouldInline ? inline(text) : text);
return text;
function block(text: string) {
return processMarkdown(
// comments
{ regex: /<!--((.|\n)*?)-->/g, replacer: '<!--$1-->' },
// pre format block
regex: /^("""|```)(.*)\n((.*\n)*?)\1/gm,
replacer: (_, wrapper, classNames, text) =>
wrapper === '"""'
? tag('div', parse(text), { class: classNames })
: tag('pre', tag('code', encodeHtml(text), { class: classNames })),
// blockquotes
regex: /(^>.*\n?)+/gm,
replacer: chain('blockquote', /^> ?(.*)$/gm, '$1', inline),
// tables
regex: /((^|\n)\|.+)+/g,
replacer: chain('table', /^.*(\n\|---.*?)?$/gm, (match, subline) =>
chain('tr', /\|(-?)([^|]+)\1(\|$)?/gm, (match, type, text) =>
tag(type || subline ? 'th' : 'td', inlineBlock(text)),
)(match.slice(0, match.length - (subline || '').length)),
// lists
{ regex: /(?:(^|\n)([+-]|\d+\.) +(.*(\n[\t ]+.*)*))+/g, replacer: list },
{ regex: /#\[([^\]]+?)]/g, replacer: '<a name="$1"></a>' },
// headlines
regex: /^(#+) +(.*)$/gm,
replacer: (_, headerSyntax, headerText) =>
tag(`h${headerSyntax.length}`, inlineBlock(headerText)),
// horizontal rule
{ regex: /^(===+|---+)(?=\s*$)/gm, replacer: '<hr>' },
type ParseMatchFunction = (match: string) => string;
type StringReplacerFunction = (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string;
* Chain string replacement methods and output a function that returns the tag
* representation of the match.
function chain(
tagName: string,
regex: RegExp,
replacer: string | StringReplacerFunction,
parser?: ParseMatchFunction,
): ParseMatchFunction {
return (match: string) => {
match = match.replace(regex, replacer as string);
return tag(tagName, parser ? parser(match) : match);
* Handle lists in markdown.
function list(text: string) {
const wrapperTag = text.match(/^[+-]/m) ? 'ul' : 'ol';
return text
? `<${wrapperTag}>${text.replace(
/(?:[+-]|\d+\.) +(.*)\n?(([\t ].*\n?)*)/g,
(_, listItemText, childList) =>
`${listItemText}\n${removeIndentation(childList || '').replace(
/(?:(^|\n)([+-]|\d+\.) +(.*(\n[\t ]+.*)*))+/g,
: '';
* Encode html tags within the markdown output.
function encodeHtml(text: string) {
return text
? text.replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
: '';
function removeIndentation(text: string) {
return text.replace(
new RegExp(`^${(text.match(/^\S?\s+/) || '')[0]}`, 'gm'),
* Create a tag with the content provided.
function tag(
tag: string,
text: string,
attributes?: Record<string, string>,
): string {
return `<${
tag +
? ` ${Object.keys(attributes)
.map((k) =>
attributes[k] ? `${k}="${encodeHtml(attributes[k]) || ''}"` : '',
.join(' ')}`
: '')
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